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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 13

Our Association With Nanna - Part 13
*Nanna's words
*Amma's words
*Foreword by Author
1Divine Rasa
2Bhava is God
3Divine Dham is Mine
4Nanna, the embodiment of leela
5Inward Seva - Outward Seva
6 Sri Rose Aura
7 Nanna's Loving Message
7 Sri Radhasakhi Rasavani

06.01.2002, Guntur Ashram:

In a state of complete bhava, Nanna talked about how to do inward seva and outward seva of Radhaji.

" What do I have today? Mother is taking care of everything. That is why don't go after wealth. She will give you everything, then why do you worry? She sent Rs.10,000 to me. When will She send me the money? Only when I have confidence that She will give me everything! Whatever anybody gives me, it belongs to Mother only. That is why you must look up to Mother only each and every moment. We have mind, words and actions. Whatever comes to the mind also must be given to Mother only. Nothing is yours; everything belongs to Mother. When you practice in this way, you will get everything. Fill only Mother in your inward and outward selves. "

" This is the first principle in dhyana. Without this, it is of no use to close your eyes. What about the mind? The mind is present behind your closed eyes. It has three base modes (gunas) which pull you down. Be cautious every day. Do not think that you are doing tapasya by closing your eyes. You must do penance every moment with your eyes open. That is Mother's penance which happens every moment, not now and then! "

" In Brindavan, Mother's idol is bathed every day with the water from the well dug by Her father, king Vrishabhanu. The well water is salty and bitter. Even birds do not bathe in that water. The priest bathes Mother with this water every day. Some of the people residing in Brindavan including me made a request in writing to bathe Mother with cow's milk and not this bitter water and signed on the paper. The priest agreed on one condition. 'It is not my will but my Mother's order. I will do whatever She instructs me to do. My path is Mother's path; not your path'. We all agreed. He took our paper and put it near Her feet. "

" That night, Mother appeared in his dream and said 'My father got this well dug for me with so much love. The water may be salty but I can see my father's love in it. It is bitter outwardly but as I move inwards, I find nectar, my father's nectar. He brought me up with nectar. Even if the water is salty and bitter, you must bathe me with this water only. I do not want cow's milk' and threw away the paper. This is our experience. She taught us a lesson! At every step... though the water is bitter, She is not seeing the bitterness. Though it is bitter, it is Mother's! So the link is with Mother! You must maintain this link with Mother throughout your life. "

" You must learn how to do penance inwardly as well as outwardly. You will remain in outwardness most of the time and in dhyana for a short time. So dhyana should not be inward dhyana only. It will be a partial dhyana and bring you down. You must do both penances - inward and outward. Mother is inside as well as outside you. It is not correct to forget Mother who is outside and see only the Mother within you. That path is not right; do not follow it. My penance, my dhyana has both - inwardness and outwardness. Every moment you must do both inward dhyana and outward dhyana. My Mother has two faces. Suppose you pray to one face and not to other, it is not enough. Mother is always present in two faces. She wants you to realize this in your dhyana. Mother wants me to find out whether you worship Her in inwardness only or in outwardness also. I must tell Her. "

This sentence clearly indicates that Nanna is conversing with Mother every moment. On one hand, he is giving a talk on dhyana yoga, on the other hand, he is talking to Mother and repeating Her sentences verbatim to us. Can we ever imagine such a talk on dhyana yoga? Who can define our Nanna?

" She did not refuse the bitter water because it contains her mother's love. 'I don't want cow milk. This water has my father's love.' That is divine love! At each and every step, love is our prime principle. "

" I worship rasa. I do rasopasana. The Vedas, the Taithereeyopanishad says 'Rasovaisaha' - 'God is rasa'. The mango has skin, seed and juice (rasa). If somebody offers you skin and seed without juice, will you accept? We want the juice only. These three together became Krishna. This is the first lesson in rasopasana. Skin, seed and juice together form Rama or Kali or your body. That is why we buy the whole fruit. "

" In rasopasana, we do not want the skin and seed. We want only rasa! Krishna does not mean his dark complexion, his face beauty or his name. My Krishna is different. He is the love within him. I worship love. I am the son of love, not the son of skin and seed. I want what is inside the skin. He is my Krishna! "

" 'Mere Giridhar Gopala doosra no koi'. Meera said 'I do not want anything else except my Gopala, the inner essence.' That is why the Vedas said 'Raso vaisaha'. The essence of all the infinite worlds is rasa. God's real form is rasa. You must worship God as rasa. This is the inner meaning. We must worship rasa and not the form with ears and face. Our God is formless; he is rasa; we enjoy the essence of a drama; that is rasa! We see the rasa in a jeeva. God sees whether the jeeva worships his rasa or his form (skin and seed). For one who does rasopasana, Krishna is love. I don't describe Krishna's body. I am not interested in his complexion or ornaments. I want his rasa only. The journey of inwardness is very difficult. I am describing Mother's journey. She is the highest. "

" I want only rasa, nothing else. 'Mother, please grant me Your pure rasa. I don't want the worldly beauty.' Don't be attracted towards any beauty in the world. When you look at outward pleasures, you will certainly fall. These are Mother's words. When you accept rasa in Mother's creation, you will go near Her. If you hold on to skin and seed, which signify prakriti, you can't reach Her. The Vedas said 'Vyaktho avyaktho para'. This infinite universe is made up of three storeys - vyaktha (manifested), avyaktha (unmanifested) and para (transcendental). We must go beyond manifested and unmanifested, the skin and seed, and move towards para. I want the fruit! That fruit is rasa. Rasa leela is related to this rasa. Raseswari Sri Radha is related to this rasa. She is sovereign of rasa world. She does not want this inferior world. That should be our starting point. I will explain how to worship Raseswari. "

" Our worship has two forms - inward and outward. Only inwardness is not enough. You will chant God's name - Rama, Rama, Rama. This japa is not correct. Rama does not represent a face! He is the personification of infinite sacrifice and infinite love! Sage Vasishta made all arrangements for Rama's coronation ceremony. The place was crowded. Vasishta was performing pooja. He bid Rama to bathe and wear the silk clothes and made him sit on the throne. Just as it was time to put the crown, Mandhara came to the palace. 'I am Kaikeyi's maid. I am always with her. I came from her maternal home; her happiness and sorrow are my happiness and sorrow. I came here because she sent me.' 'What do you want?' 'I don't want anything. My mother is in the sulking room, she sent an order for Rama to see her immediately.' Kaikeyi looked after Rama since childhood more than her own son, Bharata; she fed sweets to Rama even before Bharata; she always wanted Rama's happiness; this was her love! Rama was everything for her. He went to meet her immediately. He bowed to her; she embraced him, kissed him and wept. 'Mother, why are you weeping, what is your problem? I vow to remove your sorrow. Please tell me what can I do?' Your father promised me two boons. I asked him to fulfill those boons. He is upset and fainted because he is not willing to fulfill them.' 'Did he grant these boons to you?' 'Yes' 'Then why should he be upset? When he granted a boon, he must fulfill it. As his son, I will fulfill his boons. What do you want? What is your order?' 'The coronation ceremony should be performed for my son Bharatha and not for you.' 'This is a small matter. I will personally place the crown on my brother's head.' 'God bless you my son'. 'Mother what is the second boon?'. 'You must go to exile in the forest for 14 years' 'Oh, this is a small matter too. I always wanted to do penance in the forests but Sita was not willing. We can see God in the forest, not in this palace. You are sending me to God's presence; you are showing such love and mercy on me. I will certainly go to forest. Both the boons are small. Why did father faint for such small thing?' "

" We are like Dasartha, following his ways, we want dharma. Crown is the symbol. We want that crown. The symbol for happiness is exile in the forest. We don't want that. If we read carefully, we will realize that Ramayana is written for us only. Dhyana yoga's secret is Ramayana's secret. Mother told me these points. 'This is what Ramayana actually is. Follow My path. Contemplate on Me. I will not be seen just by closing your eyes'. Whether you close or open your eyes, wherever you go, Mother is there! She has inwardness and outwardness. If you want to close your eyes and see only inwards, it is not right. Don't go on that path. What will you get by closing your eyes? You must get Her grace with open eyes. Whether your eyes are open or closed, only Mother is there! "

'Antharvishwam Bahirvishwam Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagathi'

" Vishnu is not only within you but also around you. He has both forms! "

" Mother gave birth to innumerable Vishnus. She is the universal Mother. She said 'many people are seeing Me only in inwardness. You must tell them to see Me in inwardness and outwardness'. I see both equally. If you come to Brindavan, you will understand my outward seva. Mother is present in inward seva and also in outward seva. Thousands of people must do dhyana yoga. I must teach them how to do dhyana. I must give them timely food. I need rooms to make them do dhyana. This is a big process. "

Thus Nanna laid the foundation for dhyana yoga. During his talks on dhyana yoga, he often mentioned about the secrets in Ramayana and Mahabharata. He stressed that these secrets are revealed to him by Mother. In another speech, he said that Kaikeyi's reaction was only due to a divine impulse; actually she had true love for Rama.

" There must be only one or two members in a room to do dhyana. They will do tapasya day and night. We will provide such an opportunity. I plan to begin with 40 members. We will provide everything; you do only dhyana. This is outward seva. We need building and rooms to do such seva. The estimate worked out to Rs.36 lakhs. I didn't have a penny because I don't beg for money; not even Mother. I left it to Mother to arrange for the building. "

" When the time came, Mother decided the auspicious moment. She is present in my outward seva. Meditation begins from there. The devotees must enter royally from the front door and not secretly from the back door. Mother enters from the front door. She already proved this fact. I don't have a penny, how to do outward seva? I am not satisfied until I do both the sevas because both are Mother's facets only. I must have both Her faces! "

" One day, I was sleeping in this chair at 11 a.m. when Mother showed Her leela! One person entered our ashram. 'I came from Kolkata to meet Nanna. Is he here?' 'He is sleeping' He sat near my feet. When I woke up, he bowed to me and put a purse in my hand. It has Rs. 11,000/- 'What do you want?' 'Why did you come here?' 'I came to seek your blessings and have your darshan. I don't need anything.' I gave him some fruits. He left within 30 minutes by 11.30. This is how Her outward seva began! The relatives and Mother enter from first door. When Mahatmas enter from the back door, we cannot open the toilet door for them! We must invite everybody from the front door. "

" Mother is coming! It is very difficult to understand that we are doing Her service. One who totally unifies with Mother will slowly realize one by one. That man left silently. The very next afternoon, a lorry arrived with 136 bags of cement. The person who sent the lorry did not mention his name. He gave the address of our ashram and sent the lorry. This is the way how divine people work! There was no receipt. We do not know who sent the material. I did not ask anybody. I never beg for cement. Who sent 136 bags of cement? Nobody knows. Mother works so secretly. She never moves overtly. True dhyana, true seva must be done secretly. You should not flaunt that you did japa (chanting name) 12000 times! That's wrong. Even if you chanted a million times, keep it to yourself. If somebody asks you, you must say you are still learning or you are unable to do it as you are still ignorant. "

" Ramakrishna Paramahamsa swept the toilets of the scavengers. This shows that you must never reveal your true self. Do not aim only for big things and neglect small things. Don't think that you will sleep only on silk mattress and never on the floor. You must experience everything. See both the states equally. Both are faces of Mother- the back door as well as front door. If you don't serve both Her faces, you are unfit. Your penance will never rise for any number of ages. Mark my words! Do not forget that Mother has two faces . "

" Well, that unknown person came one day and a lorry of bricks arrived at 3.30 pm. By 5 pm, the second lorry stopped at our gate with high grade sand. 'Who sent this sand?' 'We were asked to deliver at this address'. But we did not order for it'. 'I don't know. I was only told to deliver the material to you.' By 9.30 pm, another lorry arrived with 36 labourers. 'Some of them are from Mumbai, some from Surat and others from elsewhere. Please take care of them'. 'Now who will look after them?Please come in'. We immediately arranged for their dinner. We do not know to whom the labourers belong! "

" Will I respect Mother's laborers or not? Of course, I will! Mother has arrived. We served them dinner. They arranged their tools and tackles and settled down to sleep. By 4 a.m. the next morning an engineer came in his car. The contractors also came later. After eating the food served by us, he said 'It is 5 a.m., we will begin the work'. Strangely, this is my house but some unknown person is laying the foundation! 'Who sent you here?' 'That information is not necessary for you'. Then I realized that I must not question them. Mother made Her arrangements. She will take care of their activities. When you are hungry and somebody feeds you some sweets, do not ask who sent them. It is only Mother. She is responsible for everything, nobody else. Those who do penance in this room see Mother differently; not in Her form. When somebody gives you something when you are in need, you must understand that none other than Mother protected you. "

" This tapasya is unique, not the ordinary penance which you know. This penance has inward seva as well as outward seva. If you say that you will feed your son but not clean his buttocks, then he is not your son! A mother does everything for her son fondly. Only then she can be a mother; she will do both acts with equal attention and love; she never expresses disgust to clean his buttocks! You must develop such a bhava. "

On 30.12.2001, Nanna spoke thus:

" You cannot attain bhava by sadhana. Bhava deha has no sadhana. God grants you bhava by grace. Unless you attain bhava deha, your tapasya is not possible. So you need bhava to begin your penance. Bhava has no sadhana. "

" Vivekananda stated the absolute truth. You must not attain bhava related to body; your bhava must be beyond name and form. Such bhava must be awakened in you. Do not attain outwardness. We must attain bhava deha somehow; then only we can reach Mother. When you completely surrender to Her, then only such bhava is awakened in you. 'Sarva dharman parityajya mamekam saranam Vraja' - why do you need to surrender to the Lord? For awakening of bhava! When we surrender to him, he will grant his grace and awaken the bhava in us. Then only we can go near Mother. See how difficult it is! "

" Bhava is awakened through God's worship. When you dvelop intense desire towards God, when you intensely yearn to reach God, then bhava is awakened. You must go to Mother with this bhava. This is the last step in dhyana yoga. You must reduce your attention for the body. You must give up the world made up of name and form and reach the state of bhava awakening. These three conditions need to be inevitably fulfilled. Without that, you cannot go higher. We forgot the right path and deviated. We must correct ourselves now. "

" Mother is surrounded only with women. They are known as sakhis. Not even a single male is present in Her kingdom. A man does not get entry there without attaining womanhood. So after yearning bhava is awakened, sakhi bhava must also be awakened. Bhava and sakhi bhava! How can you achieve sakhi bhava? How should you conduct yourself to reach God? Sakhi bhava is opposite to male ego. Sakhi is a woman. The worldly secret is that a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man. This male and female distinction exists in human beings, Gods, animals, insects and even trees! To attain sakhi bhava, you must become a sakhi. To become a sakhi, you must not have even a trace of manliness. That is very difficult. You must go beyond male and female bhava. That bhava. "

" The Gandharvas are very beautiful. The attention of six rishi's wives were drawn towards them for a moment. Only one wife was not affected by that beauty. Who is she? Arundathi, who is known for her austerity. She is the wife of the great rishi who lived near Rama. Before they went into the forest , Rama and Sita went to pay their respects to the sage couple.. Sita said 'Mother, we are going to the forest for 14 years. I came to surrender to you. Please protect me'. 'Sita, take this flower and put it in your hair. As long as it is fresh, no harm has come to your husband. When it fades, you must understand that your husband died. This flower will be very useful in the battle field in the coming years. Keep it with you always'. The flower remained fresh for 14 years! "

" Such a great lady! She did not wear the chain symbolizing her marital status. When she was questioned about this, she replied 'such symbols are for those who cannot keep their husband in their heart. When you keep your husband in your heart, why do you need such symbolic ornaments? I removed them and kept my husband in their place'. No wonder every newlywed girl is shown Arundathi star indicating her to be pure and austere like Arundathi. "

" While all the other rishi's wives looked up even for just a second, she did not look up at all. That one second's sight was enough. They were unable to make mud pots to fill water and cook food for their husbands. Six of the saptarishis' (seven great rishis) wives failed to make the pots. Only Arundathi made the pot, filled water in it, cooked food and served her husband. The other rishis saw what happened in their dhyana. Just one second! This one second is enough for man's downfall. Bharata saw the male and female fish together for one moment only and instantly fell. Brahma saw a girl whom he created himself and became attracted to her. That is why one must be very careful! The rishis realized what their wives did and cursed them to become grass weeds! You must understand that it takes only a moment for man to fall. That is how maya works. 'Daivihyesha' - Maya is related to the divine. Krishna said 'Mama maya' - My maya! My power! Krishna's power is extra ordinary. God's power is indeed extraordinary. Maya is always with you. How to conquer maya? How will Radhaji help you to conquer maya? What powers does Mother possess? I will talk about these special features of Mother in detail another day. "

" Why should you worship only Radhaji when so many other Gods are present? The Vedas and other scriptures proclaim Her greatness. She possesses a unique trait. She is our deity in dhyana. Our life is with Her only. The power present in all the Gods put together is present in Her alone! That is why if you satisfy Her, it means you satisfied all of them. "

" When I went to Vedadri temple, the hall turned into pink color. The power within the temple premises, the Radha power is visible in the pink color. I did not see the Lord because there is no need. He came out. In the mean time, some devotees who came to the temple came towards me instead of going inside the temple. They worshipped me and not God! Even the priest who heard that a great saint came to the temple brought a garland and some offerings. "

Anjani Amma pleasantly added 'I am the witness!'

Radhaji is the source of power for all the Gods. Hence if you worship Radhaji, it means you worshipped all of them. She possesses Hladini power which nobody else including Krishna has. Her color is pink. Wherever Nanna went, the pink color appeared before him indicating Her all pervading nature. Not only Radhaji but also Radha sakhi glows with Her powers.

That is why the temple priest and other devotees prayed to Nanna in Vedadri. Anjani amma is the witness for this incident.


'Lokamantha .. Nimpiveyava'

Mother. Your aura is filled in the whole world indicating that You are the only God. Show mercy and fill my heart with Your love.



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