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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 9

Our Association With Nanna - Part 9
*Nanna's words
*Amma's words
*Foreword by Author
1The All Pervading Sovereign
2Attachment and Renunciation
3Where words retreated
4Diversity in Oneness
5Devotion – Meditation – Grace
6 Incredibly rare are the Realized Saints
7 My Heart is a Shrine
8 Sakhi’s Innerness
9 Rasikacharya’s Message
10 Sri Radha Sakhi Rasavani

20.10.2000, Brindavan Ashram

Our loving Nanna was seated in his dhyana room. All devotes surrounded him to listen to his words of Sri Radha while he was deeply immersed in bhava.

" The Vedas proclaimed 'Krishnena aradhyathethi Radha.' The Mahasakthi (supreme power) who is constantly worshipped by Krishna is Radha. She is Radha because of Krishna's worship (aradhana). Krishna is a complete incarnation of God. Such a Lord worships Radha. So Radha is in many folds higher than Krishna. She is so powerful. Everybody in Brindavan agrees that Krishna worships Radha. "

" About 400 years ago, a strange incident occurred here, in this very area where our ashram is located. Sanatana Goswami was the main disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. One day he was returning back after bath in River Yamuna, which is very near from this place. He heard the music of a flute. He wondered who was playing the flute. He turned back and saw little Krishna standing in this area. All his friends were playing around him. Sanatana Goswami prostrated before him My Lord! You are really present here!' 'In future, Radha Devi, the deity of my worship will be shining here. Many devotees will visit this place.' Krishna vanished. We conducted seven week long discourses on Bhagawata in this room. So this is not an ordinary place. I did not acquire this area on my own. Mother appeared in my dream and showed me this place. She told me that I must buy the house from the doctor, the owner who was leaving shortly. That is how we established this ashram. Ever since we came to this ashram, so many extraordinary leelas beyond human comprehension took place. Mother is performing a leela through me which no human being could achieve so far. She is using me as an instrument in her leela. "

" Mother's birthday falls on Radhashtami. The Padmapurana provides details on her descent to earth. At 5 a.m., she came down alone directly from the sky as a three year old girl. She descended into a lotus in a pond, Prem Sarovar in Ravali village. That three year old girl is so powerful that even Krishna also worships her. I plan to arrange a bus for 350 people to welcome her at 5 a.m. in Ravali. There is lake, a lotus but not the little girl! I gave up food and water for 5 days and prayed to Mother in this room. 'Mother, the idols in the temples will not be as powerful as the original God. I don't want such an idol. You came to earth 5000 years ago as a three year old girl. Nobody saw your form. Nobody knows how you looked when you came to earth. I want to have a darshan of that form. Please grant me your form in bhava Samadhi. I will make a portrait and worship you. I will reveal your form to the whole world.' Mother showed her form to me and also to the artist who made her portrait for 2-3 minutes. "

" This portrait placed in the swing is that form granted by Mother. Even without the portrait, the swing moves on its own sometimes. This room is filled with divine fragrance which emanate from the swing. I installed her portrait in my heart and worship her. I have no other temple, Mother is my temple. My heart is my temple. That is why fragrance emanates from my heart also just as they emanate from the swing and cot. Well, my Mother is present here but why not Krishna! We don't want Gopala because he is present in Mother. Some devotees from Orissa came to our ashram. As they sat here, Krishna came out from her portrait, swirling, gave darshan to all of them and again went back into the portrait. So, where is Gopala? He is in Mother. So we don't want him separately. Mother told it is not necessary. 'You have seen me that is enough. He also worships me. So, there is nobody else for you to worship.' This is the greatest secret. "

" You came to such a sacred place only with her orders. Mother should grant permission for you to enter into Brindavan. If she does not wish, she will not allow them to enter. She rules Brindavan dham. All the volumes of my book titled 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radha'. She is the sovereign of Brindavan, not Krishna. I wrote her leelas briefly in the book to tell you all about her greatness. Did all of you receive the books? "


" Did everybody receive the book 'Raseswari Radha'? "


Along with everybody's voice, a hissing voice saying 'Yes' is clearly heard.

" The Gods asked Brahma to tell about Radha Devi. He said that his life span is not enough to describe her leelas, her magnificence and her greatness. Brahma's life span is 12,960 thousand crores. We cannot even imagine how much! That life span is not enough to speak about her! So much is written in such big books. I took a resolution to describe such a wonderful Mother. "

" Generally, people do penance and then see God. In Brindavan, you can see God. In Brindavan, you can see God without penance. My disciple ( Pedda) M.A., Ph.D.wrote a book on me. He took mantra from me. He was surprised how God would come without penance. 'He will come only in Brindavan, not anywhere else. Stay here for 9 days and see for yourself.' He stayed in our ashram. On the 9th day, he had a vision. I was sleeping in this chair. They draped a blanket around me. He was standing before me. Two little children, a boy and a girl were playing in this room. The girl lifted the blanket from one side and entered into me. The boy entered from the other side. Again they covered the blanket. He saw me in the middle with the boy and girl on either side. As soon as he saw this vision, he started weeping. 'My son, there is no penance. Without penance, how did you have that vision? The ignorant Gods need penance, not Radhaji. She will grant whatever she wants.' You will write many books in future.' He wrote the book 'Rasayogi' on my life. He said that it would cost Rs.56,500/- to print the book but he did not have so much money. As I was saying 'The money will come somehow. She will arrange it.' A Chartered Accountant working in Guntur came forward and offered Rs.70,000 to print a book on me! All these books will be given free of cost. Mother or we are not for sale. "

" I will narrate a unique leela of Mother. This room is my dhyana kshetra. I sit, sleep and eat in this chair only. I do not sleep on a cot since 60 years. I sit in this chair and do dhyana, higher meditation for 18 hours every day. I spared the 6 hours for other activities. Due to this dhyana, my Mother gave me confidence. I sought one desire from her and she agreed. So far, she did not grant such a boon to anybody on earth except me. "

" Mother's birthday is celebrated grandly. I distribute 1000 sweets on that auspicious day. Thousand of devotees assemble here to witness and participate in the ceremony. People chant her name and sing hymns of her glory. We light crackers and arrange band music. Food is served to all the devotees with sweets and savouries. This celebration would cost Rs.1.1 lakhs every year. I took a vow which no ordinary human being can take or fulfil. I shall celebrate Mother's birthday till the end of Kaliyuga in this same way, in a festive and grand scale. I started a registered society to control finances and celebrate the function every year. The second vow taken by me-I will not ask any person for money. Mother will make him give the money even if I do not ask him. I will celebrate the function, with that money. We are celebrating her birthday since two years with grandeur. We engage the best cooks and serve the devotees with good food. "

" We organize Rasa for 3 days before her birthday so that everybody knows about Radha. Phatte Krishna arranges Rasa every year in a wonderful manner. Several devotees come here to see the Rasa. They depict how Mother came down to earth and her leelas. "

" Such arrangements cost money. I do not ask anybody for a single penny. Yet the functions are continuing and will continue in the same grandeur till the end of Kaliyuga. All devotees will be provided accommodation and food here. "

" The head Priests of Banke Bihariji temple and Puri Jagannath temple came to our Ashram. They were curious that someone from South India is celebrating Mother's birthday every year. So they wanted to see me. So far nobody in Brindavan ever conducted a function on such a large scale. Multi millionaires like Kalmias came near me and asked what I needed. 'What can you give me? She gives me everything. If you want, offer to Mother. I will not ask anything.' We don't need to ask anybody for anything because Mother is with us. I pray that all of you must live with the same confidence. "

" I have another ashram in Guntur, bigger than this one in Bridnavan. A millionaire approached me one day requesting to celebrate my 100th birthday. I agreed. I don't ask anybody not even Mother. Then how do these things happen? Who provides the inspiration? Only Mother. She does everything for us. Somebody asked whether we need vegetables for the function. We said that Mother will provide everything. She does! You did not come here on your own. This is the truth. You came because this is a big organization. Mother's inspiration is behind these functions. Her divine message must reach each one of you. That is why she called you here. You came here for that purpose, not because I need you here. "

" 'Rasa yogi' includes a leela related to Anantha Krishna, an engineer in American University. One day he met with a car accident. From that minute, he suffered from unbearable headache. The leading doctors of America declared that 'this is incurable. You have to die. There is no other alternative.' They suggested mercy killing. There was not a second's gap in his suffering. The all pervading Mother chooses her persons, wherever they are from all the worlds. He came to India and stayed in our ashram for 41 days. He was cured from the suffering which American doctors declared as incurable. That is Radha! "

Some devotees from Andhra Pradesh came to visit Nanna. Immersed in Radha bhava, he explained that Radha is the highest deity and the prominence of the place where our ashram lies. We have the words of Gopala that in future Radhaji's songs, worship and functions will be held here are indeed true! Nanna celebrates Radhastami with such love. We are fortunate to hear about his unique plans. Radhaji granted Nanna a vision of her features as a three year old girl a She came down to earth 5000 years ago. He handed that portrait to all of us as 'Chinnari' (The little one). It is indeed an incredible incident in which she gave darshan to Nanna and the artist. He installed Chinnari in his heart and granted us the fortune to install her in our hearts also. Mother told him that there is no need to worship Krishna separately. He proved that Krishna is within Radhaji in the presence of Mahatmas. Brahma whose life span is 12960 thousand crores of years said that it is not enough to describe her glory.' He declared that he intended to describe the glory of the wonderful Mother and gave us 8 volumes of 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radha filled with Rasa. Each one of us must individually think who our Nanna could be, who accomplished the task which Brahma did not attempt! Radha and Govind play in Nanna's lap. Everybody in Brindavan was awe struck by the way he celebrated Radhashtami every year. All these functions are successfully conducted without asking money from anybody. He showed us his confidence that Mother is with him and directly told us that we also must live with the confidence that Mother is with us.

Nanna clarified that it is her will that we became his disciples and became members of Radha family. All our movements are according to her resolution.

" You all must receive her divine message. That is why she called you here. "

He lovingly gave us her divine message. By his will, he cured critical cases which doctors declared incurable. Such a Nanna is our Guru, God, our life! Radhaji took Nanna as her instrument and showed an incredible leela.

In 2000, Nanna went to Ravali by 5 a.m. on Radhashtami along with his devotees. No arrangements were made to receive the sovereign of Brindavan. Nanna was very upset. That very moment, the seed of his resolution was sown. He returned to Bridnavan. Sri Radha accepted his request and granted him the vision of Chinnari. He celebrated Radhashtami in 2001 and 2002 with the portrait of Chinnari in the swing, on a grand scale. By then, Sri Radha made her presence in the ashram even in the form of an idol.

The idol installation ceremony was celebrated on May 1, 2004. Since then, all occasions, particularly Radhashtami are being grandly celebrated under the supervision of Anjani amma, as desired by Nanna. By Nanna's grace, we are able to participate in these functions and be blessed.

This is the splendour of Radhaji's leelas.

Radhaji granted Nanna for divine principles in Ravali forest through her sakhis-Ananyanishta, Tatsukhena mama sukham, Sahacharini Vratham and Sakara nirakara samanvayam. Nanna spoke about these divine principles and explained how to amalgamate them in our daily life.

" Sovereign Radha is present in the form and formlessness at the same time. There is nothing smaller than her and also nothing larger than her! He did not give up her beauty (form). At the same time, she is all pervading and infinite (formless), superimposed everywhere. That is how we must see her and worship her. We must co-ordinate the form and formless. This is the secret of our Hindu religion. The idol of Rama in our temple has one head. The priest chants verses from the Vedas - 'Sahasra Seershaha Purushaha.' Now, where are the thousand heads of Rama? This is a contradiction. Either he is lying or the verse is false! IF it is true, you must not worship that Rama's idol with one head. "

" Your heart must expand. Divine consciousness has filled all the worlds. If you yearn for oneness with that consciousness, your horizon must become vast, not limited. A person with limited perception cannot and must not rise higher. This vastness, this all pervading presence is so significant "

" 'Bahunam ......sudurlabhaha.' "

" When Prahlada's father asked him about Hari, he replied 'How can I tell a single place. My Lord is present everywhere. He is in your heart and my heart also. There is no such place where he is not present.' You must develop this all pervading vision. God is not only infinitesimal; he is not only so small as to be present in the sub atomic state. He is as vast too that he is everywhere. So, he is neither small nor big! The all pervading God is my deity. My Krishna is not only the form with a head and eyes; he is all pervading too. Wherever you look, you see him only. You must learn to worship the all pervading God with such infinite vision. You must yearn for him. You must not limit to his form with one head, eyes and nose! This is what Hindu religion or scriptures and great sages preached us. You must see God everywhere. "

" 'Yathra Yatra manoyathi tatra tatra Madhavaha'- this is the Gopikas's state. Wherever their mind is focused, they attain Samadhi there. Really great! They would look at a snake pit and see Krishna there. They would literally embrace the snake pit and went into Samadhi. One day, a black python was coming towards them. 'See our Krishna is coming near us; he is slipping away; hold him. Where are you running away from us?' They held the python in their arms and embraced it. Strange, it did not harm them! When you can see God everywhere, he is certainly superimposed and present there. It is a law. The more vast your vision is, the more you please God. This is the main principle of Hindu religion. "

" Radhaji gave these four divine principles to me that night in Ravali village and hinted that everybody must follow them. 'The jeeva who follows these four divine principles is the beautiful one. I will not leave him. I will always be with him. Whether he is aware or not, I will accompany him at all times.' This is Mother's divine message. "

Nanna gave us the message just as the Gopikas saw only Krishna everywhere, in form as well as formless; we must see only Mother everywhere. Dhyana is the only way to do so. That is why Nanna stressed on the importance of dhyana yoga and told us how to do dhyana in all the four states of jagrut, swapna, sushupthi and tureeya.


Na Guru Daivamu na dhanameeva
Na hrudayambe nee alayamu
Nee sevaye Na nomula phalamu
Ninne nammithi namma Devi.

Mother. You are my Guru, God and prosperity. My heart is your temple; your service is the fruit of my worship. I surrendered to you.



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