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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 6

Our Association With Nanna - Part 6
*Nanna's words
*Mothers words of benediction
*Foreword by Author
1Divine Beauty
2Weep in your Heart
3Conscious Form (Bhava Swaroopa)
4Follow the path of Saints (Mahatmas)
5Message of the Master of Rasa (Rasikacharya)
10 Sri Radhasakhi Rasavani (Message of Divine Delight)
Nanna's Words

Brindvaneswari Sri Radha

Do you want to worship God? Do you want to see God? Do you want to know about God's power? If so, you need inwardness. Without inwardness, you don't even have the right to speak about God. Those who really want God must do penance.

If we see God's beauty, we cannot live! That bliss is so unbearable. Your name and form will change in every birth. That means this name and form are not the real you. There is only one thing that does not change- consciousness of love and happiness. That is your true form! That is known as the rasa of Divine love.

What is present day Guru doing? He is putting his own ego, his own personality before you. A guru must never put himself before his disciple. He must attempt to reform the human beings who are engulfed in Maya and draw their attention towards God. When you become detached with the world, you will become attached to Mother. That is the rule. Only he who follows this rule is a guru.

We are weeping with our mind. When we weep with our heart, Mother will surely come! She will not uplift and take anybody to higher plane unless they attain the state where they are beyond gender. I think She took me near Her because I am above gender.

I have no desire for any worldly object. I don't expect anything from anybody on earth. I have only one desire - to see Mother. I want Mother only. We all must worship the nameless and formless Mother. Nameless implies all pervading. What is that which has no name and form? Bhava! In that world, bhava only is the form; bhava is the name and bhava is the music. When you have three aspects - Solitude; incessant thoughts and contemplation on Mother; journey towards inwardness; Maya will disappear.

Love without desires is great. I experienced this love. God created this human body suitable for yogic power. This is not an ordinary body. If you utilize it properly, you can conquer the world with the power that can be generated from this body. Do not entertain any thoughts in your mind. Why do you have thoughts? You must analyze who will get such thoughts. When you move in the world and see the objects with your eyes, they form an impression on your mind. That's why your mind wanders in all directions.

Love without desires is great. I experienced this love. God created this human body suitable for yogic power. This is not an ordinary body. If you utilize it properly, you can conquer the world with the power that can be generated from this body. Do not entertain any thoughts in your mind. Why do you have thoughts? You must analyze who will get such thoughts. When you move in the world and see the objects with your eyes, they form an impression on your mind. That's why your mind wanders in all directions.

The way in which you view the objects is important. Your result depends on your sight. You must understand the difference between how you must view the world and how you must view God. Accordingly, you must proceed in dhyana. Remember that this is Mother's dhyana. You must have forbearance and forgiveness to reach God. He will not reside in the mind that does not have forgiveness.

Mother said that 'Our link is eternal'. We have Her grace. We shall attain everything.

Radhe Radhe Radhe


Sri Radhika Prasad Ji Maharaj




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