Nanna, the Rasika Mahatma live his life like Yoga sadhana and constantly enjoyed the experience of rasa. He explained about dhyana even to the most ignorant people and gradually took them to the edge of dhyana. We gained the confidence that with the strength granted by him, we too can do dhyana and experience that bliss. Nanna stressed that the bliss of dhyana which cannot be attained by external sadhanas, yagyas and tapasya can be attained only by inward dhyana sadhana. He often quoted the mantra in Lalitha sahasranamas - Antharmukha samaradhyayai namaha bahirmukha sudurlabhaha' . Whenever he gave a lecture, he always experienced Sri Radha rasa within him and simultaneously expressed the summary of that experience externally through his talk.
One rasa manifested the bhava within it as two; again became one; yet again became two----- thus it exhibited the true forms of both! Nanna composed this secret in one of his songs:
Hariye neevai neeve Harivai, Iruvuru okarai okare iruvurai
That One distributed rasa in the world created by Her. Though Nanna showed us Her form externally, he constantly remained in dhyana and worshipped Mother within him as the manifestation of bhava and rasa. That bhava roopa performed many leelas and also gave Nanna a role to play as Radhasakhi! Sri Radha grants a role for each of those who worship Her in Nikunj. Those who attain that role are Rasika Mahatmas. It is beyond the reach of ordinary sadhakas.
Nanna told once that lion's milk is nectarine in a golden bowl but becomes venomous in a metal bowl. So, the cleanliness of the container is also important! The vessel should be capable of imbibing rasa. It is very difficult to understand rasa tattwa. Sri Jeeva Goswami said that it is impossible to experience rasa; that blissful state which Krishna constantly enjoys; without staying in Brindavan, without seeking shelter at the holy feet of Brindavaneswari Sri Radha and without being associated with the Rasika Mahatmas who incessantly worship rasa. Nanna often remarked that only those who have these three aspects can experience a drop of the vast ocean, the secret of Sri Radha tattwa. Otherwise it is impossible to experience rasa. Shedding tears as soon Radha's name is uttered; vibrations of bliss in your body when you hear Her name; not seeing anything else except Radha; Radha nama being your prime life force are some of the qualities that form eligibility criteria to attain Sri Radha darshan.
Dwaitha, adwaitha and Vishishtadwaitha - all are true! They help you to some extent to understand God's tattwa. But nothing can give you the tawwa totally. Rasika Mahatmas are experiencing Radha rasa in a state of adwaitha. They are distributing rasa in the state of dwaitha. Hence it is actually a state blending Dwaitha and adwaitha. You must experience adwaitha before you speak. Nanna did not tolerate when anybody showed a difference in his words and actions. God is One! This is the truth. God is One since the beginning; God is also Two since the beginning. Man also exists since the beginning. In this sadhana, when the human being approaches God through bhava, he feels that he is a form of God; he is a part of God. In that state, he considers himself as the manifestation of God. But that bhava will not last for long. Due to his independent will, he comes back to the human state from that divine state. Nanna emphasized that this is bhava adwaitha only; not kriya adwaitha.
Nanna stressed time and again that
you can feel Rasa only by dhyana. You can reach the peak of Mother's Rasa bhava only by dhyana. You can reach Her Nikunj only by dhyana.
Nanna was very fond of Sri G.S.Murthy garu. Though he spoke to him in a lighter vein, their conversation shows depth of dwaitha and adwaitha. Nanna proved that the life of Mahatmas should be followed rather than scriptures, dwaitha, adwaitha religions.
Nanna is the Mahatma of Mahatmas. He is the Rasika Siromani. Emulating his life filled with rasa is the spiritual path that we should follow to reach Sri Radha's holy feet.
I wish that more volumes of 'Nanna Tho' (Our Association with Nanna) will follow and bless Rasamani to attain the constant companionship of Sri Radhasakhi.
Sri Radhasakhi charanarenuvu
(A speck of dust at the holy feet of Radhasakhi)
24- 07- 07