Ever since he has born in the year 1901, the course of life of Nanna(Sri Radhika Prasad Maharaj) is replete with innumerable Divine Leelas and experiences. Nanna journeyed from one Divine Plane to another anxiously searching for the Supreme Divine. Ultimately he reached the Divya Dham of Supreme Divine as foretold by Goddess Sri Gyana Prasoonamba - the Presiding Diety at Sri Kalahasthi. Radhaji gradually revealed the innate sakhi swaroop of Nanna. A majestic unbelievable stream of Divine Leela flown silently during last 50 years.i.e from August, 1953 to August, 2003. These are the Leelas authored by Sarvesvari Sri Radhaji.
Nanna himself told us on 16.3.2003 ...
You have not come here by chance
I haven't sit here by chance
All this is pre-arranged by Mother
No one could fully comprehend Nanna's life. He only will bless us the power to understand His Extra-ordinary life.
Nanna has established Ashram at Vrindavan (U.P)in 1986. He made thousands of people to visit Brindavan especially from southern part of Bharathavarsha. All of them stayed along with him in the Ashram at one time or the other.