17.12.2000, Guntur ashram
At 9 a.m. Nanna spoke about divine love as Anjani amma was giving Sringara harathi to Radha and Krishna after bathing and decorating them.
Man is aspiring for and loving only small objects. As a result, his mind became constricted. When the mind id constricted, his form also becomes limited. In this way, we became what we are today, small objects! Why should man be small? We have no powers. We lost our original power. We must regain that power. We must expand our mind and heart. What should man do to expand his mind?
'Maintain silence.'
In the state of silence, we wipe off the scattered thoughts. This wiping off the thoughts is known as silence. Silence must be maintained only to erase all the trash thoughts in the mind. When they are wiped off, only silence remains. That is the significance of silence. When you have wiped off the thoughts..
'Thoughtlessness is attained.'
The mind becomes thoughtless. In such a state, the mind attains certain powers. What are those powers?
'Become all pervading..'
What are those powers?
'Please tell us , Nanna.'
I told but you forgot. The mind attains three powers - divine knowledge, divine power and divine love. What is the difference between divine love and worldly love?
'Divine love is free from desires.'
You must go higher than that. We cannot love a snake but one who has divine love can. That is divine love! In Kanva maharshi's ashram, you find rabbits, cows, lion and tiger living together. Their intrinsic bhava of enmity does not exist there. That is divine love. We must elaborate this point and explain in more detail. One day a snake came near me but I was not afraid. I held the bowl of coffee. It came near me, drank the coffee and left. It did not bite me though it was so close to me. A person with divine love will love cruel animals and cruel people also.
Naravahana was a very cruel dacoit. Yet, Hitaharivamsaji loved him. That is divine love. In ordinary love, man loves a small worldly object, craves for it and becomes a small object himself. Jada Bharatha was like that; he was reborn as a deer. Our situation is also like that.
With that divine power, diseases and sufferings will vanish. Even if you are facing a stubborn and proud animal, it will lose its pride. When Saint Francis of Assisi drew a cross in the air, the enraged bear stopped abruptly before him. That is the power of divine love.
Divine knowledge! My father told the king before he went for hunting that he would almost die very shortly. He could foretell the future by divine knowledge.
Nanna said that the mind is filled with limited love and unlimited thoughts. No wonder man lost his powers. He must practice silence of the mind. Then his mind will attain divine love, divine power and divine knowledge. Saying that Jada Bharatha became small because of his love for small objects, he added that 'we are also like that.' He included himself with us. Nanna represents divine love; he exemplifies divine power; he is divine knowledge himself. Yet his teachings are so smooth and gentle, without hurting anybody's feelings. Where is Nanna and where are we?
Nanna gave the example of Saint Francis of Assisi who transformed the cruel bear with his divine love and protected the villagers from its attack. This incident is elaborated in the 3rd volume of Brindavaneswari Radha Devi. Nanna's father, Venkayya Siddhanti garu was endowed with divine knowledge. One day, the King of Pithapuram was going to the forest for hunting. On his way, he met Nanna's father and asked about his future. He informed that the king would almost die and return back with a close escape from death. True to his words, the king escaped from the clutches of a tiger and sat on the tree top for two days and then only returned back. Similarly, the incident of the snake in S.Kota is a small example of Nanna's abundant divine love, divine power and divine knowledge.
What kind of service will please Mother?
There is a tendency to impart improper knowledge in the society. We must have knowledge providing schools. They must conduct dhyana yoga classes every evening. By this, they will reach near mother directly. Mother's seva.
'Nanna, I wrote that a rasika devotee must conduct his life in such a way that Mother's seva continues not only during his life time but also after his death..'
The thoughts of rasika devotees are wide, not restricted. Their plans for Her service are unlimited. If you plan only for Wednesday or Friday, it is limited. That is not devotion. Arrangements should be made in such a way that dhyana yoga continues as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. That is how I am arranging here. Mother's functions, sacrifices of the devotees! A devotee does not think of himself; only Mother. Mind, society and Mother! All the three are Her seva only.
'Efforts must be made to ameliorate the society, help everybody and draw their attention towards Mother through dhyana yoga.. '
One way to serve Her is by celebrating Her functions; another way is through dhyana yoga. She said 'our link is eternal, not only for a day or two.' This is very important. So, whatever seva you do, it must be eternal. Seva to society and providing food to devotees is one seva; Dhyana yoga is second and Service through writing and printing books is third. These books will eternally circulate among the devotees. When the copies are exhausted, they will be reprinted. Our books must be distributed all over the world, in all continents. These three sevas - books, dhyana yoga and Her functions must continue eternally.
Suddenly Nanna began to speak about rasa tattwa.
Rasa is dwaithadwaitha; both dwaitha and adwaitha are present. I am experiencing that rasa at least for one moment. That is adwaitha. You made rasa an inherent part of your life. That is adwaitha. Praising Mother and preaching that She is the highest is dwaitha.
'Nanna, does a rasika devotee have both aspects?'
Yes. He tells others and also does himself. When he does, it is adwaitha. When he tells, it is dwaitha.
'Hitaharivamsaji used the term soham. Was he in the adwaitha state that time?'
Yes, but not perfect adwaitha. It is only a part of adwaitha. He is a small man, how can he have perfect adwaitha? He experienced rasa when he uttered that word. It is not perfect soham. He is a mahatma. Radha devotees never agree to adwaitha.
Again Nanna continued about Mother's seva.
Larger the seva the better it is. Don't do limited seva. Any seva must be unlimited, infinite and eternal. We are celebrating Her functions as long as the Universe is present. We will invite Her devotees and arrange a procession. We shall provide Her happiness for 5 days during Her birthday celebrations. That is one seva. We are printing books about Her and distributing to devotees free of cost. Printing, reprinting and reprinting, the cycle is eternal. When devotees come to our dhyana yoga centre, we will teach them and make them practice dhyana yoga. One batch after another..We will not only teach them about dhyana yoga but also arrange for their food and stay. Mother will take care of everything. We must plan and She will take care of the rest. She will arrange the money. These three sevas must continue like continuous links in a chain; not in a broken way. I want to leave these chains in the world for the service of Mother.
The seva of rasika mahatmas like Nanna, will be eternal and for the welfare of humanity. He clearly stated that anything that is limited is not devotion. He stated that the three sevas must be eternal and Mother Herself would organize them. His divine wish is that any seva to Mother must be as vast as the ocean. Reflecting this divine wish, he said 'I want to leave these chains in the world for the service of Mother.'
Our seva is infinite. We need a car to move around the country, distribute books and inform everybody about Mother. Different groups will be involved in various activities - propaganda, writing books, arranging Her functions and dhyana yoga. Four groups! We shall take Her in our car and move globally.
I can do anything. I will give a small talk first and then distribute the books about Her glory. I already wrote the book -Raseswari Sri Radha. It will be printed in all languages. Then we will travel to all countries..propagate about Mother..So, in some corner of the world or other, Radhaji's name will be ringing and ringing.
Nanna was glowing with his unlimited love towards human beings. His plans are vast and wide- signifying the completeness of seva. He proposes to travel all over the world, distribute the books printed in various languages, speak about Her..continuously, eternally..Who can make such a great resolution? Only Radhasakhi, who stated that 'I can do anything', could plan and implement such a mighty resolution! We don't know whom Nanna is identifying as his instruments in this divine cause. Even today, his devotees spread all over the globe are putting in their efforts in this cause by the power of love infused in them by him. He gave the responsibility of implementing his scheme to his representative, our Anjani amma. Amma, the personification of love is giving a tangible form to his great resolution. The Radhashtami function being celebrated every year is enough to show how his ideas have taken a shape. Any function organized in the ashram under Amma's supervision indicates that his power of love is flowing and he manifested himself there. I pray to Her holy feet that the whole world should witness Radhasakhi's vision that Radhaji's name will be ringing and ringing in some corner of the world or other.
Mother's name will be ringing in the world for 24 hours a day, throughout the year, for centuries and centuries.We must ensure that. We must purchase a car and then maintain a car repair fund and a book printing fund. Then we can start. We cannot move from Brindavan now because building construction work is going on. We must also complete eight volumes of the book on Mother. This seva must be completed first. Then we shall begin propaganda.I want to travel in the car all over India. The divine name of Radha must be always ringing and ringing..Radhe Radhe.
Suddenly Nanna said:
I think Mother will take me.
'Nanna, why do you say such things now?'
He laughed loudly.
It is all my happiness.
'Then all of us also.'
You will also come. You are never separate from me. You are not separate from me nor am I separate from my Mother. That is the link. Such a link must be formed. The others are mahatmas but we are great in one way. We will be traveling in all countries, all worlds and all planes. We shall make Her name ring in all the planes. We shall chant Her name and weep.
Today, a music director met me. We will select some songs and sing them. As we travel, Her name will be chanted continuously. We will move in the streets of all villages and invite them to come in the evening to listen about Mother and take the books distributed by us. We will give a short speech about Her and hand over ten books for each village to distribute among themselves. We will move on to another village. In this way, Mother's name will be ringing all over the world and Her works will be read in different languages.
'Nanna, this vision is beyond our imagination. You showed us what an infinite resolution means. Earlier, you said that our aim should be vast, not a small and restricted one. Now you told us what that infinite aim is.'
This is the real seva. Mother is infinite. 'Mother, I shall be along with You. If You move towards infinity, I shall also come with You. When You expand Yourself to infinity, we will also expand ourselves with Your grace and follow You. You cannot leave us and go alone. You will not do like that.' Even if I tell, Mother will not go away. She is Bhaktanugrahakatara. She is always eager to shower Her grace on Her devotees. We also must have a similar nature.Do seva.any amount of seva is not enough.
Who is this Nanna? We are moving with him so closely and speaking to him so intimately. While speaking about Her all pervading nature, he is immersed in that bhava and speaks as if he is Mother. He is telling Radhaji 'if You move towards infinity, I will also come with You.' How can he say so unless he also is infinite? Saying She is Bhaktanugrahakatara and he also has the same nature, he clarified who he is. Long back, in one of his songs, he told Mother 'I will be Your shadow all the time.' What is the difference between Mother and Her shadow? I am eager to write something about such a Nanna. But I lack the capacity to express the infinite meaning behind his simple words. Nanna, please make every reader understand the depth of your words within him.
Nanna was watching me with a smile.
'I am filled with bhava.'
It must be so. You must never be satisfied. Our goal is as vast as Mother's. She will give us an injection. 'We will also come with You. We will not agree if You go alone. You must come along with us. We must come along with You.' Then She will think 'Oh such stubborn people have come near Me.' (Smiling blissfully) She must think like that. She will not give us separation. Link! We, Mother...
'Nanna, what about us? (a devotee Srinivas asked)
You must select some seva and come with us. Will you join in dhyana yoga, celebrating functions, writing books or distributing books? This year we are writing a small book. It will be translated in Hindi next month. On one side, the function will go on, then there will be a procession and we will distribute books during that time. Such an event never happened in the history of Brindavan so far.
I wrote a brief book on Mother's life. It is a wonderful book containing Sriji's.don't forget, Sriji's. that is enough. You need not say any more. Every year, we shall recollect Her life on this day.
We had a small goal and were born as small beings. We did small seva and so we are small beings. Now, we have taken a huge resolution. Mother will grant a divine form. Like Hanuman, we will become mighty and mightier..We must be like that; we are not small bodies. We need not ask for anything. Mother will give anything. Ah! She will grant those things which we cannot even imagine.
Another devotee (Rishi garu) joined us.
Which department will you join?
'Nanna's department.'
There are four departments - functions, dhyana yoga, book writing and book distribution. Being near Mother for seva - which department is this?
'Very important department.'
By these sevas we are moving far away. Instead of this distance 'if You grant us another body, we will be near You only. We will not leave You. We will hold You firmly.'This is the fifth department. Panchasevalu - the five sevas! Rasaleela is always there in Her presence.
'Is that a part of the function ? Are you referring to the Rasa leela which you plan to organize during Radhashtami?'
No, that is different. There is daily Rasa in Her dham. (nitya Rasa). I am present in that Rasa.
'..must be near Mother for Her seva..Near You.we will not leave You. Daily there is Rasa in Her dham. (nitya Rasa). I am present in that Rasa.' It appears that this is the fifth department that Nanna mentioned.
Nanna's goals and plans are such that they never happened in Brindavan before. Till then, he explained about the departments for Mother's seva and how to serve Her. Saying that we must travel all over that world and we must hold Her firmly, he suddenly said 'there is daily Rasa in Her dham. (nitya Rasa). I am present in that Rasa.' He often said that entry into maharasa is the highest level of man's existence. To attain entry into that divine, constant rasa, one must follow his teachings with one pointed devotion (ananya nishta) and self surrender to Mother.
18.12.2000, Guntur ashram
Since two days, Nanna was speaking about the depth of Sri Radha prema rasa. Who can describe the bliss of Radhasakhi who is with Radhaji every moment in Her nitya rasa?
Nanna discussed some points from Dhruvadasji's Bayalees leela which were included in 6th Volume in Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi.
There is only question in this world? How will this body leave us? Losing jeevathma and reaching Mother...I wrote only about mind control in 'Divine Wisdom' in a scientific manner. There is nothing wrong in taking some points from him (Dhruvadasji). Mind teaching is a general subject. It does not pertain to any particular person. It is a universal science.
Speaking about installing Sriji's idol, he said:
There will be ten books, five on either side of the idol. That is roopa vigraha; this is sabdha vigraha. (That is idol in form and this is idol in sound). These two together form the idol. That is the mahamantra.
'What mahamantra, Nanna?'
These ten books plus the idol in the centre; the whole unit constitutes mahamantra.
All the volumes will have the same name. They are the dasavatharas. We will take a photo and distribute to everyone. Ten volumes and Her idol; Her knowledge in all the volumes and Mother Herself. That is enough. Money is ready to provide a two storeyed accommodation to the devotees. The construction is ready to begin.
We propose to construct 12 rooms. No accommodation will be provided to families. There will be a huge hall in the front. We will provide Her portrait which is as big as the size of Her idol. Then it is easy for them to prepare the idol in the same proportion. They will mould the hands, feet according to the size of the painting. There may be a mistake in their imagination but our painting will be accurate. The idol will be ready in two months. That will be perfect.
Somebody came to see Nanna. He seems to have read the book about Nanna titled 'Rasayogi'.
Did you read that book? Many points have not been included in that book. I possess extra ordinary powers. They are beyond man's capacity. Man can never do such things. One of them is Lanka..
When Ravana died, he made sure that nobody worships Vishnu in Sri Lanka. That is an insult to Vaishnavas. They burnt idols and destroyed books about Vishnu. That is an unpardonable crime. I asked the formless Mother who came to earth as a two year old girl 'Mother, this is Your responsibility. What is Your order? I will follow Your instructions.' Everything happened as She willed.
You are asking for mantra of such a Mother. I am giving you that mantra. But it will take some time for Her to grant you darshan. You must be in the vow of austerity (brahmacharya deeksha).
'I am in this vow since my wife died.'
Mother granted me Her darshan as a small girl. She gave me the mahamantra. One must not give mantra till the person attains siddhi state. I attained siddhi. That is why I am giving this mantra. Others cannot give this mantra. You also don't give anybody. It will have an adverse effect on you. I am giving you that mantra. Is there a more Superior power than Her? No. The Vedas also mention that She is the highest power. So, all other mantras are inferior. Even the mantras of Rama and Krishna are small ones. When Krishna himself worships Radha, can his mantra be superior to Hers? I will give you the mantra only on one condition. You must give up everything else and hold to Her mantra only. Then only you will gradually attain ananya mantra siddhi. This mantra is given by Mother. This will almost take you near Her after you die. Till that time, nobody can come in your way. That means, She will take you to whatever heights you can reach through your penance. First, you will reach a higher world. Later, She will change you into a sakhi. You will become Mother's sakhi first and then go near Her. That is my state. I am a sakhi. Though I have a man's form externally, inside..I am Her sakhi. That is why I have the authority to give Her mantra. Everybody does not have this authority. Everybody cannot become a sakhi. You can take this mantra. It will help you to a certain extent only. Beyond this level, you must convert the mantra into formlessness. By nature, She is formless. You cannot bear the form after some time; you will move on to the formless. I will give you that formless state also. You can develop this.
There are seven steps to move higher in the formless mantra. I will teach you about this later. To start with, do mantra on the form for some time. I will tell you for how long later.
We lost our powers and hence you are born as a small living being. Jeevathma is small. The mind is cosmic. The cosmic mind shrank and became small. We don't know what will happen in the future. You must take this small mind back to its original state. One must follow two conditions - vow of austerity and reducing your thoughts. All your thoughts are related to worldly objects. You need not give up anything but you must remain passive. Don't develop this ordinary love. Remain passive towards the three base gunas - dareshana, dhaneshana and putreshana. I want money, not for my enjoyment but to do Mother's seva. I am celebrating Her birthday every year. These functions will continue as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. The expenditure towards these functions is around Rs 1.50 lakhs every year. I don't ask anybody even for one rupee. Can anybody conduct such functions spending so much money without asking anybody for anything?
'No, they cannot.'
It is not possible for any ordinary human being. But I can do it. I am doing it. Mother gives such..power. There is no question of how it is possible. Mother does everything that is impossible for man to do. After Ravana dies, there is not a single Vaishnava temple in Srilanka. There is only hatred towards Lord Vishnu. This is not correct; it is an unpardonable sin. They burn icons of Vishnu every yea. I asked Mother, 'Srilanka is filled with such unpardonable deeds. Your temple must be established there. You must put an end to these wrong deeds happening there.' She answered 'I will remove that hatred.' By Her resolution, She changed the mind of a leader in Srilanka. He came here and I gave him mantra deeksha. 'Construct a temple and install Mother's idol in that temple.' He agreed and left. Today, Lanka is a Vaishnava centre. When Rama and Krishna were approached to remedy the situation in Lanka, they said it is not their problem. Mother solved the problem. There is no power in all the worlds that is superior to Mother. Krishna also bows to Her. That is the point. So I am giving you such a great mantra. I am very glad that you are following vow of austerity. The next important condition is that you must not take any other mantra. Every other mantra is lesser than this. You cannot make the Governor and his subordinate sit on the same sofa. That is wrong. You must not put anybody beside Mother. You have Her, that is enough. I will you in detail later. Now, I will give mantra. Chant in your mind. Only the mind must listen to the mantra. The mind chants Her mantra and the mind only listens. Sit calmly and practice for 30 minutes.
Nanna gave mantra to Ramakrishna garu. He is indeed fortunate that Nanna spoke to him in this way. Generally, he conceals his divinity and sakhi nature. But today, he clearly stated who he is. 'I am sakhi. That is why I have the authority to give mantra.' He emphasized that only a sakhi can give Radha mantra. 'I will celebrate Her functions as long as the Sun and the Moon exist, spending huge amount of money. Can any ordinary man do so?' "I can do it. I am doing it.' 'Mother does what is impossible for man to do.' The sequence of these sentences indicate that Radhaji came down in the form of Her sakhi and is making the impossible possible. If Nanna is an ordinary man, how can he do the impossible?
From Mother's mantra deeksha, I take Her dhyana deeksha. She becomes formless in dhyana deeksha. The six letters in Shadakshari mantra turn into the formless. I will give you that mantra later. That is complete dhyana deeksha. Badarinarayana did dhyana on the formless. Unless you reach the formless plane, you cannot go higher. The form will not permit you to move higher. The form belongs to prakriti, nature with five senses of sight, smell, taste, sound and touch. Prakriti is up to this level only; it has no power to go higher. Chinmaya dham is above prakriti. Mother's dham of love is higher than Chinmaya dham.
All varieties are present in dhyana. This is enough for now. Practice dhyana for ten minutes. The mind must do dhyana and the mind only must listen.
Don't eat in places where Mother's path is not followed. I don't go anywhere. Mother's radiance shines within you. Since they don't follow Mother, their force is different and is present in their food. When you eat that food, Mother..It should not be done. Don't go to anybody's house to eat. Everybody can come to your house and eat. People may be angry but you must bear it. Don't fear that they will think something about you. There is higher power. You can say that 'I took a vow. Please don't mind. I will not eat food. I will have some fruits.' Food does not mean rice only. Convince them and accept the fruit given by them. That's all. Anybody can come to your house at any time. Avoid visiting houses where a birth or death has taken place. Don't eat the food there.
'Can we continue Gayathri mantra as we used to earlier?'
Yes. It is sufficient to chant Gayatri mantra 108 times. Gayatri mantra is small. Yet.Since that is the dharma of a Brahmin, since you cannot give up your dharma so easily, you may continue it 108 times for name sake. Goddess Gayatri will not mind. She knows that she is inferior to Mother. That is why repeat Gayatri mantra 108 times and pay your respects.
Nanna is the complete yogi who attained mantra siddhi in every mantra that he accepted from a guru. At the age of 8 years, his father performed his thread ceremony and gave Gayatri mantra deeksha. Since the he regularly did saharsa Gayatri. Later, he attained siddhi in Gopala mantra, Ganapathi mantra, Kama Gayatri and had a darshan of that God. Such a great yogi, our Nanna thoroughly understood all the paths of spiritual sadhana and concentrated his mind at the holy feet of Sri Radha, the Sovereign of rasa. He received Sri Radha shadakshari mahamantra from Kanakadurga Devi; Sri Radha ashtakshari mantra from Sri Radha Herself and attained mantra siddhi through incessant Radha bhava sadhana. He realized by experience that nothing is higher than Sri Radha Devi, the deity of even Sri Krishna and nothing is greater than Radha mantra. The rasa guru who came down only for the welfare of human beings first witnessed and then only preached philosophical truths to the sadhakas. That is why he said so confidently that 'Gayatri will not mind' and 'do 108 times for name sake.'
Nanna gave specific guidance on food habits, He cautioned that we must not eat any food that is not Mother's offering. He is aware of the consequences we will face. He gave the assurance that we need not fear about what the world thinks because 'there is a higher power.'
This Nanna is our Guru, our God, our life and our beloved sakhi.
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Nee prema bhavambu nee madhura roopu
Poorna manassutho pagalureyanaka
Hrudiyande nilichi chyuthileni
Amma asamanamagu needu rasadhamamunu jera
Korukontini Devi varameeyava Thalli
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Mother, I have Your bhava of love and Your beautiful form always in my heart. I wish to reach Your incomparable and Supreme rasa dham. Kindly grant me this boon.
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