20.3.02, 12 Noon , Guntur Ashram:
As the attraction of Hladini Sakthi (power of ecstasy) was strongly drawing us, we (Sri Ranga and I) reached the Ashram. Nanna was very resplendent at that time, speaking to everyone who came to him with state of Sakhi bhava. He once said that Sakhi bhava exists naturally between Mother and human beings. Similarly, Sakhi bhava might be present between Radhasakhi (Nanna) and us also. Nanna is aware of this though we are not. That is why as soon as we entered he joked that if he starts a 'Sakhi School', I am the Principal, Sri Ranga is the Vice Principal and he is the student! Nanna gave us a place in his heart with such infinite love. Sekhar who came just then said he was also a student. Nanna smiled.
Nanna who has seen the depths of Sakhi bhava and is constantly in that bhava, said 'I am a student'. With these words Nanna, Radha's Confidential Sakhi who is at the pinnacle in the path of Rasa, demonstrated that man should always remain a student in spiritual practice.
Name and form are limited whereas Bhava is all pervading. Sakhi is the loving one whose bhava waves continuously flow towards Sri Radha like a perennial river. Sakhi is the embodiment of the Sovereign Radha's compassion. Sakhi, who is dedicated whole-heartedly to Mother, has the power to remove the effect of man's past deeds or karmas. Radhasakhi alone can destroy karmas and pave the way for human beings to reach the destination. Sakhi bhava is so prominent that Sri Radha Herself treats Sakhi affectionately and with a sense of equality. Krishna also respects a Sakhi as much as Radha. Thus Sakhis occupy an important place in Sri Radha's world of Rasa. One of them, the Intimate, Confidential Sakhi came down to earth and moved as one among human beings! This is an astonishing, miraculous and unbelievable truth! This truth has been proclaimed by the Mahatmas of Brindavan. Sri Radhadevi Herself told about Her Sakhi and the welfare activities taken up for mankind. That Radhasakhi is none other than our Nanna.
7.3.02, 9.30 AM, Guntur Ashram.
That day Nanna talked about Sakhi bhava that is naturally present between Mother and human beings and said that this feeling of equality should be maintained throughout.
If man has any feeling other than Sakhi bhava, then ego will form a barrier between them (Mother and man). By thinking "Dearest Sakhi", a feeling of equality is firmly established. It is very difficult to attain this samatva bhava (sense of equality). Though we can never become equal to Mother, She will make that adjustment. If you call out "Priya Sakhi (my dear Sakhi) please save me', She will come to you immediately. If you call out 'Mother please save me', She will think 'Let's see'. Even when you are in great difficulty, you should call Mother only with Sakhi bhava. Radhaji asked even Krishna to come only as a Sakhi. You must constantly be in the bhava that 'I belong to Radhaji. I belong to that dearest Sakhi'.
Supreme Goddess Sri Radha is all pervading. Mother is superimposed on every atom of the Universe. Radhasakhi experiences this fact every moment. There are several aspects of Sakhi tattva; Superimposition is one of them. It is very difficult to attain this unless bhava is awakened! When bhava is awakened, Sakhi feels only Radha everywhere and Her mind sings 'Radhe Radhe'.
Speaking about superimposition, Nanna said on 27.02.02:
As long as we think that God is finite, he remains passive. When we feel and believe that he is superimposed everywhere he intervenes true to his promise 'ye yadhamam prapadyathe tam staithaiva bhiyamyaham
Nanna clarified the subtle difference between Mother and Sakhi:
In the three lives of Jaya and Vijaya (door keepers of Vaikuntha), the godliness in them was suppressed and demonic tendency was superimposed, due to a curse. Once their evil was destroyed, the original godly nature surfaced. That is their freedom from the curse. Though Jaya and Vijaya have aspects of Vishnu; they are not Vishnu. Sankaracharya said 'Aham Brahmasmi' (I and Brahma are one!). He also said 'Moksha Sadhana Samagryam bhaktirevagariyasi' (Among all the means to attain Moksha, Bhakti is superior). When he said that he is God, why did he also say that bhakti is superior? So, he meant that he is only Bhagawat swaroop (a representative of God) and not God himself. Similarly, Mother may take us very close to Her and consider us as Her Sakhis. Yet that is only a sense of equality with Mother; we can really never become equal to Her.
On '24.03.01 at 7 a.m. explaining the behaviour of a Sakhi, Nanna said:
The eyes of Sakhis are never dry. They are always wet with the bhava of Sri Radha's love. If one Sakhi is in difficulty, all other Sakhis join together and help her. The principle of 'Tava Sukhena mama sukham' (Your happiness is my happiness) is followed by Sakhis. The Parsi Community does not like to see any poor person among them. If anyone is struck with poverty, all others contribute Rs.1000 each and make him wealthy. Likewise, Mother's children should all be united. If anyone faces a problem, all others should join together and help him.
Sometimes Sakhi behaves like Radhaji. Once Krishna came to see Radhaji. At that time Lalitha Sakhi was in a state of Radha bhava. She told him 'You cannot go near Radhaji now.' Mother came near her, held her chin, cajoled and pleaded 'Lalita, please allow Shyam to come in'. I saw this scene in a vision. That is Sakhibhava! There are so many aspects of Sakhi bhava.
These are the words spoken by Nanna, who envisioned the Nikunj leelas of Sri Radha and Govind. If he saw such a Divine leela, we can realise what an intimate, confidential Sakhi of RadhaRani he was! We are fortunate to reach his Lotus Feet. If we do not give up jealousy, hatred, desire and anger, what is the use of obtaining a place at his Holy Feet?
Speaking on 18.3.02 at 1.15 p.m., Nanna said :
Wherever you see, you find only Rajoguna, jealousy and hatred. My love will never change. Once attained, it is Radhika's love; it will not change. Love should not be expressed outwardly. It should be flowing within you.
Thinking what penance I performed to get his love, I took Nanna's hand in mine. He said,
You did exactly what I was thinking and seeing this moment. This proves yet again that there is a divine link between us.
Where there is love, Mother will be there. She is the embodiment of divine love. Penance, rituals and pilgrimage are not necessary; they are for lower beings. Mother wants only your love.
The sages were unable to conquer the world and worldly pleasures and move upwards [spiritually]. The Bhagawata states that even Mahadeva was no exception. The influence of worldly pleasures is very strong! Penance alone is not sufficient; you must realize how many obstacles and opposing forces are present and are daunting. Then you must face them and overcome them. Mother will give you enough strength. When I was in Naimisa forest, I slept on tree branches. So my words are based on experience and have a scientific approach too
Nanna drifted into the subject of incessant dhyana on Sri Radha:
Buddha narrated this experience to his intimate devotee, Ananda. In the early hours of the day when he attained 'Buddhitva' (wisdom) he saw his wife carrying his child and profusely weeping. She spoke to him sternly for having left them. Buddha thought that this was the most difficult hurdle in the way of his decision to accept Sanyas Ashram. It is said that if someone returns to his family after accepting Sanyas, he will become a ghost. For a moment he was shaken when his wife spoke so sternly and harshly. But, Buddha possessed as much patience and calmness as Mother Earth and decided to face the hurdle. That is how he could overcome all the hurdles successfully.
Next, he saw his parents, who brought him up with so much love. They were also weeping piteously as he was leaving them. He even saw that his mother collapsed but remained unmoved.
Towards dawn, he saw the Goddesses arrive. Thus he conquered himself and became Buddha.
It is very difficult to give up the family. If so many obstacles are to be overcome at the time of Sanyas itself, how many more will have to be faced at the time of death? At the time of death, man sees before him, all the memorable incidents that occurred in his life. Neither he can willingly give up his life nor can he continue this life! Generally he sees that incident that gave him utmost happiness. Then he feels that he can go through any number of hells but cannot give up this pleasure of attachment to the incident.
Man faces three situations at the time of death:
1) Unable to give up the family
2) Unable to understand God's tattva present within him due to the impressions formed on his mind.
3) Being strongly enveloped by Maya (deluding potency).
Maya is a very strong force. The God who can effortlessly rotate the Universe himself says 'Mama Maya duratyaya'
Once a king called his sons at the time of his death and said, 'My sons, I have one more birth in which I shall be born as a pig. Kill me as soon as I am born. Be very tough and cruel. If you kill me, I can go near God. You can recognize me from the 3 stripes on my forehead.' After he died, the sons were fighting for the kingdom. After years passed they suddenly remembered their father's last words and began to search for the pig with the stripes. When they identified the pig and were about to kill it, the pig pleaded, 'My son, Don't kill me. My wife and children cannot live without me. This pig odour is now pleasant to me.' The effect of maya is so strong!
Man becomes weak due to the impressions formed on his mind. The strength of God cannot be evoked with Mantra or Japa (penance). He remains in the state of weakness for 2-3 days. He can neither live nor die or even speak. Once he overcomes this grief he has no fear. Once you are able to overcome that Maya, which will pull you down at the time of death, you have nothing to fear. We faced defeat so many times in so many lives. We came down to earth only because we lost. As your well-wisher, I am cautioning you in advance.
'Nanna why do you include yourself also among those defeated? We lost several times not you' I said. Nanna seriously said |
No, it has to be said in this way only.
Nanna, the confidential Sakhi of Radha Rani who practices every word that he preaches includes himself also along with us. Probably, this is the bhava and sensitive nature of a Sakhi. |
30.01.02, 7.20 AM, Guntur Ashram.
I went to Nanna by 7 a.m. He appeared as fresh as a rose. Though we see him everyday, the luster in Nanna glows differently every moment. Nitya nutanatwam (new every moment) is also a natural quality of Radha Rani and Radhasakhi. I greeted 'Radhe Radhe Nanna', placed a rose in his hand and sat near him.
The more I think, the more I feel surprised at my fortune. I am going near such a Mother! I am crossing heaven, Vaikunth, Golaka and proceeding to Her dham. Is it really me! Is this fortune really mine! I want nothing else; only mother. I love Mother's Sakhis almost as much as I love Her. This pleases Her.
After I go to Mother, I will pray for all of you. You also should experience that bliss like me. Such love, which pleases Mother, should always be flowing within you. It is not the earthly base love.
Nanna showed us another dimension of Sakhi tattva. We were all shocked as we listened to him saying 'Is this fortune really mine? Who else but Nanna can have that fortune? Who else but Radhasakhi-the partner in Rasa can have the great fortune of entering the dham of Rasesvari? Yet he says 'Is the fortune really mine?' like an ordinary person. Through his words and deeds he portrayed how humble a Sakhi is!
In Mouna dhyana (silent meditation), I got separated from my body. I saw my body as an object. Mother will transform the body which is a 'subject' into an 'objective' one. Water has no power whereas steam has! The thoughtless mind will attain such power. That state of thoughtlessness is possible only in silence. Mother will be present only in that condition.
Everyone cannot become a devotee of Radha; only one in a million can. Mother should grant permission even to step into Brindavan and to serve Her. Nanna has granted us the path of Dhyana Yoga to reach the Holy Feet of Sri Radhadevi who is worshipped even by Krishna. We are indeed blessed!
Talking of dhyana, Nanna said on 28.12.01:
I have one wish-a very expensive one! Dhyana Yoga is the only path to reach Mother. I must see Mother face to face. What should I do? Krishna said, 'Dhyanena atmani pasyante' -the all pervading Mother should be present in that dhyana. Mother will superimpose in the all pervading. Krishna neither considered Pandavas as friends nor Kauravas as foes. That's why he said, 'Yathecchasi tatha kuru'(Do as you wish). Sage Sri Suka also saw God everywhere so he had no enemies.
It is my desire to widely propagate dhyana to reach the all pervading Mother. I need around Rs.30 lakhs to fulfill this desire. I also plan to construct a 'World Dhyana Centre' where Archana (Prayer), Sankeertan (Name and hymns of Mother) and Dhyana (Meditation) will take place simultaneously. I don't know how the money will be arranged but I want to complete this mission before I leave this world. Mother will surely make it happen. The all-pervading Mother will arrange everything.
One day in Guntur I was weeping realizing that my plans are big but I have no money to implement them. That same night, I received a phone call from a devotee in Madras informing me that she would like to give Rs.1 lakh in memory of her late husband. She came and handed over the money personally. So don't think you have no money. Mother is the great donor; She can give everything. All we need to do is 'dhyana'. She will give us the strength of detachment so that we will never develop affinity towards wealth. Geetacharya (Krishna) is my Guru. He simply said 'Yathecchasi tatha kuru' and remained passive.
Nanna, who taught us incessant dhyana on Sri Radha is showering his loving attention on all of us. Mother's sakhis appeared in his dhyana and spoke about Her because he is Radhasakhi. It is our fortune that Radhasakhi came to us in his form to speak about Mother. It is difficult to comprehend the love of Radha and Her sakhi. Today he is in a state of bhava every moment. He is forcibly coming out of that state to speak about Mother. We are blessed to see him in such a state of sakhi bhava!
27-2-93, Guntur ashram
Don't indulge in unnecessary talk. Chant only Her name. Only name! There should be no gap while repeating Her name within you - Radhe Radhe Radhe (like dhara - the flow of oil) While taking Her name, you must feel that the all pervading Mother is present everywhere; She is present near you. When you chant Her name with this feeling, it is more powerful. You must try to chant Her name for 6 to 8 hours a day. I used to do so for 16 hours. You must do for a minimum of 8 hours. Somebody may come near you and make unnecessary conversation. It is all a waste. Other than chanting Mother's name, everything else is a waste of time. If you repeat Her name incessantly without any gap, you will attain power.
Most of your karmas will get dissolved. When you are constantly in a state of oneness with Mother, what can karma do to you?
Due to dhyana I gave up the world. I literally got separated from the world. You too will get separated without having any connection with the world. You will actually feel that you are separated. The feeling I got was that 'my world is different. I am different. This is external world. 'I have no connection with this world' will strongly develop. Chant Mother's name incessantly with the feeling that She is present and listening to you. Put aside all unnecessary thoughts and practise in this way. Within 3 months, you will have a practical experience. You will see me. You can consider that you have seen Mother if you see me, because that is the link between Mother and me.
When you suddenly wake up, immediately start chanting Radhe Radhe Radhe! Within one month, you will start weeping. This is a great indication that Mother came down to you. When bhava is awakened, you will weep. You cannot even repeat Her name; you will only weep. Don't eat stomach-full meals. Eat a little less. It will help you to concentrate better.
Nanna suggested lovingly.Observe Nanna's words
Mother is listening and watching. Incessantly chant Mother's name with this bhava and within 3 months you will have an experience. You will see me. You can consider that you have seen Mother if you see me because that is the link between Mother and me.
This is the fourth step, the secret of the secrets in Radha tattva, which is concealed so carefully. If you see him it is equivalent to seeing Mother! That is the link between Mother and him! The 4th step is such yearning for oneness with Mother that you feel "You are me and I am you." Nanna's words that 'you have seen Mother if you see me' indicate the extent of his yearning for oneness with Mother.
That is Radhasakhi.