Brindavan ashram, 3.7.2001
Our dear sakhi, our life, our Nanna was in his chair and all of us surrounded him. Rasikavani told us about Radhasakhi who is constantly served by innumerable divine powers. Sri Radha Mahalakshmi Amma told us the same and none other than Raseswari confirmed this fact. The confidential, intimate sakhi of Sri Radha became approachable to us as our Nanna. What a fortune!
Nanna was speaking about the impressions formed on the mind:
'Nanna, you told that everyone has impressions on their mind.'
'Can they (people) remove the anxieties related to their family on their own, without Mother's grace.'
Yes. They will attain that state one day. If they meditate round the clock and maintain a passive approach, the impressions will be erased. There are two conditions:"
1. You must worship the all pervading
2. Be passive towards the world and develop yearning for oneness with Mother.
Within two years, everything will be transformed.
'But we need Mother's grace to do this, to have that mental stamina.'
You already have Her grace. There is no doubt about that.. Only because She is so benevolent, we are able to enter Her realm. Otherwise why did She come down as a little girl?
'Nanna. It is more difficult to contemplate only on mother when we are faced with some problems.'
I introduced an emergency relief fund. It is in operation now. Emergency may be of three types. When a calamity occurs unexpectedly, who will come to your rescue? Who will provide funds? Then we will draw money from this fund.
When Nanna said this, I did not understand what he meant. Now I realize the implication of his words. It is not a monetary fund. He will provide help to the needy devotees from the emergency relief fund called Mother's love. This was proved the same day. I saw the love showered by him on a lady who approached him with her problems.
'Nanna, I am saying that under normal circumstances people try to erase their impressions through sadhana which comes only by Her grace. Gradually this practice will be strengthened. But when the person is faced with a serious problem, how is sadhana possible?'
It will be delayed.
The next day Nanna was talking to a devotee (Meenakshi garu).
The lifespan granted to me by Lord Brahma is over. My Mother may continue this life granted by Her for thousands of years. It is Her will. She is the Supreme power. I am completely under Her control. She granted me some powers. I am speaking to you in that state now. I am not speaking with my own life, but with the life granted by Her. I have no worldly attachments, only spiritual bonds.
There is no entry for men into Her kingdom. He must become a sakhi. A near Mother is very great. She is extraordinary. She is the Ruler of innumerable universes. I am about to attain such a significant state. It is very difficult to come anywhere near this state. A person in this state is addressing you as 'My dear child'. This little girl, the divine girl is yours. You met a great Goddess. The relationship between you and the Goddess is not for a day or two. It will continue even after your death. She will accompany you to the dham above this world. You are gifted with this fortune. A great fortune, indeed.
Such significant words! They are secrets of the world of rasa. Saying 'a sakhi near Mother is extra ordinary', he added that 'She is the ruler of innumerable universes.' About whom is Nanna speaking - Radha or Radhasakhi? He is discussing about sakhi. Then ..what is the meaning behind his words. Sri Radhasakhi who came down as Nanna appears as an ordinary person is actually the ruler of innumerable universes. Infact it is not surprising because he is Her confidential sakhi, Her partner in rasa and Her shadow. The Head of Saptarshi Mandal ashram in Guntur endorsed this fact saying that 'If he wishes, Nanna garu can rule all the fourteen worlds.'
Nanna said that he has no attachments, only spiritual bonds. Since the life span of 53 years granted by Brahma was completed, he did not have nay attachments and responsibilities towards his family. He had spiritual relationship only. Throughout his life he maintained this spiritual relationship which Mother established between him and mankind. Even after he reached Her dham, he continued this spiritual relationship.
Saying that it is very difficult to come near Radhasakhi, the ruler of innumerable universes, he said 'you met a great Goddess and your relation with her is eternal' Fortunate indeed!
One day while I was sitting here like this, a lithe girl descended from the sky. She had glittering golden complexion. She stood exactly here and said 'Mother sent me here for you only.' I said 'I am ready. I shall come with you this very moment. I have nothing here. I have no relationship with anyone here. I don't want this world. My child, I will come with you.' A few people near me said 'If he leaves us now, it will be very difficult for us. Please give us some time. We cannot live without him; we will die. We reached here after enduring a lot of hardships. If you take him now what about us...? and wept. Some of them are present here now. Hearing them, she left. She is a sakhi. Later she granted me life span. This is my life!
In her astral vision, Anjani amma saw a sakhi descending from the upper world to take Radhasakhi with her. She pleaded with the sakhi and made Nanna to be with us for some more time. The life span granted by Brahma is 53 years. That day Radhamahalakshmi Amma prayed to the Supreme Goddess and prolonged his life. Anjani Amma also prayed to sakhi and succeeded in prolonging his stay on earth for some more time. We all became blessed.
Nanna told under what circumstances a devotee (Santakka) came to the ashram.
She was ready to give up her life. She even had poison with her. I gave her money and told her to buy a train ticket and come to me whenever she wanted. I told her that we would go to the station and receive her at any time of the day. I will not consider her like a weed of grass like they do. Her family is not giving her any value but I do. Every human being is valuable to me. That is the attitude given to me by Mother. I promised her that she can live with me throughout her life and she would not be lacking for anything. She arrived one night at Guntur station. She wept as soon as she saw us in the station. Each one's life is so different.
I must establish a link between Mother and you. If I don't establish the link, where will you go in that jungle? If I establish the link with mother and send you, it will be re established if required. It is like a balloon in the sky whose thread is in Mother's hand. It moves in the direction of the wind. If Mother feels She wants the balloon, She will pull the string and take it.
'Nanna, so I am a balloon.'
You, me, the world, Brahma - all are balloons.
'Nanna , please don't allow the string to break. Let the continuity of link remain.'
That string is in Mother's hands not ours. It is not our world.
Today has arrived. My role is coming to an end. One by one! Mother said that She selected me for this role. This is my life. My link is only with Mother. That little girl's job is only to uplift the human beings. I am always engaged in that job. I don't have any other world. I don't want anything else. If I need something, Mother will grant me that. I don't need anybody. I must fulfill the responsibility of my role. You will understand this in future.
As Nanna is the attribute of Sri Radha's love, every human being is valuable and deserves to be uplifted. That's why he is always engaged in the holy duty of establishing the link between Mother and man. He is not bothered whether the person knows about this link with Mother. He does not even feel that they must realize and acknowledge what he did for them. He is not concerned with the accolades and recognition given by the world.
He said 'if I don't establish the link, where will you wander in that jungle?' How can we understand the selfless love of our Radhasakhi? We are wandering aimlessly in this terrifying jungle of birth and death cycle. He emphasized his aim by saying 'I am always engaged in that activity.'
What did he mean by saying that the link could be re-established if required? By chance if we forget link and wander elsewhere and then suddenly become conscious that we are leading a meaningless life without Her, that link will be re-established that very moment. Can we imagine the depth of that kindness and love? Can anyone other than Radharani Herself possess such love?
Nanna has no special love for anybody. All human beings are same for him. He proved this by saying 'I want nothing. I want nobody.' Saying 'it is the little girl's duty', Nanna referred to the sakhi within him who is in the form of a little girl.
In one song, Nanna wrote:
'Artha jeevula nella adarambuna nentho; Uddharinchuta neeku pavanambagu vrathamu' - (It is your pious vow to uplift all human beings)
Nanna also lived with the pious vow to uplift human beings. He said 'I must fulfill the responsibility of my role. You will understand this in future'. Did he mean role entrusted by Mother or role of Mother? As the constant sakhi of Radha, he is in a state of oneness and separation with the Swamini. In that indescribable divine state, sometimes as sakhi and sometimes as Mother Herself; Nanna would continue the welfare activities. Is this what he meant we would understand in future?
The next morning, Nanna was awake at 5 a.m. fresh as a rose. A light fragrance of rose was emanating from him.
Speaking about Radha bhava, he said:
That bhava cannot be attained easily. Rose, colour of rose, fragrance of rose - it will manifest in this way. Then you must understand that Mother has come.
Ah, we were enjoying the fragrance of rose. That means Mother manifested in Nanna!
Who is God? How does he look? Where is he? Without knowing these answers how can you contemplate on God? If you want to see Nanna, you must know where he lives, where his ashram is; only then you can come to me. In the same way, if you want to know about God, nobody will tell you You must know how he looks like and how to approach him . Unless you know him , how can you hold him? I will now tell you about that. It is dhyana yoga.
This world is related to form and name. We have no name by birth. It has been given to this form. Once we leave this body and enter another body, we will have a different form and name. God has no name and form. Where is he? He is all pervading. He is beyond name and form. He is filled everywhere. As we are speaking now, the all pervading Mother is listening to us. She is near us, watching us and listening to us. She is with us only. Once She mentioned about the style of the book. She said that the style of the book is good and should not be changed. When our maid stopped working here, She saw it and took care of the problem. She is looking after every minute matter in our life. She is coming only to our place and no where else. I am only with Mother every moment. So She is seeing everything and protecting us. How should we think of such a Mother? How should we do dhyana on Her? She is nameless and formless. Then how to address Her? Which name will She acknowledge?
Mother is watching us and taking care of every aspect. She is moving among us. Otherwise how does She know that our maid did not come? We cannot bring the maid back on our own; only She can. She spoke to the maid in her sleep and she reported for work the very next morning. There is nothing big or small. What is big for us is very small for Her. See how She is constructing this ashram? The initial estimate was Rs 12 lakhs. I did not have that money. From where can I get so much money? She said that I need not contribute anything. She identified the person (Sesha Reddy). He approached me and construction began. For every lakh that he spends, my contribution is one rupee! I will never ask anyone for anything. My duty is to serve Mother. She will take care of everything.
Dhyana yoga is very important. It will grant Mother to us. It is She who taught me dhyana yoga. I will now tell you what She taught me. All of you must learn this. She even said in the Gita 'Manushyanam..tattwataha.' In this way, Mother has always been telling us about this. 'Janmantara...samadhibhihi'
In the Bhagawad Gita, She said Manushyanam... Krishna said 'Among all the human beings, only one in thousand tries to attain siddhi; one or two among those who attained siddhi understand me as tattwataha.' When Nanna said that Mother mentioned about this aspect, somewhere in the Gita, he is clarifying that Mother is the tattwa of Krishna. The essence of Krishna is none other than Radharani.
Nanna explained the dhyana yoga mentioned by Mother and which is also the essence of Gita.
This is the talk given by Mother. 'Vasudeva sarvamithi sa mahatma sudurlabhaha'. God is not in a temple or any particular place. He is all pervading. He is present everywhere. Therefore you must believe that he is present everywhere. The size or shape of ears and nose is not important. He can become as large and as small in appearance as he wishes. The person who studied MA will obviously be conversant with Grade I. Similarly the all pervading God can become gigantic or very minute! It is his will. I am contemplating on such a God. This is what Mother said. I am following Her instructions. As I am doing so, She is with me. She is protecting me from every problem, small or big. The construction of this ashram involving Rs 12 lakhs is not a small task. How can She give me so much money? She identified the person who can! That is Her power. We must do dhyana on such a powerful Mother.
Man is fond of so many things in this world. He loves children, car..If you like something very much; it will form an impression on your mind. Listen carefully. This is the crux of dhyana yoga. Several such impressions are formed on your mind. If a mirror is full of impressions, can we see the image? Similarly, our mind is filled with impressions over the previous lives. They form an obstruction and we are unable to see God though he is near us. We cannot recognize him even if he sits in our lap. That is the main problem. Krishna was so close to Yashoda but she never realized that Krishna was God. It is very difficult to do so. Our eyes cannot see him. Then how to pray to Mother? She cannot be attained by prayers. She is not attained even through rituals and penance. How must we address such a Mother? She does not need words. So you must achieve bhava of the mind. Words and bhava are different. All impressions on the mind must disappear. As long as they are present, we cannot see Mother.
Now I will tell you how to lose these impressions. As long as these are present, your penance or seeking support from any God will not help. Mother can't be seen! The impressions have been formed over several births. They are obstructing you from seeing Mother just as the cataract in the eye obstructs us from seeing things. The impressions will not disappear by simply wiping them off.
Do not intensely love anything in this world. Restrict your relations to 'how are you?' and 'I am fine'. Don't go deeper than this. If you go deeper, it will form an impression. That is the danger. If you remain passive, we have no opponents, no enemies. Rama and Krishna always remained passive. Don't delve deep into anything. Love your wife but don't reach a stage where you feel that you cannot live without her. Even if you have no love for her, it does not matter. But don't have excess love and feel you will die without her. That is the passive approach to the world. Krishna narrated the entire Bhagawad Gita to Arjuna. After listening completely, he asked Krishna whether he must fight the battle or not. Krishna replied Yathecchasi tatha kuru. Do whatever you feel like. That is passive bhava. Krishna was only a mediator; he did not take any sides.
You must be passive towards the world and yearn for oneness with Mother. Where mother is concerned, we must delve deeper and not adopt a passive attitude. The closer we go near Her and embrace Her, the better. The farther we move away from every object on earth, the better. Don't move away from Mother. You must go very close to Her. That is very important. I will tell you what you must do regularly. Gradually these impressions will disappear.
Mother is not visible to our eyes but She is present everywhere. She is here right now, listening to our lecture. She knows when our maid left the job and went to her house. She is near us, listening to us and watching us. Mother is always with me. She is all pervading. Otherwise how did She know about our maid and how did She bring her back? Mother knows who I am. I do not know who She is! She knows who and where I am. She knows who you are. She is present in America, India, everywhere. So you must always be in the bhava that 'Mother, there is no such place where you are not present. You are present everywhere. You are near me also. Please do not leave me. Wherever I go, You are always accompanying me. When I speak to someone, You are with me. When I eat, You are watching me.' Your life must always be associated with Mother. When you go to America, don't go alone. Take mother with you. Don't wonder how She can come? She can and will come with you. She knows everything. If you think 'Mother, You are with me' that is enough. She will come along with you. 'Mother, please be with me. I am going to America. You must come with me.' All the fourteen worlds belong to Her. That's why She will come. You must always be with Her."
An amazing real life incident happened in Jaipur. The king of had a sister who was very fond of Chinnari. She loved Radhaji and could not stay away from Her even for a moment. She would decorate Mother's idol everyday. When she was married, she wanted to take Mother's idol with her. Her brother refused saying 'Don't take Mother from here. She is the power protecting our kingdom. I cannot leave Her even for a moment. She must be with us. I cannot give Her to you.' She wept the whole night. Then Mother came in her sleep and said 'your brother will show you some idols tomorrow. When you touch me, I will pull your finger.'
The next day, the king mixed all the dolls and placed them before his sister. He tied her eyes with a scarf. She was touching the dolls one by one. When she touched the idol of Mother, she felt her finger being pulled. She identified Mother and picked up that doll. See, Mother is present everywhere. Till today, that idol is present in that village. A temple was constructed. Never forget that She is present everywhere. When you face a problem, inform Mother about it. Don't share it with anyone else. In the same way, share your pleasure with Mother. If someone gives you sweets, offer to Mother before you eat. Never eat before offering to Mother. Mother's happiness is your happiness. Do everything accordingly. This is the first lesson.
Close your eyes and intensely contemplate that 'Mother is with me'. This is not an ordinary statement. This is the truth. Mother is with us only. Otherwise how did the maid come back? Contemplate on Mother with the firm belief that She is with us only. Do this for 15 minutes now. I shall observe you.
See Nanna's love towards us. He is stressing that he is not making an ordinary statement. It is a fact that Mother is with us only. Actually he need not repeat so many times. But due to his infinite love for us, he is not only saying so but also checking us by asking us to practice dhyana for 15 minutes in his presence. Will any guru take so much care of his disciples? Nobody except our loving Nanna! He is not insisting on any rituals, or penance; just the contemplation that 'Mother is with me'. Nanna made easy, the incessant Radha dhyana which is the only way to reach Sri Radha. Words can't express the extent of your love.
Every man is facing maya (delusion) every moment. This enemy (maya) is present within as well as around man. The enemy within us will distract us saying 'Enough, let us go. What is special here? Is the God who is present here not present elsewhere? Let us search for God there. Will not God who appeared today appear tomorrow also? Then let us see him tomorrow.' Under such an influence, one girl known to me since her childhood gave up dhyana for three years finally someone reminded her and she came back today. This is the inner enemy. It is very dangerous. It will cause a disturbance within you and finally makes you lose interest in Mother. It will not allow you to concentrate on anything. It will always create some obstacle or other. But you must not care for them. Just think that 'this is the inner enemy that Nanna mentioned; it cannot do anything to me'. Concentrate on Mother with the thought that 'Mother is with me. This obstacle will be removed. This is the right path that I must follow. Mother, please be with me only. Why are these negative thoughts coming in my mind?' If you whole heartedly think like this for five minutes, all the misleading and stray thoughts will vanish from your mind.
There is also an external enemy. Just as someone instigated our maid to leave, some enemies will try to influence your mind in a negative way and tell you to leave the job. Our maid left due to such influence. People will try to influence you to leave Mother and Nanna. You tend to believe everybody and everything. Both, inner and external enemies will always be with us. When we strongly believe that 'Mother is with me' and hold Her without leaving Her even for a moment, the enemies cannot do any harm; they cannot even approach you. The severe cold cannot approach us when we are near fire. Just as the fire protects us from cold, Mother will protect us as soon as the inner or external enemies approach us anytime. If She is present, She will protect us. Otherwise... If you think of Mother once a year and plan to visit Her, She will not be with you. Then what can you do? So be firm in the belief that 'Mother is with me every moment'. This is the second lesson.
Please observe Nanna's way of teaching. Maya makes us feel 'What is special here? Is the God who is present here not present elsewhere? Let us search for God there. Will not God who appeared today appear tomorrow also? Then let us see him tomorrow.' Then we must think that this is the inner enemy which Nanna mentioned. And it cannot do anything to me. The inner enemy will ask us to leave Mother and Nanna. If we think that Mother is with us, She will protect us. What is this? He is explaining as if to a little child. Nanna would see inside each and every devotees mind when we sat near him, listening to his lectures. He knows what each person thinks. He once said 'it is very difficult for anyone to come near me'. The same Rasaguru , with infinite love, gave us these divine lessons only to uplift our lives. We can never repay this love, Nanna!
The third lesson is about impressions. If you intensely love something, an impression is formed on the mind. This is the law of life. You are unable to see Mother due to these impressions. They are causing an obstruction. So how should you be? You must be passive towards the world. Don't delve deep into any matter. You can love; you can serve but don't go deeper. Don't ever think that you cannot live without a person.
Love everybody; serve everybody. There is nothing wrong in that. But if you go deeper, an impression will form and remain your mind. This will create an obstruction for you. There are two problems with these impressions - we cannot see Mother and they decide our future lives. It is these impressions that really decide how your next life will be! Depending on the intensity of impressions, the next life will be decided. So they are dangerous. We must not stagnate at one place. We must keep moving on so that these impressions do not form. They also move along with us. If a person is in the bhava that 'Mother is with me' such impressions will not form. His mind is focused only on Mother, not anything else. He will not be able to think for long about any object. Mother will immediately divert his attention back to Her. She will be with you wherever you go. You will not have an objective mind or objective thing. That mind should not go in an objective way. It must remain subjective, however attractive it may be.
Mother will appear during festival celebrations. Now She is all pervading. That time She will present Herself. When She is present, We must take in Her radiance. There is so much of significance in this. That's why I insist that you must make it a point to come for these occasions. She will come certainly for Radhashtami. You can hold Her then . This is the fourth lesson.
Nanna suddenly asked us to repeat the points he mentioned that day saying:
It is not acceptable when a lecture is given by you and I listen casually. When I listen attentively, waiting for Her grace, that power is different. When such a great personality is coming, we must eagerly await Her arrival.
What is Nanna's intention? Are we not alert towards the subject? He does not like to directly point out such things. Instead of telling us to listen to his lecture carefully, he cautioned us mildly by making the excuse including him with us. He has every right to chide us when we are inattentive to a subject related to Radharani. It is not Nanna's nature to say something to us. To know how we grasped what he said, he wanted us repeat the points again.
'Nanna the other day you said that there are five points'. Sekhar said.
What did I say?
'Only a single sentence for the whole meditation! All these points are covered in that one sentence.'
What is that sentence?
'Be alone in silence, immersed in Radha bhava.'
Be alone means Mother will not be present.
'But we are saying immersed in Radha bhava?'
It must be associated with Mother. She must be present in every point. Be alone in silence and immersed in Radha bhava. This is correct. This is the first point in dhyana yoga. The rest will follow.
'We can give the heading 'Nameless and formless all pervading meditation' and list the four points. These points will describe how dhyana must be.'
This is an important topic. You must write an entire chapter on this.
Be alone in silence and immersed in Radha bhava
1. Incessant dhyana that the nameless, formless, all pervading and omni present Mother is with me, watching me every moment.
2. Be passive towards the world and yearn for oneness with Mother
3. To erase the impressions on the mind, don't love any object intensely. Associate yourself only till the extent required.
4. Be positively receptive, alert and aware.
I read out these four points for Nanna's approval. At that time, I did not know why this must form a full chapter. But he gave the material well in advance for the volumes of 'Nanna Tho' ('Our Association with Nanna') which were to be written in future. He proved that Mother is with us every moment.
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Dhyani man mein nikat hi Radha
Dhyani sab kuch rahti Radha
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Sri Radha intimately resides in the mind of the meditator. She only is everything for the meditator.
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-Sri Radha Rasamadhuri
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