You should dedicate yourself to Mother. Your mind should be pure. If a fruit is decayed and smelling bad, can we offer it to God?
Hitacharya dedicated two of his Verses to Naravahana not as long as he (Naravahana) behaved like a wicked demon but only after he surrendered himself to Mother. When Naravahana was transformed from a demon into a Paramahamsa Hitacharya dedicated his verses to him. Naravahana became purified; otherwise Mother would not permit those verses to be dedicated. Without surrender, penance is of no use. Can a spoilt fruit be offered to God? Man's mind is also like that. If the mind is soiled with desires, how can it be offered to God and how can God accept it? Even if you offer (such a mind) Mother will not accept. So, man should purify himself in the initial state of devotion itself. Just as he takes a bath before entering a temple, he will go to Mother only after bathing in Her bhava. That is the real dhyana.
Geeta says 'Ananyaschintayanto mam yejanaha paryupasate tesham nityabhiyuktanam yogakshemam vahamyaham' I will look after your welfare only if you have one pointed and devotion towards me. This is illustrated with an example in Mahabharat. Panchali was sleeping on one side and Arjuna on the other. At 11.30 P.M. a light shone on them. Lord Krishna was standing before them. He asked "Are you in a state of 'Ananya nishta' - one pointed devotion? Arjuna replied, 'Certainly. Wherever I look, I find and see only you. What else do I have but Ananya nishta?' Krishna came at midnight, foregoing his sleep and took Draupadi to Bhishma's tent saying "I will serve him who has Ananya nishta' towards me. Bheeshma wanted to pray to the Goddess that night and bless Duryodhana's wife with the power of that penance. Krishna made Draupadi to sit before Bheeshma and Duryodhana's wife to sit behind her. Bheeshma came out of his dhyana and blessed Draupadi (instead of Duryodhana's wife) as 'Sumangali' (prosperity with husband). Krishna did this great help for them only because Draupadi was dedicated to him. Then it is his duty.
Therefore, the greateat penance is dedication and self-surrender. The formal penances like Japa and tapa are very small; dedication is the highest. Recently, I was told about an instance where the wife left the husband on the 5th day after marriage. Though she got married she was not dedicated to him. That is the difference between marriage and dedication in marriage. Though you receive 'Mantra' here, you must be dedicated. Dedication means you must feel 'I am your property. I belong to you'.
You must be dedicated to become a 'Sakhi'. Otherwise, he cannot be a sakhi. As mentioned in the verse Ananyaschintayantho
., Krishna takes cares of the devotees who worship him with one pointed devotion (Ananya nishta).
Sakhi has one pointed devotion towards Mother and possesses bhava deha. The Sakhis need not do anything for themselves since their pleasure is linked to Mother's pleasure
Nanna does it mean that even though they don't aim for their pleasure, they achieve it
Invariably! Being near them is itself a great pleasure.
Even though they don't do anything for their pleasure!
Understand one point. Doing something for one's pleasure is one thing. Gaining pleasure from seeing others happy is another thing. Is this clear? So I do not agree that they do not gain pleasure
I don't mean that they don't gain pleasure Nanna. They are not conscious of their pleasure. They only concentrate on Mother's pleasure.
Though they are not conscious, they will enjoy. What is consciousness? Just being near them is pleasure! Even if you are late, I am happy that you have come. I don't particularly think of my pleasure, but I am happy when you come
The discussion turned to Gopikas and Ras leela in Bhagawata.
When Nanna asked whether there is any mention about Radha in Ras leela, I replied
It is mentioned 'one particular Gopika' but not stated who! Some have commented that she is Radha
I think she is Radhika, not Radha
Nanna, does it mean that Mother is present in the Bhagawata as Radhika?
It appears that she is Radhika. 'One particular Gopika' cannot be equal to Her? Radhika is not so small!
Nanna did Mother descend as Radhika to participate in Ras leela with Krishna?
Radhika is inferior. She is the worshipper. She is not equal to Radha
We are not saying she is equal to Radha. We want to know whether Radhika was present in the Ras leelas with Krishna?
Yes. She must be present. There is no rasa without Radhika. Radha is the embodiment of rasa. So must be Radhika also. Otherwise he will not have any pleasure. It will become very diluted
What becomes diluted, Nanna?
Radhika's happiness is diluted
(Underlying Nanna's next sentence, a hissing voice saying 'Radhika nanda'could be heard)
O.K., they are different. So what?
'I don't know, Nanna,' I said perplexed.
What is different then? It is not form; it is not formless. That means it is a synchronization of form and formlessness
'Then why should we say that they are different, Nanna?'
It becomes different because it is neither only form nor only formless! They should be comprehended in the right perspective. This understanding is the real difference. Mother told us about synchronization only because they are different. This is fourth principle stated by the Sakhis - synchronization of form and formlessness.
Vedas mention that Radha became Krishna. They also say that he brought a garland of flowers to adorn Her. Because She Herself became the 'dual armed' Krishna, he is very happy.
'Then was that Krishna different, Nanna?'
Yes, he was different. Only because he was present, he brought flowers and garlanded Her. This happened only because he was separate from Her
Yes, he was different. Only because he was present, he brought flowers and garlanded Her. This happened only because he was separate from Her
Radha is the cause for knowledge to flourish. Krishna and Sakhis prosper only because of Radha. She will accept them only if they are pure and dedicated. Without dedication there is no purity. Unless 'prakriti' is dissolved, bhava deha cannot be attained. Once bhava deha is attained, it means he is purified. In that world, Sakhis have no connection with prakriti.
I too will not be happy unless you come here.
Progress is possible only by Mother. She is the origin. Only because of Her, he (Krishna) is progressing. Without Her, there is no progress. In 'Chaitanya Charitamritam' Krishna said that 'only Mother gives him happiness. This is a fact'. So what that this mean? He has no happiness without Her. Undoubtedly She is the cause for his happiness. He admitted that no one else but Mother can give him happiness. Even the flute does not give that much him pleasure. When Mother comes near him and just says 'Kannayya', he is overjoyed. We cannot understand that philosophy.
At every stage, you must surrender yourself. This will give Her the happiness She desires.
Who Nanna?, I asked
Mother desires some pleasures too
'Mother and desires!', I exclaimed
Yes. Subtly. Sakhi provides that pleasure
'Nanna. I could not understand this concept of Mother desiring something!' I asked again.
Krishna accepted 'one particular Gopika'. He thinks not only about his happiness but Her pleasure too. Don't undermine him; he also has bhava.
Once Mother was jumping from the rooftop. That would have given Her pleasure. But he said 'I would lose my life if anything happened to you
This means that he will not survive without Her. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagawat that Krishna cannot live without Radha. Since he does not stay away from Her, She stays with him! She also does not like him to be away. This is very subtle.
Since he will not survive without Her, She stays with him. It is something like 'If I do not come, you will not survive. I want you to survive. So I will stay.'
What else does Tatsukhena sukhitvam mean?
Mother desiring not only his happiness but Hers also
No. It cannot be interpreted in this way only. As I said earlier, She does not do anything for Her pleasure. She does everything so that he will be happy. Because of that, She is also happy
Later, Nanna discussed about the word "Soham" in the verse 'Ucchishtamrita
' from Sri Radha Sudhanidhi.
In the Vedas, the word (mantra) 'Swaha' is used. This is uttered while pouring oil in the flames
But Hitacharya mentioned 'Soham' in this verse Nanna
May be both Swaha and Soham mean the same!
We searched whether anyone has written a commentary on this word Soham but could not gat any information
Swaha devi takes man to Mother. She is the link between man and Mother. Her duty is to convey the devotee's expectations to God and to hand over his rasa to them. I heard the meaning of this vedic verse earlier.
In a state of Radha bhava, the Rasika Mahatma sometimes even feels that he is Mother. I felt like that. The thought comes occasionally.
Nanna was deeply immersed in Radha bhava.
Talking about superimposition of Radha bhava, he recollected the snake episode in S.Kota.
Generally the snake tends to bite when it sees a man. That is its inherent nature. Then why did it not bite me though I was so near? So there is some mystery!
My name is Radhika Prasad. I am the 'Prasad' (oblation) of Radha Devi. Any item becomes Prasad only after being offered to Her. Is it not so?
Nanna did not probe further and continued his talk. When I listen to that cassette now, I feel that I could not catch what Nanna so clearly stated- he is Radhasakhi , the Prasad that is dedicated and offered to Her!
Those who are dedicated to Mother will not eat everywhere because it is not Radhika Prasad. Those who want to be dedicated should wholeheartedly wish to do so!
A person can become dedicated only if he wishes to do so, Nanna!.
Nanna simply smiled.
'Nanna, please explain what you meant by wishing to be be dedicated'
Swayameva nayika roopam vidhaya
Krishna himself became Radha because he wished to do so; He willed and so dedicated himself.
Not only the bridegroom, the bride should also be willing. Otherwise she will not agree for the wedding.
You must wish to become Radha, that you must be transformed into Her. Then your individual personality will slowly fade away. This is self surrender.
That love is unique. It is not related to the physical body, only to bhava deha! He attains Radha bhava. When Ramesh Baba came to our ashram, I was not in a state to even utter 'Radha'. He requested me to utter 'Radha' once, so that he would listen and leave but I couldn't. That bhava is so unique.
Nanna again went into dhyana. He was in silence for a long time.
The 'Tattvatah' mentioned by Krishna in the Geeta is somewhat similar to Radha bhava. At times, he only becomes Radha bhava
On this day Nanna subtly referred to many topics - subtleness of sakhi bhava, Tatsukhena sukhitvam, state of Radha bhava.
Whatever the Sakhi does is only for Mother's pleasure. In the process whether they desire or not, they gain pleasure too. Mother is happy with their pleasure. Krishna also behaves like the sakhis. This is the nature of divine love of bhava loka. Infact Sakhi is the great dedicated offering made to Mother. Nanna - the Radhasakhi is the unique offering made to Sri Radha, hence SriRadha prasad
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Krishnena aradhyatheti Radha
Krishnam samaradhayathi sadethi Radhika
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She is 'Radha' because she is worshipped (Aradhana) by Krishna. She who worships Krishna is Radhika. Nanna emphasised that this difference should be always kept in mind. Radhika is worshipper. She is not equal to Radha. She is only one of the aspects of Radha. Sri Radha, the Supreme Goddess, the Swamini is always worshipped by Krishna.
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-Sri Radhikopanishad
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Nanna said that the 'one particular Gopika' mentioned in Bhagawata is Radhika and added that without her (the embodiment of Rasa) Krishna cannot be happy. While saying these words, Nanna performed a miracle. We did not know it then but realized it later while listening to the cassette. Nanna's speech was continuing. Simultaneously from within him we could hear a hissing voice saying 'Radhikananda'. We could hear the divine voice repeating 'Radhikananda' again and again. We do not know how to comprehend this. Were Nanna and a little girl (the sakhi within him) speaking simultaneously? The voice is so very soft and delicate yet so clear. Mother Radhe! You have bestowed such a grace on us.
Nanna subtly remarked about the rasa leelas of Sri Radha and Krishna. Since Krishna cannot exist without Her, She is present as Radhika in Bhagawata. Radhika is one of the aspects of Radha. Again both are different. This is the union of form and formless. She is neither Form or Formless alone - She is the synchronization of both!
The matter is very subtle, intricate and difficult to understand. The lack of disparity between Radha and Krishna or Radha and Her sakhis is beyond comprehension. Probably that is why Sri Chaitanya repeatedly described this state as 'Achintya bhedabhedam'.
Observe the divine secret that Nanna revealed on 26.01.2001:
White colour comprises of seven colours which are entirely different from each other. In a single drop of water, both hydrogen and oxygen gases are present. Though this appears as dual it is not so.
This is exactly what 'Radha and Krishna are one' means. The oneness of the Duo must be seen from this perspective. The same tattva is shining as two mutually contradicting tattvas - dark complexion and golden complexion. Radha and Krishna are the unified forms that appear as two separate entities. This divine rasa is exhibited as dark and fair colours. It is very difficult to imagine these different complexions as a single complexion. The unity of Radha and Krishna is as true as their diversity! Their different complexions prove this fact."
Nanna thus described the state of unity and diversity of Radha and Krishna.
Only a Rasikacharya like Nanna who enjoys the bliss of the fathomless rasa tattva can understand this concept. Hence he revealed his sakhi roopa (form of a Sakhi) by saying
A Rasika Mahatma in a state of Radha bhava thinks he is Mother occasionally. I also think in this way.
What is implied by Krishna worshipping Radha? How does he worship Her? Nanna clarified these queries.
Swayameva nayika roopam vidhaya
He himself desired and became Radha. He desired, so he dedicated himself. He transformed into the body colour which is inseparable from Her. Now he is no longer different. That is real worship.
The glance of this love is such. Nothing else can be said about it.
After Nanna, Her confidential sakhi who is always drowning in the ocean of Sri Radha rasa made this statement, how can anyone else explain the meaning, significance and depth of this infinite love?
Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!
Jaya Jaya Sri Radhasakhi!!
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Radha saran mein rahe Radhasakhi
Sakhi saran mein rahe rasik sada sukhi
Rasik janonki Guru sakhi hithkari
Radharasamaya jeevan rasa bhari
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Radhasakhi is always in the shelter of Sri Radha
Rasikas who surrender at Sakhi's feet are always happy
Sakhi is the Guru for those who aspire for rasa
Sakhi gives the devotees a life full of bliss of rasa.
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-Sri Radharasa Madhuri
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