Brindavan Ashram, On a Friday
About 15-30 Vraja vasis (devotees living in Vraja) came to listen to Nanna's words. He smiled and spoke to them in Hindi.
Many devotees come here to do bhajan (singing Mother's name) every Friday, even from Nepal, Punjab and Haryana. There is a specialty here. The Mahatmas do not look like Mahatmas. You cannot understand their identity as Mahatmas. I know about their greatness. I know that they are Mahatmas. I know about their sacred life. Some of them came here for bhajan and left. They have taken vow of silence. They can chant Mother's name, nothing wrong. They take this vow for 3 or 4 years. They do not talk anything else. Either Mother's name or silence! Some of them joined the bhajan in our ashram. It is a fortune to have darshan of such Mahatmas.
One Mahatma who is present here now comes here every evening and sings songs in her praise for 2 hours. We arranged food for him. When we offered him money, he refused saying 'We are not after money. We are associated with devotion, Krishna bhakti. I came for that bhakti, not for money.' Many of them do not accept money though they are in poverty. I consider that as true devotion. They do not think of money; they came here with love!
All the devotees known as Behenji's are Brahmacharinis for life. Some of them are aged 50 -60 years. The man who beat the drums is 40-50 year old Brahmachari. The importance of this place is to do penance with Brahmacharya deeksha (vow of austerity). The penance without this vow is for name sake only. It is wasted. Brahmacharya deeksha is essential for true penance. Behenji's come from Nepal, Punjab and Haryana to do penance here. They will not leave Brindavan as long as they live. This is their vow. Even Krishna said 'Brindavanam parityajya padamekam' - I will not leave Brindavan and step out.
My niece brought one stone from Govardhan hill. A Mahatma said 'even this stone must not leave Brindavan. This is also God. It is not auspicious for you.' They see God in every atom of every object. She heard his words and gave that stone to me. Daily we worship Govardhan in our ashram from that day and do parikrama (circumambulation). We need not go all the way to Govardhan; Giri Maharaj came to us! He is with us only.
Guru Matha is another Mahatma who has an excellent life history. She does very strict penance, very tough penance. Her disciples come all the way from America and London. With great love for me, she sent word that she would come here and spend 2-3 minutes. Hers is a wonderful life.
Everybody was happy to hear Nanna's talk in Hindi for almost 30 minutes. He told about the Mahatmas in Brindavan and their sacred life. Krishna das ji was the Mahatma who came to our ashram every Friday to do sankeertan. He refused to take money from Nanna. Guru Behenji resided adjacent to Nanna's ashram. She took Kshetrasanyas-vow that she would not leave Brindavan and go anywhere. Nanna, the Radhaskahi commended her life as a wonderful one. He continued to speak in Telugu.
Guru Behenji told me a story three days back. Such a great message! You all must listen to it. Barsana is the place where Mother grew up. It literally means shower of love. Radha is linked with shower of love. Recently, some terrorists from Delhi were suspected to move about in Barsana. The police arrested 8 people with a special warrant and took them to Delhi. Behenji said that we all must learn from their lives. They did not worry about what would happen to their husbands; they did not weep. They also got ready and went to Barsana. They were dancing and singing Mother's name. They adorned themselves and danced in her presence. By evening, a police van arrived. Their husbands were released and sent back with the order to drop them from where they were picked up. The ladies were still dancing; their husbands arrived. Guru Matha said that in Brindavan, when anybody faces a problem, he accepts it in a playful mood. You must face difficulty in a playful mood. Do not worry and no request towards the deities. Both are not allowed. They do not pray because we are near Mother; she is seeing us. There is no doubt about that. Guru Matha stressed this fact. Their husbands arrived while they were dancing near Mother. This is her message.
Nanna highlighted the qualities which Sri Radha devotees must have. It is a fortune to be present when Nanna and Guru Behanji conversed. She would tell about Radha's leelas among the people of Vraja. Nanna would talk about Radha's supremacy referring to the Vedas and his visions. While we all listened to her words, she sat at his feet and listened to his words. The goal of both the Mahatmas is one - give Radhaji's message to human beings and mould them towards worship of rasa.
You must think only about Mother. Do not have any other thought. If you really want penance, if you really want this to be your last life, then associate yourself only with that which is related to Her; nothing else. Don't entertain unnecessary thoughts. Mother kept me in such a state in Brindavan, without any thoughts. When I was in that thoughtless state, a Mahatma came to our ashram. I was weeping in the thoughtless state. When your heart is filled with Mother totally, there is no word, no sight, and no mind! In such a state, you have the greatest dhyana, which is difficult to describe. Your efforts are not needed, only Mother's effort! In that state, you can peacefully do job or any work without fear. Do your job but your mind should be in the bhava that 'Mother is with me.' I am writing these accounts while She is watching me.' You must write your accounts with this bhava. That is true dhyana. 'Indugaladanduledanu sandehamu valadu chakri..' Is God present with you in the office? Yes! Is he with you while you are cooking in the kitchen? Yes! Is he with you while you are talking to your husband? Yes! Mother is always with you, whatever work you do. This is the truth. There is no place where She is not present. Whatever you do, Mother is with you. In this way, let your life move along with Her. Whatever you talk, talk to her. Right now, I am speaking while She is listening. Sometimes, I feel very drowsy. In that state, I don't even know what I am speaking. Mother is always present with you. Do not forget. Let this be your last life. Don't leave Mother. She will grant you extraordinary powers.
I can show you some of my powers which no scientist, infact any body on earth can possess. If they can do some of the feats that I do, I will bow down to them. I have attained some powers which the scientists will wonder about. You also will attain some powers. That is Mother! How much we love her, she also loves us that much.' Ye yathamam prapadyanthe tham stathaiva bhajamyaham' - 'The nearer you come towards me, the nearer I shall move towards you. Just as you are unable to leave me, I also cannot leave you. If I am your life, you are my life.' This is what the Gita says. This is what Mother is proving to us!
What is basic difference between divine incarnations and Radhaji? 'Pavithranaya sadhunam vinasaya chadushkrutham.' Krishna said in the Gita that I will uplift the virtuous people. I will kill the evil ones with my weapon (chakra). Radhaji did not agree with the principle. All the people killed by the Lord's divine chakra became spirits moving in the upper worlds. Mother sees all the worlds. She gave me the power to see in the upper worlds. I saw these spirits moving there; some are terrible evil spirits. That is why Mother did not agree with this (chakra marg). How can the world be reformed and uplifted? Punishing the bad and protecting the good is not right. Even if the bad person is killed, the inner spirit is very powerful. The number of spirits is increasing. When they increase, they harm the human beings on earth. I know what the spirits are actually doing. Man will not have any peace or happiness; he cannot work. Mother did not like such a situation to prevail. No wonder She disagreed with the Lord's principle.
Okay, he is a sinner who harmed people in many ways. Yet, she can transform him through her sakhis to whom she grants extraordinary powers. The most evil person will get transformed within 2-3 minutes. That is truly divine power! She said 'you must uplift the evil also. Reform them and convert them into virtuous people. That is how the world's welfare can be achieved.' 'Can you do that?' 'Yes, I can I will do and show you.' With Her resolution, she transformed and uplifted thousands of people. That is divine power! Radhaji is such a living Divine Power. Many villains became Her devotees. 'Our principle is to convert evil into good. I will change all evil persons. This is my leela.' She wanted Krishna to learn Her leela because he is Her devotee. 'Krishnena aradhyathethi Radha.' The Vedas state the Krishna worships Her all the time. That is why She is Radha!
What is divine power and what is not? What are divine qualities? Mother gave me a message stating four divine principles. The devotees pursuing dhyana yoga must follow these principles. Then this is your last life! Tatsukhena sukhitwam - 'Your pleasure is my pleasure; your comfort is my comfort. Serve mankind with this attitude. Use your powers to serve the human beings. They are all for help and spiritual support. You can provide help and support. If everybody on earth feels that other's happiness is his own happiness, then why should anyone think of Vaikunta. This earth only becomes Vaikunta!
Radhaji is always 12 years old (Sada dwadasavarshiya). She remains young for ages and ages. She endowed with all the 16 arts. Radha is fully accomplished with all arts. She is addressed as Kishori-the young one. She gave us the divine message pertaining to divine principles in dhyana yoga. Hence, it is a very powerful dhyana yoga. We are only at the beginning. Dhyana yoga is being conducted in many places. We are associating our dhyana yoga with Mother. She is moving among us, amidst us. Such is our dhyana yoga. Other dhyana yogas do not have the power that ours does. This is a great skill which ordinary people cannot understand. The divine powers attained through this dhyana are not ordinary ones.
Gopala cannot come near Mother in his original form. He must become a girl to gain entry near her. One day a 7 year old girl is selling flowers, divine flowers. The sakhis called her upstairs, near Mother. Mother said 'the flowers are very beautiful.' 'I will not simply sell the flowers. I must adorn them in the hair with my hands. If you agree only, I will sell the flowers to you. Otherwise, I will leave.' She agreed. The girl was plaiting Mother's hair.....(Nanna was weeping). It was Gopala! The Sakhis exclaimed 'Mother, see who is plaiting your hair! 'Radha. I cannot come near You except in the form of a girl. This is the king's order. That is why I came here for You only in the form of a girl.'
Everyone in Radhaji kingdom are small girls. There are no men there. Even Krishna attains sthribhava, becomes a sakhi and then comes near Her. Externally, he is Krishna; inside he is sakhi; Radhaji's sakhi.
In yet another leela, Krishna was a sakhi selling dolls. This is all their divine play. 'I have so many beautiful dolls. I will give them to you. I don't want any money.' 'Did you show me all your dolls?' 'Yes.' 'Then why are you hiding one doll?' 'I will not tell you.' 'Why won't you show me that doll?' 'I will not show you.' 'Please show me.' Then Mother pulled that doll from the girl's hand. Radhaji was seated on a throne and a small boy was fanning her. Who is that boy? None other than Krishna. Such leelas take place in her world. Nobody may believe them but they are regular leelas. One can't describe the bliss of serving her. Such a great pleasure. She possesses tremendous powers.
Remember three points. Don't consider this as dhyana yoga. Think that 'I am calling Mother. She is coming near me. She is moving with me.' She said that this is the greatest way to reach her. Mother does not grant darshan to anybody. It is very difficult to attain her darshan even after innumerable years of penance. You must do dhyana with the constant bhava that such a great powerful Mother is moving near me. In normal dhyana, Mother is somewhere; we are calling her. That is of no use. Mother is not somewhere else; she is near us only. She is all pervading. So, naturally she will be near me! She is there and here also. Hence the first point is that Mother is not somewhere in the sky; she is near me; watching me. The second point is her infinite mercy and grace. She is titled Bhaktanugrahakatara. She is eagerly waiting to bestow her grace on her devotees. The greatest of all is that when you have the bhava that 'wherever I go, I am not alone; I am linked with Mother', She will make it come true. I wish that all of you must have Mother's darshan. You must do dhyana with these three bhavas.
Mother is the fusion of form and formlessness; nirgunas and sagunas. Radha is the synchronisation of her form and formless nature. Nobody can explain when, where and how she would be! She must become a part of your family leela. That is what the world needs. That will happen too. Your sadhana is to include her in your family life. Such a strange thing never happened before. Mother is present even in your family life, job life.This is her real leela nature. I came to tell you about Her leelas.
In this lecture, Nanna explained the importance of Sri Radha bhava dhyana; Sri Radha practices the path of love for welfare of human beings. The true divine power, Radhaji declared 'I will change evil into good...This is my leela.' What a mercy. She is looking after her devotees all the time, eagerly waiting to bestow her blessings. 'I came to tell you about her leelas.' Having clearly stated that, Nanna imperceptibly told us who he is!
21.4.2001, Brindavan
Nanna sent me and Sekhar to collect material from Kishori Ali ji for the book 'Rasa Brindavan'. He was very pleased to hear about 8th volume of Brindavaneswari Sri Radha. He wrote two volumes on 'Rasa bhakti dhara' which he already gave Nanna. He said he did not have any more material with him. We returned to our ashram and sat near Nanna.
When you do not get anything....
'Nanna, what do you mean by anything?'
Anything related to bhava! Then how can rasika vani be useful?
'The Rasika Mahatmas are always seeing visions of Radha and Krishna in daily leelas.....'
That is true.
'Then Mother speaks through them as Rasikavani-others are unable to have those visions; only Mahatmas of Brindavan because they surrender to Mother...'
Yes. If you write without mentioning facts, it will become contradictory. They have the powers...
Nanna remained silent for some time.
When nobody can gain access (to material), then are these Mahatmas greater than Mother?
'Nanna, I am not saying that Mother could not get any material..'
Understand carefully. How are they getting the matter?
'By Mother's grace because they surrendered to her.'
Is the person who surrendered to Mother great or is Mother great?
'Mother is great. She only gives them matter. Then they will tell something.....'
This sentence must be modified to reflect this point...
Somebody came to see Nanna.
'Hare Hare Nannagaru'.
We are completing the 8th volume of Mother's books
Listen to a few lines.....
(I read out: In Hitachaurasi, Hitacharya dedicated 11th and 12th verses to Naravahana).
Naravahana was a wicked and cruel dacoit. Hitacharya transformed him into a Mahatma. That is why he dedicated two verses to Naravahana and not to Mother!
Hitacharya preached about worship coordinating form and formlessness. Her leelas also are manifested and unmanifested; both together. This is strange and wonderful. In the same leela, you can see her form and formlessness. For example....
(I read out the leela in which Radhaji sulks on him).
This is created only for rasa. Actually, there is no sulking between them. She only pretends to sulk. This provides rasa...
(I read out - shyamsunder became immersed in rasa and touched Sri Radha's body shining with rasa. By touch of his divine bhava, Sri Kishori's heart flowed with rasa, her body vibrated as She stopped him....)
She says nethi nethi. By using these words, he is also referring to the Vedic verse. We mentioned this in the book.
(I read out - They filled the splendour of love in each other's heart...)
He is the most pious one on earth. Bhava is beyond everything; it cannot be expressed in words. One day a Mahatma, Ramesh Baba came to see me. He brought a book to note down points about Radhaji. That day I was in bhava since morning. He came while I was in that state. He stayed for one whole hour silently. I was weeping all the time. While leaving, he said, 'I read that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa would be in bhava. I never knew what that meant. Today I saw the state of a jeeva in bhava. Now, I understood whatever I read.
Naiveli Saran ji is a Mahatma in Brindavan. Nanna heard that he writes script about Rasa leela very beautifully. At Nanna's request, he came to the ashram and was very happy when he saw Mother's idol made of marble.
This is her idol of marble. I wish to arrange the leela of her birth on Radhastami day..
'What is the height of the idol?'
31/2 feet.She is only 3 years old.
The idol must be taken all over Brindavan in a procession before idol installation ceremony. A week long rasa leela can be arranged. Speeches by scholars and rasa leela can be arranged after the procession. After the ceremony, you can have celebrations for one more week.
A week of rasa leela! We must include the leelas of her childhood...
'Nanna, he is telling in Hindi that chacha Brindavan Das already wrote leelas of her childhood. He suggests that we can choose from them for seven days....'
Your will ! I like Her childhood leelas.
'Nanna, he says we will have childhood leelas for 2 days, first, meeting (pratham Milan) leela for 1 day ... On the 7th day, we can have the marriage celebration..'
No. there should not be any wedding. We shall have her coronation celebrations...
He asked for details regarding her coronation ceremony.
We have everything with us in Telugu. It is based on Raghunath Goswami's Vilap Kusumanjali.
'Vilap Kusumanjali refers to parakeeya bhava. This may be difficult to enact in a play!'
She is neither parakeeya nor Swakeeya. We shall base the play only on one verse about her coronation. We will not refer to marriage at all.
In Her coronation, Pournamasi Devi, Nanda Baba, Yasoda, Keerthi Kumari, Sachi Devi, Parvathi, Lakshmi and even Gods in the form of Gopikas were present.
'Which leela should precede the coronation leela. What is the inspiration for this leela?'
Did we do like that?
'No Nanna. We based our text on that one verse.'
The coronation ceremony was conducted by Purnamasi Devi (Goddess of Full Moon). Krishna himself supervised the occasion. They coronated Her and gave Her the title as the Sovereign of Brindavan.
The topic stopped here. Nanna began to talk about the leelas that Radhaji showed in his life.
We will celebrate Radhastami every year as long as the Sun and the Moon exist.
'Here, in Brindavan?'
Yes. The money will be arranged by her. It will continue till eternity.
'Is this the third year of celebrations?'
Then Nanna told him a leela.
One morning, Mother came near me and asked 'Mujhe alankar karao' - (Adorn me). I do not know how to adorn her. What to do?
'Did you find out?'
Yes. I asked every scholar in Brindvan. They said 'we can talk about Vedas and comment on them. But we cannot tell the meaning of even one word uttered by Radhaji.' She is Vedatheeta - beyond Vedas. We went to Ravali forest at 11 p.m. I asked her sakhis to explain her words. She granted me the power of divine sight. I could see and converse with her sakhis. 'I must adorn her. But I do not know how to do it.' 'My son! You are so ignorant. Do you think you are supposed to adorn her body? Mother is all pervading. She is filled in all the worlds. How can you adorn such a Mother?' 'Then please tell me what to do.' 'You must adorn the mind with four divine principles. 'Mana yeva manushyanam karanam bandhamokshayah'. Mind is the cause for bondage as well as liberation. So the mind must be adorned, not the body. The sakhis told to adorn our life with our divine principles. That is how we can adorn her.
Naiveli Saran ji and other devotees attentively listened to the divine incidents in Nanna's life. He told about Radhaji darshan while he was working as DEO in Srikakulam.
At 4 a.m., a small girl came near me. Her crown was so beautiful that I felt Mother's presence. Mother, who are you? What is your order?' 'Who is your deity?' 'My deity...' 'Alright, when will you come into my service? You are serving the government for so long. When will you serve me?' 'I will come into your service just now. I will not sign any more official documents.' I worked in many places. One time I was transferred to a remote village. I could not take any house on rent. There was one house with a snake pit in the middle. A huge snake lived in that pit. I was not worried. Mother is all pervading. She is present everywhere. There is no place where she is not there. (Nanna wept with bhava). It may be visible as a snake. Radhaji's presence is everywhere. So what if it is a snake? She is present in that snake also. That is my bhava.
In Brindavan, a mahatma Purushottam das ji came to our ashram in the scorching mid summer heat. We did not know him. That was his first visit to our ashram. When I heard that he came particularly to see me, I thought 'Purushottam das ji is a Rasika Mahatma. He narrated Bhagawata many times in America. He came all the way for my darshan!' 'You are a sant Mahatma. It is a courtesy that I must come to see you, that too by walking and not by car.' He was seated in a chair. After 2 minutes he put his hand on my chest and said 'you are a confidential sakhi of Radhaji.' I can see you.' His body shook with vibrations. 'I don't know. What is Radhaji's state? I am a small man before her. Radhaji is above everybody including Krishna. Maharaj, how can you make that statement?'
'I came here only to tell this. Since I have told you, I am leaving now.'
His body was still shaking with vibrations.
Phatte Krishna and Sri Rama Sarma made an announcement in the mike one day. 'He (Nanna) is Radhaji's great devotee. Do not disturb him. He is sitting about 4 feet away from the stage. It is requested that nobody should move in front of him.' I said I am a small man. Don't say such things about me.
Nanna called Anjani amma and asked her to narrate the incident of Purushottam das ji's visit to our ashram in Hindi.
'We invited him to our ashram and he agreed to come. I said that I would bring a car to take him. He refused saying I will come by walk only. We must go by walk for Sant Mahatma's darshan. That is the right way.' It was a very hot afternoon. He arrived at 2 p.m. As soon as he saw Nanna we could see vibrations in his body. After sometime he told that Nanna is Radhaji's confidential sakhi.'
'Did he actually say these words?' Naiveli Saranji asked.
'Yes. He said them aloud when all of us were present.'
He said these words in English.
If we recall Nanna's conversation with Naiveli Saranji, we can understand his message to the world. He told the divine leelas that happened in his life. These leelas show who he is. Such a confidential sakhi of Radhaji says 'I am a small man. What is her status and what is mine? Thus depicting how humble the devotees of Radhaji must be. Through his life, he exhibited that bhava of humility is the divine wealth of Rasika Mahatmas.
You must face difficulty in playful mood. Brahmacharya deeksha (vow of austerity) is essential for real penance. If you really want to do penance; if you really want this to be your last life; then have only those thoughts which are associated with Mother. Radhaji, the real divine power is our deity. Mother granted four divine principles. You must follow these principles and do dhyana. Then this is your last life. Radhaji is the personification of Maha leela (highest leela). I came to tell you about her leelas. Radhaji is the highest, even above Krishna. The all pervading Sovereign Mother is only our deity. Do incessant Sri Radha dhyana.
This is the divine message granted to us by our Nanna, the Rasika charya.