Since January 2003, Nanna has been drawing the devotees into the stream of Rasa with greater intensity. Not only his devotees, but even those who visited him once could not resist his force of attraction and love and began to visit him involuntarily and regularly. His eyes showered tender love and sweet benevolence whenever he saw anyone. He made no distinction between him and others, and male and female. He saw them all only as human beings. The sole aim of Radha Sakhi is to accomplish the task assigned by Mother uplifting the lives of human beings and striving for the betterment of all those who come into contact with him. He never bothered about the faults of anyone nor did he point out their deficiencies! His logic was there is no one in this world who has not committed mistakes. Nanna could totally understand the mentality and inner feelings of a person as soon as he saw him. He would probably be amused when someone tried to project a different picture apparently with the intention of making him believe. Yet he showered the same love and mercy! That is Nanna!
23.01.03, 5a.m. Guntur ashram
As soon as he woke up, Nanna was in a divine state of experiencing the bliss of Rasa.
Then he began to speak thus:
I am silent. I am experiencing that Rasa. Intermittently I feel like weeping. We have Mother in this state. I have also experienced the aspect of the bhav experienced by Mother. At one stage of dhyana yoga, you tend to experience your own Rasa. I have had a similar experience. I felt aversion for this world and went into dhyana. I enjoyed my own dhyana. It is said that God enjoys His own Rasa. This implies that God and Rasa are different! Yet again, they are the same! It is very difficult to distinctly differentiate and define!
A sakhi should also experience every aspect of Rasa. A sakhi is one who shares Mothers Rasa; else she cannot be a sakhi. Now I realize who is a sakhi! Sakhi is a partner in Rasa. One does not become a sakhi by merely moving along with Mother. A sakhi should adopt the doctrine of Tatsukhena sukhitwam considering the happiness of Mother as well as Mothers sakhis as her own happiness.
That is a very peculiar world. The philosophy of Rasa is no ordinary one! I too have experienced it a little. Understanding the philosophy of Rasa (Rasa tatwa) is a part of incessant meditation. Rasa can be experienced in incessant meditation. The depth of this meditation is so much that there is no name or form. Incessant meditation goes that deep. At one time when I was enjoying the divine bliss of this incessant meditation, I felt that I have no need for this world or people till I attain Mothers darshan
Incessant meditation does not mean recital of Radhe Radhe without any gap nor does it mean being in that bhav continuously. Bliss of incessant meditation actually means enjoying the experience of Rasa continuously without any gap. A feeling of utter renunciation emerges from this pleasure and an aversion for this world is developed.
Radha is the flow of vibrant Rasa. This is my experience. I cannot live without that flow. Mother would have granted this experience to Krishna. That is why he cannot stay away from Her even for a moment. There is no name of Radha or Krishna, only Rasa tattva ! Therefore scriptures mention Rasovaisaha and tatwatah.. Radha distributes this Rasa in the world. She distributes the wealth of Rasa above, which has no name or form. No sakhi can survive without Mother even a moment. The very thought does not allow us to live!
I am reiterating that this world is worthless. Only sinners come to this world, not the pure ones. It is mentioned in the Bhagavatam that there are sinners in this world. Being in a state bereft of Rasa is the state of sin. One who lacks rasa is a sinner. The statement mentioned in the Bhagavatam should be understood in this way. No one who discusses Bhagavatam actually explains who is a sinner or what a sin is. It is important to understand who is a sinner in Mothers view!
Rasa is always linked with weeping. Rasa is always experienced along with weeping (in ecstasy). Only when you weep like that, you actually experience Rasa. So strange! The eyes of Chaitanya were never dry. I understood that their life was always filled with grief of separation. That cannot be compared with the petty sorrow on this earth. That grief is the embodiment of Rasa. With just one glance of a Mahatma in such a state, you will give up everything. You will involuntarily develop a sense of renunciation. No spiritual advice is required, only one glance is sufficient! That glance is inexplicable! Radha does not speak, only glances. Krishna once told the sakhis It is enough for me to be near Radha. I need not speak. Please take me to Her. That is a unique and wonderful flow!
A literary work is one that is filled with Rasa only, not intellect. Kalidasa might have attained sakhi bhav. Otherwise it is not possible to create Sakuntala with such rasa.
It is not possible for anyone in any world to totally experience bhav except Radha! That is why She is considered to be the embodiment of Mahabhav.
Mahabhav means, being in a state incessantly. It does not imply intensity, only continuity. Within Radha an ocean of bhav is flowing continuously. Even Mothers confidential sakhi will not have such continuous experience of bhav. If they have, it is not possible for them to remain here; they would become insane and retreat to the jungle!
A basket of sand costs a small amount whereas a gram of gold costs a lot! The value is like that. No one can experience this. Sometimes I have this experience. To live in that state is dhyana. Dhyana is nothing but experience of rasa. Occasionally the power of Rasa is manifested in me too! Otherwise how is it possible for the miraculous incident of shower of butter to occur in Perambur?
In Mothers presence, the sakhis experience a state of rasa coupled with grief. They are always weeping. Whoever does not possess bhav is not entitled to go there. This is bhav! Sakhis are constantly in a state of bhav. They cannot live without Mother. Before I became a sakhi, I too used to weep without any particular reason. Sakhis nature is to constantly experience the bliss of rasa along with tears.
Saying this, Nanna gradually went into silent meditation.
Nanna has established divine light in the jeevas of physical and astral planes. The seed will surely sprout in their hearts. Limitations like death or birth cannot affect this light
On January 15 1999, Mahalakshmi Amma gave the message that Nanna would take all our karmas and direct us towards Mother. It is imperative that karmas will be dissolved in the path of rasa which Nanna has shown us. In order to guide us in the meditation on Radha, Nanna has granted us a great literary work Raseswari Sri Radha.
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Sakhiyan hruday kamal par baiti
Palakan singhasan par baiti
Najar mein baiti vachan mein baiti
Shyama, Shyam ke saath hi baiti
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In the heart of the sakhi
On the eyelids of the sakhi
In the looks and words of the sakhi
Shyama sits along with Shyam
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-Sri Radharasa Madhuri
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