1991, Vrindavan ashram:
Nanna called everybody in the ashram to come near him. He asked us to record the speech he would give. It appears that he told all the essential points necessary for incessant Sri Radha dhyana which he would talk about in the future.
Lord Brahma came to see Krishna. The doorkeepers went near Krishna and said 'One Brahma came to see you'. 'Which Brahma?' The door keepers approached Brahma and asked which Brahma he was. He was astonished. 'I am the only Brahma. Then why is he asking which Brahma? It is very strange.' He replied 'I am the four headed Brahma.' Then Krishna permitted him to enter. After the discussion was over, Brahma asked Krishna why he asked the question because he was the one and only Brahma in the world. Krishna laughed. 'Close your eyes for a moment.' He saw innumerable Brahmas around him. He was the smallest among them. He saw five headed Brahma, nine headed Brahma and many more! Since this is a small world; four headed Brahma is enough.'
It is very difficult to even imagine the indefinable Universes; the vastness, the nature, the secrets and the divinity within them. Though such innumerable universes exist, the tattwa which controls all of them has only three basic principles. This is all Vedic knowledge. One must understand. They are jeeva tattwa; Eswara tattwa and jagat tattwa. This is known as jeeveswara jagat.
What does each of them imply? Unless you realize this truth, you cannot move forward. You must go beyond jeeva tattwa. Moksha is a very significant stage. You must go even beyond moksha to reach the world of rasa. Now you can understand how difficult, complicated, important and vast the path of renunciation is! It is not enough if you sing few songs, recite a few poems or visit some temples. The tattwa is profound and infinite. You must understand atleast a little to move forward. When two kingdoms wage a war, the army commander chalks out a strategic plan and discusses with the king and Minister. 'This is the layout of our rivals's kingdom. We are here. Our army shall divide and move along these two roads...In this way, we can defeat the enemy.'
In the same way, the sadhaka must not blindly begin his pursuit. He must have a plan. One day, King Pareekshit was returning to his kingdom in his chariot. He heard a woman weeping. She went near her and asked why she was weeping. 'My children are about to die. How can I be happy?' 'Who are your children? Who are you?' 'I am bhakthi (devotion). My sons are Gyana (knowledge) and Vairagya (renunciation).'
Here, bhakti is important. The mother will get nourishment, strength and happiness only when the children are hale and healthy. That means bhakti without gyana and vairagya is like blind devotion. You cannot move higher with such devotion. Both knowledge and devotion are essential in devotion. Srimad Bhagawata, Valmiki Ramayana and all religious scriptures contain all the three aspects. Just like the body is not considered healthy and complete with any kind of vitamin deficiency, world cannot be formed without the fusion of some tattwa.
Purushottama (Lord of Gods) is above this world. This is the main tattwa. We must attract him towards us and attain his grace. We need bhakti to get his grace. The Vedas say 'Bhakti vasaha purushaha.' What kind of bhakti must we develop? If you anoint tilak on your forehead, it is devotion. If you play an instrument in his praise, it is devotion. If a wife cares for her husband, it is devotion.
I will cite one incident which was highlighted by Radha baba on December 6, 1978 in Gorakhpur on the occasion of Radhasthami celebrations. This dates back to the pre independence period in India when many atrocities and murders took place. Balamukund was a young patriot who belonged to Sikh community. He was acclaimed as a staunch patriot with true devotion for his country. He murdered a British soldier and was sentenced to be hanged till death. The boy was married quite recently to a beautiful and educated girl. However, as he fought against British rule, they could not live together for long. Before he was taken into custody, he told his wife 'Sri Rukmini. I am leaving you. I will be taken to jail and imprisoned in a small room because my crime is not a small one. If it was an ordinary mistake, I would be put along with the others. But I have been booked under a serious case that I murdered the Britishers. I will be isolated so that I cannot conspire with others. I will sleep on the floor and eat whatever they provide. This will be my state in prison.' He was taken away in a police van. His wife decided to give up luxuries and live like her husband. She stayed in a small room, slept on the floor, gave up bathing and lived in self exile. She was indeed a staunch devotee of her husband! India had such great patriotic leaders who devoted their lives to our country. When they struggled so much and lost their lives in such miserable conditions, do we have the right to enjoy like this? The very idea of earning money and enjoying in India is against the dharma; it is a sin. Our independence emerged from the stream of their blood and their sacrifice.
Well, she had such devotion for her husband. One day her brother-in-law came near her and gave the news that her husband was hanged the previous day. She became hysterical. My lord, forgive me that I am coming to you a little late. I am your companion. I should have gone along with you. I delayed so long. I am coming near you right now. She fell down and died. That is true devotion for a husband. There are many devoted wives and also Mahatmas in our country. They are great, no doubt. When a wife is devoted to a man, she surrenders her heart and soul to him, and dies for him. Similarly, a patriot gives up his life for the country. Just like Mukunda and his wife, many people gave up their life for religion. But, if you closely analyze, you will realize that these religious conflicts are very small issues.
You must see God everywhere. You must surrender your life to God who is the origin and support of all the worlds. You must live only for that God. As they lived and died for their country and husband, you must live and die for the divine; for Mother; for the Supreme Sovereign. You must give up your life for their pleasure.
Nanna delves deep into any topic. Speaking about the different kinds of devotion and the importance of devotion towards husband and country, he said they are not as significant as devotion to God only because they are limited to human beings. True devotion lies in giving up life for God, not man. He showed us that man must give up everything and surrender himself to God.
Bahunam janmanamanthe gyanavan mam prapadyathe vasudeva sarvamithi sa Mahatma sudurlabha.' Krishna declared who a Mahatma is! One cannot be a Mahatma by growing hair and beard. Mahatma thinks 'God is everywhere. There is no such place where Krishna is not present.' He who sees God in every atom of every Unvierse, lives for his pleasure and gives up his life for him is a real Mahatma. Devotion to God is many times superior than devotion to religion, husband and tattwas. You must worship the all pervading God. That is our main goal. We must all finally reach that God some day.....
A sikh boy narrated an incident. He saw this scene in the Himalayas. The forest was in fire and the trees were burning. There was a nest on a tree. Some local lads came with sticks to remove the nest. The mother bird was flying around the nest to protect her children. Finally she slept on the nest and covered them with her wings to save them from the heat. The people tried to bring down the nest by throwing stones at it. The nest did not fall. The bird was caught in the fire and two wings were burnt; her head was burnt but she did not move. The Sikh devotee was astounded. Ah! What maternal love this bird has. Such maternal loving hearts are infinite in this creation. Mother is wonderful repository of love. How great is the heart of that God who created so many such loving maternal hearts! He fainted with this thought.
Lord Krishna tells us what true devotion is 'The Lord who is all pervading is only my God my beloved, my entity.' One who surrenders his life with this bhava and gives up his life is a real devotee. King Pareekshit saw this kind of devotion. Without knowledge and renunciation, devotion will not progress. You cannot move higher.
A Mahatma told an interesting story. 'One man brought a bear and looked after it with love and care. It gradually grew older. One evening he was sleeping under a tree. The flies and mosquitoes were biting his face and chest and he was very uncomfortable. The bear thought 'my master is sleeping. But these mosquitoes and flies are disturbing him.' It took a stone and threw it on his face to kill them. Well, the mosquitoes and flies did not die but the master died! Now did the bear have devotion towards its master? It certainly did. What did it lack? Knowledge! That's why devotion without knowledge is really blind. You will certainly slip and fall one day. That is why the Lord informed Pareekshit that devotion must be coupled with knowledge.
For devotion to progress, renunciation is essential. The knowledge which helps devotion to grow is true knowledge. We are not interested in knowledge of this tattwa or that. We want knowledge that will make our devotion grow, which will light the lamp of devotion in us. It is no use of moving with blind devotion. God intrinsically imparts some ignorance to man. Accordingly, he will reach the divine abode. The Bhagawata mentions that is what happened to Brahma. He was born in the lotus from the navel of the Lord. He saw only the dark sky wherever he saw. By that time, the Sun, Moon, Stars or Universe were not created. Seeing the infinite sky all around him, he got the doubt 'who am I? From where do I come? Who is my father?' He traveled all the worlds but did not get any reply. He could not see his father anywhere. He did not have enough knowledge about where he would find him. This is the first lesson in Bhagawata. He has devotion towards his father but lacked knowledge.
Knowledge of tattwa is different; knowledge of sadhaka is different. This is a great fact! At that time, he was praying to God as jeeva. 'Father, from where did I come? Where are you? I id not see your form. I don't know to which world I belong.....I am totally ignorant. Please save me. Please take me near you.' Then he heard a sound 'tapa, tapa'. 'How strange! There is no one in this vast expanse of sky. This sound came from this deserted sky. My father has sent me a message to do penance. So, I shall do tapasya.' He closed his eyes and went inwards. That is how he began his journey of inwardness after his outward journey failed.
This is the hint given by the Lord himself. Brahma began his inward journey and saw his father. This is the story from Bhagawata. The essence is 'My son. Only devotion is not enough. Even knowledge and renunciation are essential.' Rama Krishna paramahamsa said 'The bird cannot fly. It if has both wings, it will move forward smoothly.' The two wings are knowledge and renunciation. You must protect them under any circumstances.
Nanna explained the significance of Mother's love and said that God's loving heart which is the origin of all maternal hearts is beyond our imagination. 'It is great for man to surrender his life to God with the bhava that God is everything and give up him. In order to sustain devotion towards God, knowledge and renunciation are essential. Talking about penance and inwardness which are necessary for the sadhaka, Nanna turned all of us towards sadhana.
In 1971, Nanna gave many talks on the subject Pravritti - Nivritti. He spoke about the various kinds of bhakti exhibited by man, religious practices, God's tattwa....He gave all that a sadhaka on the spiritual path needs.
In this pious Brindavan, we spoke a little about devotion, knowledge and renunciation. Today we shall elaborate with relevant references from Vedas and religious scriptures. Bhakti is of many kinds, bhakti tattwas are many! Though devotion towards husband and country is laudable, it is not devotion in totality because it is not wide spread and all pervading. They are limited to the worldly matters. That's why they lack all pervading nature. One lady shows unswerving devotion towards a man; it is great. A man shows extraordinary devotion towards his country; very great. We must admit that they are great. If we want to reach God who is the Ruler of all worlds and has pervaded everywhere; if we want to reach that highest state, our devotion should also flow in the highest level. This is essential.
Let us analyse what pati (husband) means. The Vedas say 'Pradhana Kshtrgyaha patirgunesah'. Pradhana, foremost is mahaprakriti, nature. Prakriti which filled all the worlds is Pradhana, the most important. Kshretrya is jeeva. God is their pati. He is endowed with infinite divine qualities. God is the para purusha who is the main life force of prakriti and innumerable jeevas; their pati (master) and gati (fate)! When devotion towards God is awakened, it is great. Studies in primary school are easy because it is at elementary level. As you reach post graduation level, passing the exams becomes an achievement. That is how a great tattwa gains importance. No wonder, when you open up your heart and surrender your life to God who is the supreme of all worlds; who is the master of all jeevas and who is endowed with innumerable virtues, it is a really great matter! Such devotion will certainly uplift human beings. It is this devotion that truly gives life to human beings. 'Bhakti vasaha purursha'. Purushottama is highest. He cannot be lured by rituals and thoughts. The only power that can control him is devotion!
We must understand about that devotion and how to achieve it. This is man's duty; this is scientific dharma. We shall now discuss about this divine tattwa. Vedavyasa specifically wrote Srimad Bhagawata and handed it over to the world with the purpose of spreading devotion towards the all pervading God. That's why Bhagawata is considered to be the science of devotion (bhakti sastra). We must diligently follow this science and move forward. There is no use of digressing from science. The Gita also stresses the need to follow scientific knowledge. 'Yat sastra vidhi mutsrujya vartathe kamakarathaha' - One who ignores science and scientific procedures; one who has no faith in Gita and other scriptures; one who decides to do as he wishes...'Na cha siddhi mavapnothi na sukham na parangathihi' - he cannot succeed in any of his attempts. He will face some obstacle midway. He will either fail miserably or will completely give up devotion. He cannot succeed. Only when you pass an exam, you are considered to succeed. Similarly, only when you attain God's darshan you have succeeded in your devotion. Then only you can enter into the continuous service of God. You must attain God and that divine sorrow. That is the objective of devotion. The main criterion is pure devotion. If one can really achieve such devotion with which he can mesmerize God, he does not need anything else in the world.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came on this earth only to teach the world about bhakti tattwa. Mahatmas in Brindavan took birth only to show bhakti tattwa to the world. How many kinds of bhakti are found? Which bhakti does God like? What are its qualities? Are there any obstacles in pursuing this devotion? Would we face any difficulties? All these points constitute the science of devotion. We must learn about it. The main aim of these lectures is to show true devotion and create some awareness in you. Brindavan dham is acclaimed as the most important center for devotion in the world. This is the dham where God took an incarnation and spread his message to the world. Vysasa said 'Krishnasthu Bhagawan swayam'. In all other incarnations of God, you will find some aspects, some parts of God's complete Swarooopa. 'Etasyamsaha kalaha pumsaha Krishnasthu Bhagawan swayam.' Krishna's incarnation is a wholesome one! The purpose of this incarnation is to display so many arts, aspects, divine qualities, divine powers and divine beauties to uplift mankind. Such a Lord moved in this dham and showed his incessant and supreme aspect of love! One who realizes his Vraja bhakti tattwa would certainly understand the secrets of the various facets of his love - qualities, powers and how that loving devotion would attract him towards them. Our duty is to propagate some of these secrets. We established an ashram in Brindavan only to realize the bhakti tattwa.
Presently, we will visit Mahatmas and the holy places in Brindavan; read the experiences of the Mahatmas printed in Vraja and Hindi languages, translate them in Telugu and English and then educate everybody. These lectures will also be distributed in the form of books and cassettes. We are bringing out many volumes of 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi.' The first volume has been released. When you read the book, you will understand who Radha Devi is: what is Her supreme power and why millions of devotees worship Her. The book is based on proof from Vedas and Science. We do not say or write anything that is against science.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu repeatedly emphasized that Srimad Bhagawata is the science of all sciences! He advocated four principles and emphasized that with the realization of these principles, one can actually understand Jeeveswarajagat - the qualities and form of divinity! What is your ultimate goal? What is your destination? What is the quality of that bhakti which is the main instrument to lead you to your destination? What is the religious scripture that expressed God's divinity?
Chaitanya explained about the devotion that would help man to move towards God faster and smoothly. We also must know the answers to these questions. He said that Brindavan dham is very pious. There is no fortune greater than staying in Brindavan. Man may be favoured with lot of luck. But nothing is luckier than living in Brindavan dham and doing penance to attain God's grace. That is the greatest! This is the secret behind the 5500 temples in Brindvan. No wonder devotees from America, Great Britain, Mexico, France etc. come all the way to Brindavan to do penance. What a wonder! They give up their religion and come here with devotion and faith to do penance. That is Brindavan dham! Very few persons may be doing penance outside Brindavan. So many men and women take the vow of chastity/celibacy, give up everything and live in Brindavan. They don't think of anything except God..several Mahatmas live in this way. That is why Chaitanya Mahaprabhu advised his disciples to go to Brindavan and live there. In those days, 500 years ago, when there were no trains or buses, the Shadgoswamis also walked 2000 miles to reach Brindavan. They wore only a loin cloth in the biting cold and endured many difficulties while walking. Finally they reached Brindavan and did extraordinary seva. They are indeed great and unique! We cannot repay their debt even after taking several births. We are describing such a Brindavan dham in our books Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi citing several verses to prove every statement.
The main point that we must realize is - Who is our Master, Who we must worship? The Vedas said 'Pradhana Kshtragyaha patirgunesaha'. He is our Lord. Science emphasizes that our Lord is he who has no life and death and who can uplift the human beings. The worldly husband, wife, children relationship, bonds and debts are different. 'Runanubandha roopena pasu patni sutalaya'. They are relationships due to debts in the previous birth. They came together due to some worldly affection. They lived together, their time ended and they left the world. In this way, there is a flow of human beings. This is life! Bonding due to debt of previous birth! Each one in this world is on his own. This is the law of nature. Nothing is permanent here. This body itself is not permanent. Man looks after this body with such love and care. One day or other he must leave this body - may be today or tomorrow, after ten years or twenty years. Imagine how sad you will feel at that time. This body is transient. The link between this body and man is also temporary. Then which object in the world can you hold tightly and say 'this is mine. I will leave the world along with this object.' None! Do not forget this fact of the world.
What is real renunciation? We descended to this world of maya due to our own mistakes. We must give up those qualities which brought us to this state, turn around and go straight back towards God. This is real renunciation! We were lured by worldly objects. At one stage, we reached such a level that we could not live away from these worldly objects. We thought that this pleasure was the highest. The jeevatma, the witness consciousness descended to enjoy in this world for some time only because of this attraction. Worldly desires and attachment towards them is very fatal. One, who is trapped in them, cannot go up again easily. As long as you are on the bank of the river, the crocodile cannot harm you. But once you put even a foot in the water, it will catch you and you cannot come out again. This is the divine message given by Bhagawata. 'These worldly pleasures will appear attractive. When you see a pond, you will feel - the water is cold, let us bathe, let us enjoy....Once you enter the pond, the crocodile will hold you and you are trapped; you cannot escape and come out. That is how the world is!' Abhimanyu, Arjuna's dear son entered the Padmavyuha (an intricate arrangement of soldiers in a war) but could not come out; he died.
The world is also a strange Padmavyuha. It is easy to enter but very difficult to come out. Maya is very powerful. That is why we must wait for God's grace every moment. There is no other way. Daivihyesha gunamayi mama maya durutyaya.' 'Maya is divine power and hence not an ordinary power. It is linked to the three gunas, the base modes. This is my maya; my power!' Maya means power. Krishna says 'My maya' (mama maya). That means we can defeat maya only when we can conquer Krishna. But we cannot conquer him. Who can defeat him? Millions of Brahmas also could not stand before him. That is why Krishna cautioned us that we cannot cross over maya because it is his power. 'Mameva ye prapayanthe mayametham tharanthithe'. 'I will allow that jeeva, pious and fortunate one who seeks shelter in me with total faith and surrender to succeed.' This is Krishna's assurance to mankind.
Nanna said that our immediate dharma in Brindavan is to read the scripture in Vraja and Hindi language, translate them and explain about them to everybody. We could understand about the great books in Brindavan about Rasika Mahatmas and about the supreme sovereign Radhaji only with Nanna's grace. He assured us that we would obtain all his lectures in the form of cassettes. He taught us to love Radhaji and also granted us the fortune to record his talks. That is how we are all experiencing the bliss in the volumes of Nannatho (Our Association with Nanna).
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Sridevi Radha mahima chinthimpave
Manasa dayanele
Mayajeevula manasulu marcherdi
Parameswari karuna nidhiyo
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Oh Mind! Always contemplate on Sri Radha's powers. She is the wealth who can transform the mind of the jeevas who are trapped by maya.
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