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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 2

Our Association With Nanna - Part 2
*Nanna's words
*Mothers words of benediction
*Foreword by Author
1Secret of the secret
2Sakhi bhava
3Sri Radhasakhi's love
5Sri Radha's oblation (Prasadam)
6Four Divine Principles
7 Nanna's charismatic power
8 Finite and Infinite
9 Silence is penance
10 Extra-ordinary powers
11 Self surrender
12 Bhaktanugrahakatara Sri Radhasakhi
13 Sri Radhasakhi's message

Nanna often mentioned about passive nature. Having detachment towards the world and yearning for oneness with Mother - only those who attain such a state will obtain permission to enter Her kingdom. He cited the example of the nurse to explain the passive nature. The nurse serves the patience with concentration, devotion and love but has no attachment with the patient. She only performs her duty sincerely. We also should have such passive nature towards our family. We must do our duty but not develop any attachment. We must be in the world but not belong to the world. Nanna said that we could come closer to Mother through this witness consciousness. Radha bhava will arise easily in the heart of the devotee who adopts a passive attitude. Nanna called this as spiritual stamina. "Nayamatma balaheenena labhyaha." - a weak man cannot gain this witness consciousness. Only one who is strengthened by being passive towards the world and having yearning for Mother will be able to witness the soul.

Nanna always told his devotees 'don't think that you either want or do not want something. Your duty is only to serve Radhaji.' He always maintained a neutral bhava. Nanna said that he is always in a state that was a few steps higher than the state of Moksha. He always maintained passive bhava in his words and deeds. Whenever he spoke, it was not like an ordinary conversation. Even a person who heard him for the first time would realize this fact. His words were so meaningful, subtle and intense. In his presence, all family ties slowly became diluted. Whether in Guntur or Brindavan, the devotees would forget their house and family and other earthly attachments and allurements when they were with him. Some unknown charismatic power attracted every one towards him.

In March 2003 Nanna told one grieving Mother who lost her son

" come to me and stay here for 2-3 days. I will remove all your grief "

Thousands of suffering people met him. He would provide them relief in whichever way possible - either by personal visit or even through phone. When the vibrations of Radha Bhava, which effuse from Nanna 'touch' those who seek his shelter, they are relieved from their suffering.Nanna once said..

" After I go to Sri Nikunj, I will remove the suffering of the ailing persons through my aatmic vibrations "

The love and grace of Radhasakhi, our Nanna are exclusive and incomparable.

On 29.1.01, speaking to the devotees in Brindavan, Nanna said

" You must yearn only for Sri Radha throughout your life. It is She who looks after everything, not you. When man thinks that he is doing something, that ego becomes the cause for his downfall. The very moment he realizes that Mother is causing everything, he is blessed. It is Mother who should look after the world, not you. Your welfare lies in Mother. If She acts, nothing can withstand Her. She does not act hastily like us. Once She gave a message to a devotee in Vijayawada.. "

"I am the greatest power; no one is my equal, then why do you run after this and that?"

" She mentioned just three points.You must not believe in Mother for an hour or a day, it should be permanent. It is not important whether a state of detachment has been attained or not. What is significant is whether your belief in Mother is total, permanent and unconditional. "

'Nanna, is sacrifice not necessary?', Sri Bhanuprasad a police officer asked.

" Why do you need sacrifice to hold Mother? When a little child is scared he holds his mother. Is sacrifice involved? This is also like that. Hold Mother; that is enough. You may say that you are holding Her even now. But if you are really holding Her, you will not have any relationship with any one in the world except Her. Once you hold Her firmly, you will develop a passive attitude towards the world. There is a subtle difference between giving up the world and remaining detached from the world. You must be passive towards the world and have yearning for Mother. Whatever philosophy you may adopt, the essence is this only! "

'The activities that we take up should be only for Mother…..' some one asked.

" There is nothing specific for Mother. She will spearhead all your activities. If you think it is your work, you will fall. Your work does not exist. Such a huge construction is going on here. Did I even get down from this chair? "

'Nannagaru, how can your state and our state be the same?, Bhanuprasad garu asked.

" Don't say like that! Everyone's state is the same. I have courage while you lack it. I have confidence, you don't. I am holding Mother. I want Her only. She is taking care of everything and ensuring that all tasks are accomplished. You don't bother about the world. Mother will take care, not you. You are doing nothing. She is doing everything. This is very difficult and very easy too! There is nothing like my work and my activity, only Mother's work and Mother's activity. I am Her tool, at best. Don't speak anything beyond this. "

" The path is straight and simple. Except Mother, nothing is yours. You must hold Her and She will take care of the rest. Mother is Hladini Shakti, She is all-pervading, She is always in silence. Such a Mother is within you. She looks after the world and you must look towards Her. The living beings did not come to this world to help humanity. That is Her job. Your job is to have longing and yearning for Mother "

Thus Nanna described the need to have a yearning for Mother throughout your life and also explained how to achieve this in a very simple manner.

" Succumb to the endless, infinite power of attraction of Sri Radha and worship the compassionate Mother. Thoughts of the world are of no use. You can gain nothing by these thoughts. Every moment and incident of the world moves only according to Her will. Realise this fact and seek shelter at Her lotus feet. There are no limits for Her love and compassion. I often felt that if I cannot write about such a Swamini, what is the purpose of my life? No sooner this thought came to my mind, than She arranged the persons to execute this. She is enabling me to write eight volumes of an extra ordinary work by name "Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi". As She Herself is inspiring me to write the book, an invisible and amazing divine power is blissfully flowing through these volumes. As Sri Potana said, here the one who speaks is Sri Radhika devi "

Nanna concluded his talk for the day saying 'Radhe Radhe'.

All of us listened to Nanna's divine words as if in a trance. We all were under the spell of that charismatic power. We experienced the Hladini sakthi (transcendental power of ecstasy) shining invisibly in Radhasakhi.

In this context, it is relevant to recall how much Prof. Rao garu (Dean of AU) was drawn by the charismatic power of Nanna when he visited Guntur ashram on 24.11.2000 at 11.15 A.M.

That day Prof. Rao came for Nanna's darshan. He asked many questions on various topics and heard Nanna's response. During the time he spent in the ashram, so many needy and yearning people came for his blessings or for taking mantra. Observing this, the Prof. asked Nanna whether Mother speaks to him as an inner voice within him. Nanna smiled and asked Anjani amma to sing one of the songs composed by him.

"Aatmarpaname Kada nee rajabata" - (Self surrender is the royal path to reach Her.) One of the stanzas in the song says "When you are in a state of self surrender, Mother only speaks and resides within you"

Nanna said "This is the answer to your question". Such a straightforward reply! This reply clearly indicates his self surrender to Mother and how much She is within him and guiding him.

" Mahabhava is Sri Radha's nature, Her Form. I want Mother. That is my nature "

These words full of bhava tell us how much he surrendered himself to Mother. Is it really surprising that the Supreme Goddess speaks through Her Sakhi who is totally dedicated to Her?

Rao garu was intently observing Nanna. Nanna said

" millions of times Mother is my Guru. Thousand million times She only is my Guru "

Then he talked about his plans to celebrate Radhashtami.

" I will cite a small example from my life. I desired to celebrate Mother's festival permanently but decided that I will not ask anyone for contribution. I wanted that the celebrations should be on a grand scale, not costing less than Rs. 1 lakh. This is Her work so She intervened. Without my effort, without asking anyone, within just 26 days 'Ravali Nidhi' - a corpus fund was established. So far two occasions of Radhashtami have been celebrated grandly and the third is due. The longer we serve Her, the better. It should be done for a prolonged period. It should become like a sea. "

Rao garu was taken aback. 'How can anyone in the world have such an intention to perform a function in this way? It is not possible for anyone else'. Nanna just smiled. The smile veiled so much of the secrecy of Rasa!

" Manava drishti - serving mankind "

" Anugraha drishti- granting whatever man desires (Mukti - salvation) "

" Prema drishti - taking someone as an instrument related to Her Kingdom "

" Mother took me as Her instrument. "

" Manava seve Madhava seva' does not mean that you must contribute to the welfare of every human being. It implies that man's attention should be diverted towards God; he should be inducted into the service of God. "

By serving Mother and performing the ceremonial function, Nanna is directing so many people towards Mother and engaging them in Her service!
4.3.2001, 7.10 A.M. Guntur Ashram.

" It is not possible for you to hold me. You can hold only this physical body. But I am not this body. My true form and nature can be understood from the song I composed 'Na prana pranama' (the life of my life)."

" This is my last song here (on earth). I will dedicate this song and my life to Mother. I will offer this yearning flower to Her. In that dham I will sing the song and offer it at Her feet. I will have a sweet voice then. "

" 'You are my loving sweet one' - singing this line as Radhasakhi , I will embrace Mother and fall in a swoon. Mother is always beautiful to the Sakhi's eyes. It is not known about Krishna, but the sakhis see Mother as Nitya Sundari. I am the rose in Her hands' "

With the last sentence, Nanna once again proved that he is Radhasakhi.

'Na prana pranama! Sri Krishna roopama! The life of my life! The form of Sri Krishna! I never said 'Sri Krishna roopama'. It appeared on its own. The Vedas say that sometimes She takes the form of the two shouldered Krishna and plays the flute while he worships Her with garlands of flowers

You are the origin of Krishna leelas. The leela initiates in Her heart. Krishna transforms it into a play and exhibits it with Her permission. Without Her, Krishna does not exist. Mother is behind every Krishna leela

" Prema tattva is so subtle, tender, profound and intense that we can't even imagine. Mother displays leelas of the Divine Duo for the sake of the devotees. "

" All the leelas of Radha and Krishna that have been seen in this world are the leelas of Radha and Govind in Sri Nikunj. The Radha and Krishna in these dramatic leelas are the manifestations of the real Radha and Krishna . However, their shadow is also true unlike human shadow. This truth is 'Satyasya Satyam' - which means their leelas depicted in this world are always true. Nobody can understand the mystic play of Radha and Krishna. "

Nanna was visualizing the inner depths of Sri Radha leela. Where is Radha Devi? Where is Radhasakhi? And where are we? How many years of penance have earned us the fruit of the holy feet of Radhasakhi! His charismatic and ecstatic power is unique. We are the fortunate human beings to obtain his love and compassion! We have the great fortune of attaining Radhasakhi as our Rasa guru. 'It is not possible for you to hold me!' Very true. Is it possible to hold the Radhasakhi? What is our capacity to do so? The loving one became attainable to us at Her will. She took us near her and is explaining the esoteric meaning of Rasa that will lead us to the feet of Sri Radha. Even Mukti appears negligible before this great fortune and can be spurned!

" When you hold Mother in a firm grip, you will develop a passive approach towards the world. This does not mean giving up the world. There is a subtle difference between giving up and being passive. "

" Being passive does not mean neglecting your duty towards the family. You must discharge your responsibility but your mind should always be near Mother. The mind should be free from family. Rama Krishna Paramahamsa explained this concept saying 'The boat should be in water, water should not be in the boat'. "

Nanna remarked that by escaping from responsibility on the pretext of spirituality, you are deceiving the soul, spirit and God. Such a person is only an escapist.

On 18.3.2002 at 9.40 A.M., a well-dressed man came to Guntur ashram to see Nanna. I was reading aloud the 7th volume of Brindavaneswari Sri Radha. Nanna was totally immersed in bhava and rasa when he arrived.

Nanna remarked that by escaping from responsibility on the pretext of spirituality, you are deceiving the soul, spirit and God. Such a person is only an escapist.

This was his first visit and he appeared very serious. When we told Nanna that someone came to see him, he forcibly came into this world and asked 'who are you? What do you want? The person replied. 'I have recently entered the field of spirituality………. 'Nanna intervened midway and calmly said

" There is entry into film field, journalism, politics or business but there is nothing like entering spiritual field. "

He was baffled for a while and then left. Where is Nanna - Radhasakhi who is always immersed in the flow of rasa and where are the so-called philosophical entrepreneurs! We can deceive anyone by our appearance but can we deceive the Rasika Mahatmas?

Another day another person arrived at 7 P.M. Generally when we go near elders, we offer some flowers or fruit. If that is not possible, we must at least offer our respectful salutations. This person seemed unaware of all these niceties. Nanna was sitting in the armchair speaking about Mother. He did not even introduce himself. He came directly near Nanna and asked 'I am about to start a new business. Will I be successful'? I felt angry that he did not even the minimum courtesy to introduce himself. Nanna looked at him and said 'Horoscopes are not seen here'. Though he tried to say something more Nanna politely asked him to leave.

" Horoscopes are not seen here. "

Though he tried to say something more Nanna politely asked him to leave.

So many people of varied nature come near Nanna! He might have seen innumerable number of them! He has so much calmness and patience in spite of dealing with such people. Nanna you are so compassionate towards human beings!!

Nanna always said.

" we want human beings "

But 99% of human beings turn out to be like this. Yet, with immense calmness and patience, Nanna would continue to strive in his efforts to uplift the people because Mother assigned this to him. Since 2001, the aspect of ecstasy in Nanna became more powerful. Due to this power, the person who said that he recently entered the spiritual field and also the person who asked Nanna his future would have certainly been benefited. Nanna's darshan never goes in vain.


Nitya satya nigudh hi sakhi
Sada anand ki moorath hi sakhi
Rasika Malathi man nikunj mein
Sakhi Radha rasamoorath madhuri

Sakhi is ever lasting. Sakhi is the truth. Sakhi is secret and concealed. Sakhi is the embodiment of happiness; Sakhi shines as the sweetness of Radha Rasa in the heart of Rasika Malathi.


-Sri Radharasa Madhuri 


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