March, 2003, Guntur Ashram :
Nanna used to dictate some points for the book Rasa Brindavan everyday. I would note down in his presence, make a fair copy at home and read out to him the next day. As soon as Nanna saw me that morning, he said:
Mother will guide us about the book 'Maha Brindavan'. We must write whatever She will tell us. We heard a Divine voice from above. We do not know about Brindavan, we have no idea.
'Nanna, did you hear a Divine voice about Maha Brindavan?'
Yes, at 3 a.m. I heard a voice saying 'Stop writing. I will give the matter.' We don't know what She will give. It will be revealed in a day or two.
We are getting Her idol from Jaipur costing Rs.36,000/-. We shall celebrate the idol installation ceremony in Brindavan. The expenditure would be Rs.10 lakhs. We don't ask anybody for money. You may contribute voluntarily if you wish.
Nanna's voice reflected the confidence of Radhasakhi. He spoke about Radhaji, Her abode - Brindavan and the three worlds - Vyakta , Avyakta and Para.
Avyakhto vyakthatparaha. There are three worlds - Vyaktha, Avyaktha and Para. Vyaktha is manifested world, our world. It ranges from this world up till Brahma's world, including Lord Brahma too! Above this world, we find Avyaktha, the unmanifested, like seed stage before the tree. The seed is Avyaktha! It did not manifest as a tree yet. Above Avyaktha is Para. This third world includes Goloka, Vaikuntha and Moksha. That is why we say 'Paramdham'. Para is the highest of the three worlds. It is the origin. That is where Krishna is!
Mother does not reside in Goloka. There is another dham above Goloka. This is not mentioned in the Vedas. It is bhava loka. Swami Vivekananda said 'God lives only in Bhava loka. Whoever does not possess bhava is not entitled to go there.' According to that philosophy, bhava loka is above these three worlds. Science also says 'Radha is.....infinite bhava loka'. She is also known as Bhavaswaroopini. The followers of ISKON do not go beyond Goloka. You must go beyond Goloka which belongs to Para and enter bhava loka. Krishna is present in bhava loka also as the two armed one. In bhava loka only Radha, two armed Krishna, ashta sakhis and Her other sakhi clan are present.
Krishna explained about his forms in the Gita. 'Bahunam ...... sudurlabhaha'. Before talking birth several times one cannot reach that world. He will gain knowledge only then. He will realize that Vasudeva, Krishna is everywhere. Whether you can call Goloka or any world, he is present there. When Prahlada's father asked his son to show where Hari (Vishnu) is, he replied 'Indugaladandu ledani sandehamu valadu chakri sarvopagathundi endendu vedaki joochina andande kaladu'-My Lord is present everywhere, in Kasi and America at the same time.'
God is not an idol restricted to one place. Then he is not God at all. True God must be present everywhere at the same time.....
'Passive, formless.......'
God has form as well as formlessness. The formless is present everywhere; the Form responds to your prayers. He grants darshan to many devotees. That is his Form. Though he appears in the Form, he has Formlessness too!
'He has two forms.....'
Not two forms; only one. He is showing his Form and Formlessness. I have seen both. Don't have any doubts about this. I know Form. I also know formlessness.
'Should we see the Formless through Form?'
Yes. You are doing sadhana. This is form. Through your sadhana with form, you can see formlessness. God's true nature is Form as well as Formlessness. If he does not have both, he is not God at all. I will prove to any and everybody that both are essential to qualify as God. He can be seen anywhere. You can get the proof in Bhagawata .....
'Nanna, but everybody cannot see God. He is seen only by those who can identify him...'
You have eyes; you can see me. Can you see me if you don't have eyes?
You must have eyes to recognize God!
'We can recognize you with our eyes. But how can we recognize God?'
You can only if you have ....those eyes. You must take so many births to attain those eyes(sight). Bahunam janmanamanthe gyanavan......his eyes having realization, knowledge and understanding will open. Then he will be able to see God. Prahlada was granted such divine sight. That is why he said so confidently that 'there is no doubt that God is everywhere. He is here and there also. Wherever you see, you will find him only.' He did not specify that God is present in any particular place....
'Prahlada saw God everywhere; his father could not....!'
He did not have that divine sight; that's why.
'Whose fault is it? They are father and son. One could see, other could not. Whose fault is it?'
The Bhagawata narrates Prahlada's story. When he was still in his Mother's womb, the demi Gods were taking her away to kill her. They feared that she would give birth to a demon that would surpass his father in wickedness. They wanted to end the boy's life even before it began. Narada met them on the way. 'Where are you taking her?' 'To kill her'. 'Why?' 'There is a demon in her womb.' 'That is not true. The fetus in her womb is a real Vaishnava, a devotee of Lord Vishnu, like us. He is pure, pious with the power of penance.' He took the lady along with him to his ashram and gave her shelter. The little boy's organs were well developed within his mother's womb. Narada asked him 'my son, I will narrate the Bhagawata. Will you listen?' 'I will. I like it very much.' The boy spoke from within his mother. Narada narrated the entire Bhagawata. 'I provided you with divine light. Look into the Bhagawata and have a glimpse of God.' 'I saw God. Hari! Hari! Hari!' He fainted in his mother's womb itself. How did Prahlada have God's darshan? Narada gifted him that divine sight. God gave Narada such powers. Prahlada possessed the divine sight right from his birth.
Now, coming to your question, a father may be a clerk and his son could be the Collector!
'Mamaivamso jeevaloke jeevabhootassanatanaha'
Krishna said that all jeevas are parts (amsas) of me.' This is one part, that is another.....
'Nanna, when each one is a part of God only, then why such difference between man to man? Prahlada is such a virtuous person while his father is such a wicked demon?'
Jaya and Vijaya are also parts of God. Then why did they become rakshasas (demons) in their later births? Why are you not a demi-God?
'That is our doubt also, Nanna!'
They were enveloped by Maya, surrendered to maya and fell. Because you were held by maya, you became a human being; you cannot become a demi-God.
'Does maya have any form? This maya also is created by Krishna himself.....'
Bhagawad Gita mentions one statement on maya tattwa.
'Daivihyesha gunamayi mammaya durutyaya
Mameva propadyanth mayametham tharinthithe.'
Daivihyesha-this maya is related to divine. It is a divine form; not any ordinary, simple entity. Maya is as great as Rama and Krishna. Just as you say 'my son', Krishna said 'my maya'. What does this imply? Whose power is that? Krishna's power! 'Maya is my child; it is highly powerful and divine. Even Hari, Hara, Brahma and other Gods cannot face Maya. Such is its power. It can take Brahma in its clutches easily with its power.
I read thousands of books on maya. I know everything. I can answer all your questions on maya. Krishna said 'my power'. Your son is born with your sperm; that is your power. When Krishna said that maya is his power, it belongs to his cosmic element. We cannot see it. No wonder Brahma also cannot conquer maya. Prakruthi has three gunas (modes) - sattwaguna, rajoguna and tamoguna. This nature is born out of tamo guna. Kama is born from rajo guna. This is the cause for the birth of a child. The Maharshis who do penance are born from sattwa guna. So, now we have three kinds of men. One does penance and goes to upper worlds. Another leads family life and begets children. The third becomes attached to the world. All the three modes together form prakruti!
There is diversity also. The Vedas say 'Tadaikshyathi bahusyam prajayaiyethi'. I am alone; I am one. I wish to become many; my radiance should be split into many parts. It happened. Why should a single tree bear many fruit? It is fair that one tree should bear one fruit.
'Nanna, this happened only by God's resolution......'
Inherently, there is diversity in God and consciousness. There is unity as well as Diversity. That is God's creation. Both co-exist in him. Krishna said that all human beings are part of him. Each part belongs to an individual according to his karma. One person does good deeds and goes up through his penance. Another person who does not know the way to go up, resorts to rajo guna and ends up in family life. Yet another person resorts to sattwa guna and is endowed with the power of penance since childhood.
I attained certain powers. Do you know that nobody else in the whole world possesses the powers which I possess? Do you know what kind of powers I have? I can challenge that nobody has such powers not only on earth but in the whole world. Every body knows this fact. Why don't you have such powers? I will receive a phone call from America that somebody is not well. I will give mantra from here. He will be cured within exactly three minutes. That is my power. The vibrations of my power travel 1000 miles to America touch the person and cure him. This process takes just 3 minutes, not more. An engineer in America met with an accident and his car literally toppled. He recovered only with my power, when the vibrations touched him. Any suffering can be cured by a mere touch! People come to me, I give mantra and they are cured.
That engineer stated 'By worshipping a particular Goddess, Nanna garu attained powers which nobody in the world has. I am the prime witness for this fact. This is my fortune.' I have provided remedy to some cases in this world which could not be solved either by Rama or Krishna or any other divine incarnation.
We shall go to America and meet that person. He told all his friends about that incident. 'He is God indeed! I had lost faith in God because no God could save me. Nanna garu cured me. So he is my God.'
Everybody cannot come near me. Everybody cannot see me and talk to me. You do not know by which karma, you came here and are talking to me. I can go to the upper worlds. I can speak to the souls there; you cannot. I spoke to that Mother. She wept and said she couldn't go there. She will not leave such a state and come near you. The false Gurus cannot deceive me. I am more powerful than them. I am not speaking with ego. I am stating that I saw Mother (weeping). She is so sensitive. I am doing so much service to Radhaji which nobody else can. I will tell you about my plans to serve Her. You cannot find anyone who will do such service.
I must keep my Mother's name flying high. That is my goal. One verse in Radhasudhanidhi speaks about man losing his karmas. She showed us the way. That is why I constructed a building costing Rs.57 lakhs. You can visit us in Brindavan on May 5th. Everybody will attend Mother's idol installation ceremony. We propose to conduct Dhyana Yoga Saptaha every month. One week of dhyana by 16 persons every month! This must continue as long as the Sun and the Moon exist, irrespective of the expenditure involved.
Everybody was spell bound. The person who asked his doubts became speechless. What a wonderful discussion! Never in the past and never in the future! Nanna never talked about himself and his divine powers in such detail. He always tried to be discrete. Nanna is a sakhi who personally sees and is also a partner in bhava loka. That is why he emphatically stated who lives in that bhava loka which is beyond even Para. He witnessed the form and formless tattwas of God and explained them to us. A devotee who accompanied Pandurangarao garu asked Nanna many questions. He asked why there is so much diversity among human beings. With examples from Bhagawata, Nanna gave the reply. In this discussion he clearly revealed who he is! 'Nobody else has the powers which I have.' 'I solved some critical cases which Rama Krishna or any other divine incarnation could not.' 'Everybody cannot come near me. Everybody cannot see me.' Who is Nanna who uttered such profound statements? Unless he is the Hladini aspect of Sri Radha can he speak so emphatically? Radhasakhi is the aspect of Hladini of Radha, who is unattainable to Brahma and other Gods. Radha's darshan is difficult; Radhasakhi's darshan is also difficult. That is why he said 'Everybody cannot see me.'
The devotee who discussed with Nanna spoke about his experiences with a Mathaji. Nanna said..
I spoke to that mother. She said 'I cannot go there.' These babas (false gurus) cannot deceive me.
Since Nanna sees through everybody, he instantly knows whether he is speaking the truth or not. Some one who is at zero level of spirituality cannot speak just like that. Nanna, the Radhasakhi declared clearly and emphatically about his divine powers. Again, by the mere thought of Radhaji, he became overpowered by bhava and wept saying "I saw Mother. She is.." We saw the majesty and humility of Radhasakhi together. Nanna granted us this great fortune. Speaking about his unique plans to serve Her, he said 'I must keep up my Mother's name. I will do so.'
The expenditure will be high. I will send you the details. I am planning to begin this dhyana very soon. I will provide tea at 7 a.m., breakfast at 8 a.m., lunch at 12 noon, tea at 5 p.m. and dinner. This schedule will continue for the whole week. When first batch leaves, the second batch of 16 persons will begin the next moth. This will continue as long as the Sun and Moon exist.
'Nanna, will you teach us meditation or chanting name or...'
I will not discuss now, I will tell you when you come to Brindavan.
She can do anything and everything. How is it possible? Krishna is also worshipping Her only.
'Kalindi tata kunjamandiragatho Yogindra vadyatpada |
Jyothir dhyana paraha sada japathiyam premasrupoorno Harihi |
Kenapyadbhuthamullasadrati rasanandena sanmmohitaha |
Sa Radheti sada hridi sphurathume Vidya Paradwayakshara.'
On the banks of Yamuna, somebody is sitting in a yogic posture and doing meditation. He is weeping as he meditates (Nanna began to weep). He is none other than Krishna. She is making him weep with Her love. She is so great! The Vedas have proclaimed this. I personally saw Her greatness.
I witnessed and wrote 10 volumes about Her greatness. I never mentioned it because you may think I am creating publicity. I can see Her whenever I want; I can speak to Her whenever I want. Even now, at this moment Her love is shining in me. I can say more...but will not. Many may consider it as false propaganda....
Involuntarily, Nanna exhibited his personal experience and Radhaji and his divine powers.
Nobody in the world can do this. Shall I tell you about it?
Nobody on earth did it before nor can do in future. I arranged a building for Dhyana Yoga Saptahas which must continue eternally.
Radhaji is the highest deity. Mother is not ordinary. Lord Krishna bows to Her and presses Her feet to serve Her. Everybody in Brindavan agreed to this fact. That is Her greatness! It is my good fortune that I got Her. If we write about Her greatness, it will become an international book. All the readers will weep.
Nanna subtly hinted about his future activities. He said that he personally witnessed Sri Krishna uttering Sri Radha's name and profusely weeping.
Whenever I want, I can see Her and speak to Her.
Such a Nanna who is not attainable even to Gods gave us the fortune of his association and showed so much love and affection on us. There are no words to describe this fortune nor do I have that power. The Vedas proclaim that Krishna worships Radhaji. Even then Nanna says it will be considered as false propaganda if he says so. He could clearly understand what is present in each person's mind. Yet he kindly told us some of the secrets of Sri rasa. Saying
I can but I won't
, he granted us much more information than we are eligible to know!
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Siddhulakenduku andanidanavu
Yogulakennadu Kanagaravu
Atmeeya prematho Ammayanina
Darshanamithuvu Amma Dayamayi
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You are not attainable to Siddhis; You are not visible to Yogis. Mother, O Benevolent One. When we address You with love and affection, You grant us Your darshan
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