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Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8
Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12Volume 13Volume 14Volume 15Volume 16

An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 2

Our Association With Nanna - Part 2
*Nanna's words
*Mothers words of benediction
*Foreword by Author
1Secret of the secret
2Sakhi bhava
3Sri Radhasakhi's love
5Sri Radha's oblation (Prasadam)
6Four Divine Principles
7 Nanna's charismatic power
8 Finite and Infinite
9 Silence is penance
10 Extra-ordinary powers
11 Self surrender
12 Bhaktanugrahakatara Sri Radhasakhi
13 Sri Radhasakhi's message

Sri Radhamahadevi is Bhaktanugrahakatara, always eager to bestow blessings on Her devotees. Radhasakhi who is the aspect of Mother's sweet love is no different from Her. She is also Bhaktanugrahakatara, waiting eagerly to provide rasa to those devotees who pine for Mother.

On 29.5.2003 at 1.30 P.M, while I was in dhyana, I heard Nanna's voice

" You must never doubt Sakhi even for a split second "

Radhasakhi is the manifestation of the formless Radharani, always in readiness to bless the devotees who surrender to her with their heart, mind and soul and follow the path of dhyana. We may not realize what we would lose if we doubt such a loving Sakhi. But Nanna realizes this loss! Therefore, he gently cautioned that we must not have any doubts even for a split second.

When we see Nanna's quality of 'Bhaktanugrahakatara', we are overwhelmed by the love Mother has for mankind!

" Have Mother's name, form and bhava in your mind. Always be in Her thought. It is a sin to give up Her thought and be engaged in thoughts of your family. "

" Krishna presented Abhimanyu's soul before Arjuna when he was weeping for his dead son. The soul told Arjuna, 'Father, you are weeping for the mortal frame. He is your son but I am not!' In reality, we all love only the physical body of nature, not the soul within. The soul within the body belongs to bhava loka and this mortal frame belongs to the earth. There is no link whatsoever between the two! "

" Everybody cannot enter bhava loka. Even Swami Vivekananda proclaimed the same. That bhava does not come easily. It cannot be attained by your 'sadhana' (spiritual efforts) alone. Only She will grant that bhava. Live in that bhava and then come to me. I live with Mother and talk to Her. "

" I will celebrate Mother's functions as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. I have taken a vow that I will not ask anyone anything for this purpose. If you want to offer any contribution, give it to Mother. But I don't ask you. That is one aspect. The other is writing books. I am writing to the extent possible. The eight volumes of Brindavaneswari Sri Radha will be circulating among the devotees. Celebrating Mother's festivals and writing books are two parallel activities. She gave me another instruction - to construct a permanent building for dhyana yoga. The idea is to start with 16 persons, four persons occupying each room, not more. We will arrange food for those great ones who are dedicated to Mother and are constantly chanting Her name. In my view, they are emperors and great souls. With that view, I plan to arrange everything for them. "

" Mother's functions, publication of books and Dhyana yoga; all the three should continue eternally at a common place. This is Her will. "

" Mother, who came to the earth long ago in 'Varahakalpam', came again only now. She refused to come before this. The world is full of sinners! No one would like to come here. There is only sin everywhere but this must not affect us. See from a distance and stay away. Since we have come down to earth, we must be wary. "

" I have accepted 'Brahmacharya deeksha' (vow of chastity) from Mother Gyana Prasunamba. Later by the grace of Maha Durga in Vijayawada, I received Mother's deeksha and 'Mahamantra'. She only brought me into Her service from my government job. The very minute She instructed, I put down my pen, quit my job and came out as a beggar. She miraculously drew me out without allowing me to beg a single person. We must include these incidents in the book 'Rasa Yogi'. "

" You will be returning back as the agents of Mother. She has granted us so many celebrations. She enabled us to complete 7½ volumes of the book with only half volume pending. We have completed 100 pages of the last volume. Only another 100 pages are remaining. Don't worry. We will get the matter somehow. Somebody will give it to us. It will be good if Kisori Saran Aliji is available. "

'He is not in Brindavan now. He is in Barsana.'

" It does not matter. Buy a sweet packet and give it to the priest in the temple. Wish him and say that your Guruji sent the sweets. "

Nanna, when he asked us whether we were translating his books, Sekhar told him that we are not translating but only referring to them'. Then he enquired in which language we were writing the book. When we said Telugu, he commented how they would know what we included in our book.

" Tell them that the book will be translated into Hindi later on. Tell him (Kisori Saran Aliji) that this is only 'Bhava anuvada' (translation of bhava). "

Nanna how can it be bhava anuvadam? We are only taking excerpts from the books, not the entire context.

" Yes. It must be conveyed to him that we got other material also. Even great saints, despite attaining old age do not like to give their books to anyone. It is just a tinge of their parsimonious attitude. After death, those books can't be given to anyone. Nobody in Brindavan will take those books. We have approached him. Lets wait and watch. If he gives the books, it is good. Even otherwise it does not matter because Mother is with us. If there is nothing, we still have our 'Nidhi' (treasure) to fall upon. "

Yes. Nanna undoubtedly we have a 'Nidhi' (fortune) with us.

" Refer to Radhasudhanidhi. Use whatever material has not been written earlier and complete this book. It is indeed very profound. If you can really understand properly, you can get any amount of material from that book. "

" Inform the same to Aliji. Tell him that we have the 'Nidhi' and your Guruji is developing a commentary and writing the book. If he discusses further, you can emphasize that Nidhi is our main source. "

The next day myself, Sekhar and Malathi went to Barsana and visited Kisori Saran Aliji. We requested him to give us any books related to Radhaji. He said that he already gave us whatever he possesses and the only other source is from his disciples in Brindavan.

We returned to Brindavan in the evening. Nanna was awaiting our arrival. We informed him of our conversation. He leaned back in his chair to sleep.

At 7 P.M. I sat near him. When he asked what we were writing I told that we were not writing anything, as we could not get any material. He gazed at his hands in his lap and commented 'Well, you are relaxing!' I did not understand what he meant. I conveyed Nanna's words to Sekhar! He said that the comment has deeper meaning. Nanna was looking for our effort to continue writing.

Early next morning we sat down to write. That was the auspicious day of laying the foundation stone for Mother's temple. Many people had gathered in the ashram for the ceremony. I informed Anjani amma that we both (myself and Sekhar) would be upstairs writing the book. We paid respects to Nanna from a distance and went upstairs. We had 'Sri Radhasudhanidhi', 'Hitachaurasi', 'Bayalis Leela' and 'Vyasavani' before us. After meditating on Nanna for some time I opened a page in 'Hitachaurasi' while Sekhar opened a page in 'Vyasavani'. We were astonished to see that we both opened pages which had the same verse describing Sri Radha as infinite and all-pervading ('Neti Neti'). Before we could get over our surprise, we felt intense vibrations from Nanna. Silently we experienced the ecstasy of those vibrations. Then he created the miracle. As he dictated from within, I began to write. There was no gap between his words whatsoever. He made me write 25 pages continuously. I was overjoyed and my eyes were shedding tears of joy. Nanna often told,

" Sri Radhadevi speaks (like Potanamatya said). Therefore an invisible divine power is flowing in these books. "

That day we practically realized the significance of Nanna's words.

Nanna came out and sat amidst his devotees at the auspicious time of laying the foundation stone. All Mahatmas and devotees of Badekunj participated in the ceremony for construction of Sri Radha's temple, which was celebrated grandly in the presence of Radhasakhi. After lunch, we went to Nanna while he was relaxing.

'Nanna, we wrote 25 pages of 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi', 8th volume, today. You dictated the matter from within' I said emotionally.

Nanna smiled in his characteristic way. Doesn't he know how that matter came? He already said,

" Mother is with us. She will provide the matter. "

She provided the matter through Her Sakhi. We are fortunate to have such a divine experience.

All the volumes of 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Devi' have been dictated by Nanna in one way or other. Sekhar would read the Hindi books and translate them into Telugu. Whether we are in Guntur or Brindavan, Nanna guided us how to write the chapters either physically or from within. When we would read out to him, he would say 'Ah! So well written' and become immersed in Radha bhava. He dictates to us and makes us write; yet he gives us the credit. How strange! Anyway, we understood one secret clearly. Nanna showered his divine grace on Sekhar and me in a peculiar way. He established an invisible and inseparable bond between us and Mother and Nanna also.

" Realise that Mother in the Supreme. She even grants eligibility to those who lack this. This is a very great dharma. She is 'Bhaktanugrahakatara' - always eager to bless Her devotees. Even Her Sakhis are like that! "

Nanna, Mother is 'Bhaktanugrahakatara'. Will Her Sakhis also possess the same qualities?

" Yes. Definitely. The meaning of 'Bhaktanugrahakatara' is as fathomless as the ocean. If one Sakhi faces a problem, the other Sakhi also weeps and comes to help her. That is Sakhi's kindheartedness. A devotee is a Sakhi; a Sakhi is a devotee. Let me cite an example of a devotee in Mumbai. Her husband had heart problem and three valves were damaged. The estimated cost for operation was Rs 3.0 lakhs. How can she arrange such a huge amount? I volunteered to contribute Rs. 50,000. This is the highest dharma! We must always act in the manner that will please Mother. "

" When a Bengali sadhu was weeping without food, She told him to go to a house for shelter saying it is Her house. Within 5 minutes, She made the house Hers. Because She accepted the house as Hers, the Sadhu was treated with hospitality throughout his life. We cannot do so. (Nanna referred to Sakhi here). Thus, there is a difference between Mother and Her Sakhi. Although Sakhi has all the qualities, she does not have the power. There is a difference between Mother and Sakhi regarding power. That is my point. Here, 'adwaita' (dualism) comes into the picture. Though the Sakhis have the qualities similar to Mother's they differ in their power. "

" Sati devi burnt herself to ashes in the fire created from her eyes. She went to Mother. Nobody has the power to bring her back. The commentary should continue on these lines. "

" Sita devi was in Ashoka forest in Lanka. When Hanuman came to see her, the demons set fire to his tail. Unable to bear this She wept and pleaded with the Fire God (Agni deva) to cool the fire. The flame was put off immediately. We lack that power. "

" Radha is the Mother of the entire universe. Though you may have several common qualities, you can never become Her. Sri Sankaracharya once burnt his hand. Though he is a renowned propounder of 'Adwaita' philosophy he prayed to God (Lakshmi Nrusimha mama dehi karavalambam). This difference lies only in the power possessed by Mother. "

Anjani Amma, who was carefully listening to Nanna said, "God possesses powers whereas his amsas do not possess them".

'Though they possess all other qualities, they are only the manifested form. They do not possess those powers. Only God possesses the wholesome powers. Is it so Amma?' I asked.

'We must be very cautious. Thats why the term 'Anuroopam' (manifested form) is used in Radha Sudhanidhi', Sekhar said.

'What a wonderful word he used in that verse!' "Radhaya anuroopameva paramam dharmam rasenacharan". Sakhi, who is the manifested form of Radha performs her highest duty of Rasa', I said referring to 138th verse of Radhasudhanidhi wherein he says "Radhakeli nikunja veedhishucharam".

Nanna was silently listening to our conversation and remarks. Then he said,

" If we do not understand Advaita philosophy in the right perspective, each one becomes a God for himself to worship. "

This single sentence is the crux of the entire discussion.Nanna asked me

" Who is first and who is next among Radha and Krishna? "

'It is not possible to distinguish like that, Nanna', I said.

" I can distinguish. I will explain and make you agree. Lets take the Vedas! What do the Vedas say? Whose name is mentioned first in Samaveda rahasyam? "

Tam Radham rasikanandam Vedavidovadanti

" Here, only Radha's name is mentioned. In the entire stanza, there is no mention of Krishna. "

But Nanna, it is said that one ocean of rasa bifurcated into two streams. Then where does first and next come into the picture?

" Who said that both the streams of rasa are equal? Just because the ocean is divided into two parts you cannot assume that they are equal. "

Maybe not equal Nanna. But how can we say which one is first and which is next as the ocean divided into two parts simultaneously.

" Why did the Vedas mention only Radha's name and not Krishna's? In this particular verse, there is no mention of Krishna's name. "

" Even in the song that I composed, the second phrase "Sri Krishna roopama" was not written by me. I am clearly stating this fact. I don't know how it appeared. This clearly indicates that Sri Radha Herself took the form of Sri Krishna."

" Now tell me to whom does the flute belong to?"

"Mother!" I replied.

" What does the world think? What we think is not important. "

" The whole world including learned saints believes that flute belongs to Krishna. But, She proved that this is not true. Therefore, we cannot accept 'Advaita' philosophy. We mention about 'Sakhi'. Though it sounds like Advaita, truly there is no advaita. If we accept Advaita, there is no happiness in our life. I cannot worship myself! I cannot love myself the way I love others! The rasa in loving others can never be attained in loving oneself! "

Rasika Mahatmas do not accept advaita. Among all the bonds that exist between God and his devotees, Sakhi bhava occupies the highest place. That bhava exists in such a way that Sakhi feels 'You are me and I am You'. Yet the devotees in Brindavan never agree that 'Swamini' and 'Sakhi' are one and the same.

Nanna is the 'Rasika Siromani', the Radhasakhi, the manifestation of Sri Radha's subtle love. Though he is constantly engrossed in the bliss of Her presence, he never called that state as 'Advaita'. Devouring rasa is the lifeline of Sakhi. When God and devotee are one and the same, rasa does not exist! Only when a devotee is different from God, he enjoys that rasa. In such a state when a Sakhi is totally immersed in rasa (in the physical and mental plane) Radha bhava awakens in her and she feels 'I am Radha'. Such a state can be attained only by the grace of Mother. Even in such a state, she is very conscious of the fact that 'Mother is her Swamini'. In this state of bhava she transforms into one of Mother's aspects and feels that she is Radha. Radhaji, who grants this bhava to the Sakhi seeks pleasure from the bliss of rasa that the Sakhi enjoys.


Sakhi sadhan hi sakhi hi siddi
Sakhi deti shyama rasa buddhi
Sakhi rehti mahabhav mein sada
Sakhi dikhti mahabhav ko sada

Sakhi is the sadhana and siddhi - the means and the end, Sakhi offers thoughts of Shyama rasa. Sakhi is always in a state of Maha bhava Sakhi is always seen by Maha bhava


-Sri Radharasa Madhuri 

11.02.2003, Guntur Ashram

Reading aloud the script of 'Brindavaneswari Sri Radhadevi' to Nanna is a unique experience and a divine boon. While listening to the script, Nanna used to comment on several topics. At times he mentioned certain experiences and incidents in his life, which remained as unforgettable and memorable memories. Some times, after thinking a lot, I used to write a lengthy paragraph to express a bhava. In such cases, Nanna used to catch me very easily. He would smile and narrate just one word to appropriately explain the context. That word would invariably express the bhava clearly. We would be elated. Radhasakhi made us write these volumes while telling us about the bliss achieved by constant communion with Mother and the secrets of rasa. There are no words to describe this great opportunity and fortune that we had! Even today I long for one word from him to aptly express my feelings.

One day I was reading aloud the 8th Volume. While listening to the script, Nanna suddenly began to speak about Radha Mahalakshmi Amma. We are not aware of what aspects related to amma are inter connected and relevant in the present context.

He spoke about Radha Mahalakshmi amma (Chayanam Hanumayamma) and her selfless love.

" You must depend only on Mother! In 1953, when I was in a critical condition, a divine voice told that this is a matter in the hands of the Gods and not a doctor's case. Therefore, the doctors were not called. She thought that if I died, she would also die. Miraculously my illness vanished. Each one of you should realize how my illness disappeared. On one hand, we are saying 'Maha devata' - the great Goddess. "

" I changed her earlier name and re-named her 'Radha Mahalakshmi' . When will you change your name? "

'When we develop respect and confidence in that name'.

" Yes. That is the true meaning, which you must understand. That couple never revealed to anyone about the sacrifices they made. Since they don't want to tell anybody I too did not write about it. Her love is very selfless. She would accompany me to every village leaving her husband behind. Many people spread rumours but she never cared. She emphatically stated that she wanted to be with me, her son. Then what could anyone say? She remained with me throughout my life. She had the most selfless love. That's why I am giving her name to everything and dedicating them to her. That is the real reason! "

On 12.02.2003 Nanna spoke about the 'Vishwa Dhyana Kuteer', which he planned to construct in Brindavan.

" Presently we are making arrangements for 16 people in 4 rooms with 4 persons in each room. Such dhyana yoga saptahas (week long camps of dhyana yoga) will be conducted once a month as long as the sun and the moon exist. This can be recorded as the most important point. Another point is that we will not ask anyone for money. Otherwise everyone will assume that we are making this announcement for money. It is essential that we clearly mention both these points. I am not sure how much money we may have to spend. You may mention this plan along with the statement that it is our vow not to ask anyone for money under any circumstances. "

" I want you to mention these points for a specific reason. Recently a wealthy person came to Brindavan. We gave him due respect in the ashram. While returning he said arrogantly 'Now you can ask me whatever you want'. "

" I replied "what can you give me? You are very poor. How can you pay?' No one would have ever spoken to him like that so far. The person is almost as wealthy as Tatas and Birlas." "

When we heard about someone speaking to Nanna in such a way we became agitated and angry. This soon subsided when we heard Nanna's reply.

" That person had Rs. 1250 crores to his credit. But I told him 'you are a beggar. What can you give me'. He does not understand Telugu, only English. I told him 'Mother will give me everything'. Then only realization dawned in him. I did not accept anything from him. His wife wept and offered me a shawl. Till this day I did not touch that shawl "

Nanna is well aware that such persons exist in this world. He is the king of perennial wealth (rasa) that cannot be bought with any amount of resources. If a person who possesses wealth that can be earned in so many ways has so much pride, then how should Nanna be? He possesses that wealth of rasa, which cannot be obtained by any penance or efforts on our side. How inaccessible he should have been! Yet, inspite of being at such an elevated plane, he appears as an ordinary person, behaves like one among us, extends both his hands and accepts whatever we offer. Nanna does not need anything for himself. He spends the money to organize Mother's functions and enables us to attend them so that we can obtain Her grace and prasad. In this way, he establishes our link with Mother. We are not even aware of the bountiful benefits that we are enjoying. He will not disclose anything. He silently offers whatever spiritual support he can. He never craves for name or fame. Nanna once said 'It is not important that the world praises you. You do not gain anything from their praise. On the other hand you become egoistic and face downfall. Mother should praise you. She should consider that what ever you do benefits humanity". He fondly takes up the work assigned by Mother. When we offer him something, he never looks at our external appearance. He sees within us and then accepts our offering.Nanna often said

" I will never ask money from anyone for anything, even if it is for Mother's cause. I will not even ask Her. It is Her job so She will arrange everything. She will deploy some people as Her instruments and get the job accomplished. She will give me everything. Her child should not be like a beggar; he must be like an emperor'. He was very particular that we mention it is our vow not to approach anyone for money. Otherwise people may misunderstand that this is an indirect call for money to construct Vishwa Dhyana Kuteer. "

" Every man is a beggar. Is it true? "

'True, Nanna. Man needs something or other every moment'.

" Actually there is no need. He will leave one day discarding all these things. He leaves the world as a beggar. "

" Mother will give us everything. You must also rise to that level. You must reach that level to go near Mother. "

" Never expect anything from anybody. She will give everything. You have been associated with us since so long. Did I ever ask you for anything? If I ask, will you not give me? Will you not give money if I ask you? But I will never ask "

'In fact you are only giving us everything, Nanna!', Sekhar said.

" "Leave everything to Mother". "

'We mean that Mother is giving us through you'.

" Yes. I will give through Mother "

'You are the Emperor's son. You can give anything!' said Chinna Lakshmi(a devotee).

'Nanna, you once said that everyone only receives from this ashram but no one gives anything', Sekhar said. Nanna laughed.

" Did I say so? When I said 'no one gives', I meant that no one asks the people who come to this ashram for anything. Hence they need not give anything. The sentence should be understood correctly. Did I ever ask anybody? I will never. "

Nanna explained why he constructed the Vishwa Dhyana Kuteer.

" I constructed an ashram in Brindavan. I constructed a huge building because I propose to conduct incessant dhyana here. Whoever wishes to perform dhyana can come here. Incessant dhyana is very powerful. I constructed this building with the hope that at least one person will benefit. Incessant dhyana has not yet been started. We may begin from 1st May. I will perform the Dhyana yoga Saptahas as long as the Sun and Moon exist. Anyone can benefit from this. "

" Mother granted me lifespan and wealth. I am hale and healthy at the age of 103 years. We shall all perform incessant dhyana on such a powerful Mother. "

" In the incident of 'Gajendra Moksha' (liberation of the elephant) elephant symbolizes the intoxicated human being. He is at the highest state of ego and pride. When he entered the river, the crocodile caught him. Here, crocodile symbolizes Maya (deluding potency). Maya engulfed him. He was full of pride due to money and youth. He was in a highest state of ego because Maya resides within him. There are two types of Maya - internal and external (concealed and apparent). We are like the elephant who is enveloped and beseeched by Maya. "

'Do not include yourself by saying 'we'. It only us excluding you', I said.

" No. I must express in this way only "

Nanna said and continued to describe how strong the effect of Maya is!

" This is a story narrated in Narada Purana. One day Sage Narada came near Lord Vishnu. Ramadevi (Goddess Lakshmi) was seated in his lap. When she saw Narada she felt shy and left that place. Later Narada was transformed into a woman, married and had a family. In due course, he lost the husband, family and kingdom. Narada was totally in the kingdom of Maya that was pervading all around. Then God appeared in the guise of a Brahman. He told Narada who was still in the form of a woman to bathe and come back. As soon as Narada entered the water, he regained his original form. "

" That is implicit and explicit Maya ! The Maya within him provoked him (when he was a woman) to seek a man, marry and have a family. That is the effect of Maya! "

" Your family is created by Maya. It lures you towards them. You must resist this temptation. You must always be with Mother. When you are near Her, Maya cannot even approach you. When the worldly relatives come near you, just peep outside. Do not spend much time. That is important. Once you come out, you must not spend much time outside Mother's gamut. Otherwise Maya will approach you. Try to retreat as early as possible. "

" Those who are seated in Mother's dhyana here will not come out. They close their eyes and remain seated inside. They will continue to be in dhyana. I am making such an arrangement for those who participate in the 'Dhyana Saptaha deeksha'. They will come out for food and immediately return to resume dhyana. That is how it shall be organized during dhyana yoga. Now I will tell you how incessant dhyana should be performed. "

" Time span indicates a gap in dhyana. When they come out and speak to others, the gap must be short, just a minute or two! They must immediately go back as they must not be exposed to Maya. Otherwise the crocodile will capture you. That is the mistake committed by the living being (elephant). It began to bathe and play in the river. The elephant being fond of water began to play and the crocodile captured it. Similarly, we are also playing with the people we are fond of. It is a silly and meaningless game! If Maya firmly grips you how can you retreat inside? "

" Mother cautioned us that it would take ages for a person who is outside to enter inside. These words are more significant than the Vedas! Since you cannot return to Her easily, She cautions you not to remain outside for a long time. "

" The elephant committed a blunder by entering the water and playing. Because of its pleasure it became a prey to the crocodile. Once caught, the crocodile did not relent its hold on the elephant. We are also in a similar situation. We came out from Mother's protection, are playing with Maya and getting hurt. "

" This is exactly what Mother told us. On 7.2.2002, at 4 A.M. Radharani told Anjani amma in dhyana "I cannot be seen even after thousands of years of penance "

" In one songit is mentioned: 'Radha mataye ninu pampinchaga ma kosam digi vacchitiva || O Gurudeva|| "

" Now what does coming down (digi vacchitiva) mean? From where am I coming down? Where am I? "

'You are near Mother, Nanna'. Rishigaru immediately replied.

" Not only me, us; we all are there. Actually we belong to Mother's Kingdom. We descended from that kingdom long time back. We are playing in Maya here. Hence you must not remain out of dhyana for a long time. There is Maya everywhere. Husband is Maya, son is Maya - infact everyone is Maya. It does not mean that you must give up your family. By all means, remain with the family. But do not get entangled in those thoughts for a long time. "

" Not only me, us; we all are there. Actually we belong to Mother's Kingdom. We descended from that kingdom long time back. We are playing in Maya here. Hence you must not remain out of dhyana for a long time. There is Maya everywhere. Husband is Maya, son is Maya - infact everyone is Maya. It does not mean that you must give up your family. By all means, remain with the family. But do not get entangled in those thoughts for a long time. "

" Arundhati devi's story also emphasizes this point. Once Sage Vasishta says 'God is great. He granted me a great Yogin as my wife. She corrects me at every stage. God has done me a great favor. It is because of her that the kings and emperors bow to me and respect me'. What did Arundhati do? She never moved outside the ashram because the outside world is full of Maya and She always remained in dhyana. That is the real secret! She advised her husband also to be constantly in Rama Dhyana. "

" That's why Arundhati Star is first shown to a newly wed couple though there are other women dedicated to their husband (Pativratas) like Sita and Damayanti. What makes Arundhati so unique? The reason is that she is a great yogin who guided even such a worthy person like Vasishta! "

" Sita paid her respects to Arundhati before leaving for the forest with Rama. She placed her and hand on Sita's head and blessed her. Them she removed a flower from her hair and gave it to Sita saying 'Keep this flower carefully. When Rama is in danger, this flower will wither. As long as he is doing well, the flower will remain fresh.' Sita wore the flower for 10 months; it never withered. When Ravana created the Maya that Rama and Lakshmana were dead, Sita saw that the flower in her hair remained fresh and instantly understood that Rama was safe. That is the power possessed by Arundhati! "

" Such a power can be attained only through dhyana. Perform incessant dhyana on SriRadha. Krishna said 'I am Sat chit ananda murthy. All worlds derive happiness from me but only Radha can provide me happiness'. Such a Radha who provides bliss to Lord Krishna himself is our source of dhyana. I worship that Radha. By worshipping Mother, I weep even when I think of Her name. I weep when I speak to Her. Such happiness erases the imprints of the previous births, which is normally not possible. Once the imprints are lost, man again rises to his previous glory. This is the great secret. "

After a while, Nanna continued.

" If you wish, I will tell you about penance by which you can reach Her. Remember that She is worshipped even by Krishna. I am planning to write a book about Mother. The book will be titled 'Rasa Brindavan'. Who is Radha? She symbolizes Brindavan. Now that the Pattabhishekam (coronation) is over, whenever you read the book, Krishna will follow you. "

'Nanna. Everyone cannot perform such intense pleasure that can please God'

" Yes, that is not possible. This is an easy way. Just read the book and Krishna will be yours. Understand its significance! I propose to write a book of 650 pages. He is chasing me. Many other people also had such an experience. "

'Nanna will we take material from Radhasudhanidhi also?', I asked.

" O yes! Sudhanidhi evolved in Brindavan only! Sudhanidhi, 36 forests, the Mahatmas and a few temples collectively constitute Maha Brindavan. When Krishna talked about this Brindavan he said, 'Brindavanam parityajya padamekam na gacchati' - 'I will not put even one step outside Brindavan'. So, when you read about this Brindavan, he will surely come and stay in your house. Even if do not agree for his stay, he will not leave; he will settle down with you. Such is the power of Brindavan. That is why I am putting so much effort to complete the book within 6 months. Till date such a book has never been written in the history of Brindavan. In fact, nobody can even write such a book'. "

Ah, Nanna! Your love for us has no bounds. You are thinking of us every moment, planning how to direct our attention towards Mother and how to uplift us. You told us about incessant dhyana on Sri Radha. You constructed a Dhyana Mandir for us to perform dhyana. The popular saying goes that 'Even a Mother does not give unless asked'. You disproved this saying by voluntarily directing us to this path of penance.

Normally Gurus and Mahatmas do not grant Mantra deeksha or give a discourse unless asked. But Nanna is different. His goal was very clear - to uplift human beings. He told us about the power of Maya, the dangers of falling a prey to Maya and cautioned that we must avoid that entanglement saying 'You must not remain outside for a long time lest the crocodile holds you'. He gradually draws our minds away from the family towards the loving Mother. He constantly says 'don't ask Mother anything. She will give you everything'. We cannot resist his charm as we listen to Nanna's words. Unconsciously we gain a lot.

Talking about his forthcoming book 'Rasa Brindavan', he emphatically stated 'just read the book and Krishna will be yours.' In that book, Nanna plans to write in detail about incessant dhyana on Sri Radha because She can be attained only through dhyana (Dhyanena Atmani pasyante).

Mother! You have been so generous to grant us Nanna, who commands the kingdom of rasa. Our salutations to you!

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