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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 14

Our Association With Nanna - Part 13
*Nanna's words
*Amma's words
*Foreword by Author
1The all pervading Sovereign
2Sri Radha-The manifestation of dhyana
3Fortune of Sakhi darshan
4Experience is evidence
5Radha, The manifestation of love
6 Radhaji’s leela is so beautiful
7 Sri Guru’s message
The All Pervading Sovereign


'Radha rasa.......Vande sakhirpineem'

I pay homage to the wonderful guru who is in the form of a sakhi who is aware of Radha's rasa secrets, who is the crest of all Sri mantras, who is intoxicated by drinking the nectar of Sri Radha bhava who shines with the glow of Radha's affection; who uplifts human beings through her words which increase our love for Radhaji; who is the swan that moves in Radha's mind.



Guntur ashram, February 2000

Nanna spoke about the seven steps of dhyana yoga discussed in the book Divine Wisdom.

" Mother is within you, watching. She is passive. She observes everything-your mistakes, your thoughts, your habits, what you eat and drink..from your heart. "

" That's why you must feel 'Mother! I seek darshan. If I see your form just once, I will not come down again. I need not be born again.' The Vedas declared Her powers. If you have Her darshan, you will not come to this world again. We are committing many sins and facing their consequences. We think that by experiencing the ill effects our sins, we got rid of them. That is very wrong. By experiencing the effects of your sins, the power of your sins is diluted but the traces don't vanish. The Vedas stresses this fact. Many scholars fail due to this misconception. Do not forget-the traces of your sins will remain. Suppose you are addicted to drinking and stop someday. You may feel that you stopped drinking but the urge to drink remains in you. Though you are not aware of it, that trace remains birth after birth. There is only one way of permanently removing the traces of your sins. The Vedas say: "

Bhidyathe................drishti paravare

" When will all the karmas along with their traces vanish? When you have God's darshan; when you will see God before you. When you see Mother, all traces vanish and you will not take another birth. Seeing the face of Radharani who is in the highest place can only remove your karmas and all traces of karma. "

" Mother told me 'Baba! Our link is eternal; our association is permanent. The link will not break for ages and ages; this association will never end.' When we see Her, all traces of karma disappear and never come back. We will not take birth in the lower worlds. There is no need to come down. So having Her darshan once is enough; even second darshan is not required. She does not grant darshan so easily. It is very difficult. The only way to attain Her darshan is through dhyana yoga. I will explain the steps of dhyana yoga one by one. "

" We will do dhyana in silence. Otherwise, we will come back to prakrithi. Suppose you chant 'Hreem kreem hroom kesavaya namah', you will descent because every word will bring us down. There are no words, no sound in the higher world. I saw. I know. The scriptures also specifically mention that prakriti begins with sound, one of the five senses in prakriti (hearing, touch, sight, smell & taste). When you are in prakriti, you must face all sorts of problems. "

" Vivekananda wrote that when you begin dhyana, all your past deeds-good and bad will appear before your eyes. Infact your past will be played before you. That is the secret. All the acts of the past will be replayed before you. If you hated someone and tried to kill him, that hatred will be evoked in you again. So, there is no escape from your past. "

" Religion of sadhana does not consist in hearing talks or reading books but is a continuous struggle (Divine wisdom). What is religion? Vivekananda questions us about religion! We must have knowledge otherwise listening to talks and clapping to their words is of no use. It is a waste of time. Speech is not religion; reading books is not religion; japa and tapa is not religion; pilgrimage is not religion; visiting temples and praying to God is not religion-none of these can be considered as sadhana. Then what is sadhana? What is religion? "

" 'A groping with our own lower nature. The struggle may last days or years or even lives. One should be prepared for anything if he should realise truth' (Divine wisdom; point 155 ) "

" Religion means sadhana; sadhana means struggle-struggle with yourself. Your past comes before you. If it is negative, it will pull you down. You must resist it. 'I don't want such negative thoughts. The thought about my drinking is so disgusting. I promised myself that I will not drink again. So I do not want to get back into that habit now.' You must struggle with your thoughts. This struggle is known as sadhana. A life without struggle is useless. This struggle may last even for some lives! "

" This struggle is against your lower nature, the bestial qualities in you. You must resist them. You must hit back at them. You will face many hurdles but must continue the struggle. It may be for a day, a year, one life or several lives. The past actions will plague you. We cannot avoid it. "

" When we cross prakriti and move one step higher, prakriti will not touch us. It remains only at the lower level, it cannot move up. The higher level is silence! Prakriti cannot exist in the world of silence. That is why we must crush prakriti below our feet and move up into silence. Then prakriti qualities will not affect you; your past cannot trouble you because it cannot fly up. All impressions on your mind will disappear. "

" We are moving forward in this direction. Silence with the bhava that Mother is with me. Krishna said in the Bhagawad Gita 'Arjuna! I am god. I reside in your hear. I am installed in your heart. The sovereign Radharani is also present with me. We are recording each and every thought and act from your heart. Otherwise, how can you remember what happened 30 years back? That is what your memory is! Whatever happened since your birth and also before birth in your previous life is being recorded. "

" Now let us move away from prakriti once. Total silence! There is no prakriti in silence; no words in silence; no mantras in silence. We are beginning with silence. The real knowledge is still ahead. Do not mistake silence as just vacuum. Without this vacuum, we cannot move up. A great scholar in Chennai, Taiman Swamy wrote excellent points in the book 'one hundred poems of Tayumanvar.' "

" 'Behold that infinite vacuum which is the origin of bliss, and the supreme intelligence that is ineffable and unthinkable----------' "

" Why do we run? Don't run. Behold that infinite vacuum. Total vacuum! There is complete silence in that vacuum. Observe that it is not ordinary silence. It is the foundation, the origin of bliss. Without that silence, you cannot find such bliss. You will attain that bliss only when you move through silence. It gives you supreme happiness. Infinite knowledge is within you; the essence of Vedas is within you. That will emerge out only in silence. Do not underestimate silence. It is not just vacuum. Silence is the main source of infinite bliss; infinite power and infinite knowledge. You can see everything only in silence. Without reaching the state of silence, you cannot see beyond prakriti. Till that time you will see only your family, relatives and friends. Life after life, birth after birth-you can never move up. You cannot see the higher world. "

" Why do we run? Don't run. Behold that infinite vacuum. Total vacuum! There is complete silence in that vacuum. Observe that it is not ordinary silence. It is the foundation, the origin of bliss. Without that silence, you cannot find such bliss. You will attain that bliss only when you move through silence. It gives you supreme happiness. Infinite knowledge is within you; the essence of Vedas is within you. That will emerge out only in silence. Do not underestimate silence. It is not just vacuum. Silence is the main source of infinite bliss; infinite power and infinite knowledge. You can see everything only in silence. Without reaching the state of silence, you cannot see beyond prakriti. Till that time you will see only your family, relatives and friends. Life after life, birth after birth-you can never move up. You cannot see the higher world. "

" Unthinkable! You may think how and where it is. Well, it cannot be reached in your thoughts. It is hidden deep inside. You will certainly attain all of them and see them too. I am explaining our journey on this path. You will attain powers which are not in Vedas and not known to mankind in this life only. You will also attain that knowledge and bliss. I wept in that blissful state for sometime. Everybody thought I went mad. I closed the doors and shut myself. They did not realise my state. I wept due to uncontrollable bliss. 'Mother, it is so long since I came to you. I am coming back to you. I stayed away from you for such a long time.' Nobody cries for Mother like this. They weep bitterly when they lose their wife or money but not for God. We will weep for God only in meditation. Understand this point carefully. If you weep, it means you are going near Mother. You will experience all these gradually, one by one. "

" This state is known as yearning. The next state is silence. Your duty is to sit in the train. It will take you to the destination. You need not get down and walk. In the same way, silence will take you to the destination. You will not even realise how! This is the truth of creation. You will be gradually lifted to the higher state. "

" When I was in that elevated state of yearning in Brindavan ashram, a great saint, Ramesh Baba came to see me. I was weeping 'I want Mother. I cannot live without you. Don't leave me.' He saw me in that state. He sat for an hour but I was totally unaware of his presence and did not even acknowledge him. Before he left, he said, "I read in books that Ramakrishna wept for God, but never saw anybody actually weeping for God. Today I saw this Mahatma." "

" That weeping will not come with your effort. It will come from within you after you cross the state of silence. This state is also known as Rukmini state. Rukmini wept for Krishna when her wedding was finalised with Sisupala. She gave up food and sleep and wept for Krishna. Her brother was a wicked man who threatened to kill anybody who came in his way. She knew nobody would fight against her brother and stop the wedding. That is why she was weeping for Krishna, yearning for him. "

" Just as the sun rays travel to any distance, the rays of hladini powers also travel with hundred times more power. Yet every person cannot receive the hladini power rays. Only the thoughtless mind can receive them. In olden days, the sages did penance and attained thoughtless mind. Mother is nameless and formless. That is why we all have obtained an almost thoughtless mind. Only thoughtless mind can receive the hladini power. Life achievement would only be to receive the powerful rays of supreme bliss and ecstasy. "

" 'Mind must be purely alone in silence for receiving the Divine light. When we worship the all-pervading God, our minds become thoughtless, free from all thoughts or forms or images. Thus a thoughtless mind easily reflects the Divine light, love and power.' "

" When the other entity is all pervading and you consciously or unconsciously think about him, your mind becomes automatically a thoughtless mind. Then very easily you will get divine light, love and power. These are Vedic truths. Note them. That is enough. "

" Our target is hladini sakthi, the highest power of God. The highest power possessed by god is hladini sakthi. This is the first Vedic truth. Only thoughtless mind can receive the vibrations of this power. This is second Vedic truth. "

" Thoughtless mind reflects divine light, love and power. That divine power is hladini sakthi. That is Radha! None other than Mother! This is explicitly mentioned in the Vedas. Only Radha is the embodiment of hladini power. "

" We must have thoughtless mind to receive those vibrations of divine ecstasy. Thoughtless mind is very difficult to obtain. If you practice what I taught, you can achieve thoughtless mind in three or four days. A thoughtless mind is like a purified mirror which reflects divine love, divine power and divine light. We will receive them automatically. Then jeeva will attain moksha or whatever he wants. "

" An IAS Officer can be posted as Collector of any district in India. In the same way, jeeva with thoughtless mind can achieve divine power in any world. This is the real truth of dhyana yoga. "

" We worship Radha because She is Hladini power, the biggest and highest powers of whole God. The cosmic and subtle vibrations of haldini powers cannot be received by anyone and every mind. The mind must be thoughtless. Originally, the jeeva was only a soul (athma) with thoughtless mind. Such a pure jeevathma saw prakrithi, fell in love with it and was destroyed. Today we are in a highly decadent state. "

" Many rishis are in a shabby state. I saw them in meditation. The so called great rishis are in a pitiable state. They claimed to be God or divine incarnation. They fell because they did not have thoughtless mind. When we contemplate only on Mother, we will automatically get thoughtless mind. Thoughts are like a disease. We must avoid them. With a thoughtless mind we will easily receive divine power. That is the secret. "

" Meditate on the highest sakthi of God first. That highest Sakthi of God is Radha and only Radha according to Vedas. Only thoughtless mind will receive vibrations from Radha! "

" Radha worship is essential but difficult because thoughtless mind is not so easy. All thoughts must be cleared off from the mind. Then it reflects divine power and divine love. We will be blessed. Any thought in our mind, even thought relating to God is bad. Any thought is bad! No wonder Vedas declared that your mind or words can never catch God because the mind has thoughts. "

" Develop a thoughtless mind. You will receive Radhaji's vibrations and become blessed. Meditate only on the highest power; don't worship smaller Gods. Every person cannot become God. Don't be misled. Many people may claim to be God but very few are truly divine! He can be a God only if he possesses hladini power. The Vedas said that only Radha has hladini power. "

" Rig Veda is authority for us. It mentions about the various powers of God and states that hladini is the highest. That hladini power is Radha! We are worshipping Radha. We need not even say Radha because She is formless. She is all pervading. One who worships Radha, the all pervading power will obtain a thoughtless mind after some time. Then it will receive divine light, divine power and divine love. "

" The Muslims respect the Quran, their sacred religious book. The Hindus are ignorant about Vedas. They are not taught in any University. The present generation studies only physics, chemistry, maths and other sciences but not Vedas and not mantras. "

" Parasurama has extra ordinary powers. He vowed to destroy all the Kshatriyas in India, all alone. While Rama and Krishna had an army, he depended only on his mantra power, Veda mantras! He took only the fire mantra and destroyed each and every king. He sacrificed all of them to the fire, single handed with the power of the Vedic mantra. This power is like the hladini power. "

" We gave up the Vedas, scriptures and penance. We began to rely on a fake person pretending to be God. He cannot uplift you. Follow only the Vedas. That is only the highest. I followed only Vedas. Mother looked after me in many ways and took me higher. Mother cannot see me suffering. I told you how She inspired somebody to get this room air-conditioned. She always looks after our welfare. "

" Srungi, a ten year old boy cursed king Pareekshit 'you will die of snake bite within one week. My curse is irrevocable. Even Brahma or Shiva cannot stop it. My word is final'. The boy's words came true! Though Pareekshit was Krishna's favourite, he could not save him. A ten year old boy had such power. Where is that power today? People go for a job and bow before others. The Hindus lost their original powers gradually. "

" We must get back that independence. Do tapasya regularly. You can come to the ashram even after we leave for Brindavan. Our penance will protect us. Only dyana yoga will protect us. 'Dhyanena athmani pasyanthi' Krishna said that except dhyana, nothing can really uplift you. The power of ordinary names (japa) is not enough. Moreover, these names are linked to prakriti. We will not get anything. We will be reborn in prakriti, like Jada Bharata was born as a deer. Only silence can take us away from prakriti. Sage Atri always remained in silence. 'Due to the power of my silence, God appeared as Trinity before me. I worshipped Sakthi but all the three Gods-Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva gave darshan. When I asked them how it happened they said they all are present in that one Sakthi and are inseparable.' We also will get such powers, if you do meditation daily. These devotees (Uma and Lakshmi) do dhyana for 16 hours in a day. I wish that you must do dhyana for atleast eight hours daily, four hours in the morning and four hours in the evening. "

" Your knowledge is not correct. You forgot that your original form is the soul. The jeeva lost his senses and considers himself as this body. He is not the body at all; he is the pure soul. You forgot your original existence. How shameful! You got associated with the body and gave it your name. This is not the real you! What is true wisdom? The Vedas say 'Aham athma'. You are not this body and senses. You are the pure and thoughtless soul. You forgot this fact. Parasurama became so powerful only because he realised his true identity and used the Vedic powers. "

" The Vedas consist of mantras. The Upanishads are the source of knowledge. The Vedic mantras are very powerful. The sages followed these mantras and protected their religion. Today we forget them all. The Muslims came to our country, ruled us, dragged our women by their hair and converted their religion yet we simply bowed before them for almost 1050 years. Why? Because, we lost our original powers. Today we cannot find the power that Parasurama had or Srungi had! Neither that power nor that knowledge exists today. All are lost..... "

" We are pursuing mundane studies and gaining bookish knowledge. I know for a fact that Professors are taking bribes to add marks to the students. Where is dharma? Dharma vanished. Knowledge vanished. Thus our position deteriorated and Hindu religion's power is lost. "

" We must get back that power. Dhyana yoga is the only way to regain that power. Do meditation, attain the hladini power and shine in your life. 'I am not this body. I am not the senses. I am the pure soul. I am the all pervading soul. I am the soul related to meditation. I am the powerful soul. I am the soul that can accomplish any task.' You must attain this realisation. This is the fifth step in our mediation. "

" The sixth step is splitting of the ego. When you realise that you are not the body, then you will lose body consciousness. You will give up all the trash in prakriti. This wisdom that you are the soul and not the body should remain throughout. "

" The seventh step -pure soul in bhava deha becomes sakthi. "

" Radha only is the hladini power, nobody else. There are so many leelas to prove this. "

" Dhyana yoga has two main principles. Firstly, you must continuously maintain the thought that 'mother is with me every moment. She is not away from me even for a single moment. I cannot see Her, but she is with me.' Now, the question arises, Is Mother really with us? Of course! The proof? The Bhagawad Gita and Bhagawatam are evidences for us. 'Bahunam janmanamanthe gyanavan mam prapadyathe.' Without many lives of good deeds and penance, you will not attain true wisdom. This may take thousands of lives of penance. Not everybody can gain this wisdom. We believe time-7'o clock or 8'o clock. Can we see time? How can you believe something you cannot see? So you will believe time but not Vedic truths! That is the pity. "

" When a car accident takes place unexpectedly elders say it is due to karma effects. So you believe that karma exists; you believe that time exists. You must also believe that Mother is present. You need many lives to realise that Vasudeva is present everywhere, all-pervading. Do not doubt Mother's presence. When Hiranyakasapa asked his son, Prahlada where his Lord hari was present, he replied 'There is no doubt whether my Lord is here or there. Wherever you search him, you will find him there.' Ah! This is the truth. Search here and you will find him. Mother is here....the invisible Mother is here. That is a fact. The Gita and Bhagawata stresses that you can find God wherever you search for Him. While Hirayakasapa could not see the Lord, Prahlada could. That is the difference. "

" The first point which you must believe, accept and follow is that 'Mother is with me every second, each and every second.' You cannot see Her. Your tapasya is not enough. Those who can see Her will feel that experience, One who believes that God is with him is a real Mahatma. Such Mahatmas are rare in this world. If you begin dhyana yoga, you will solidly feel Mother! Mother is with me. There is no doubt about it. Your body will feel the vibrations; your eyes will shed tears! "

" Chaitanya was running, 'My Gopala is running. I am going behind him'. He fell down, he wept; Now is Chaitanya ignorant; is he foolish? No! He saw the Lord. Many Mahatmas and I can see them. Mother is a real eternal truth. She is all pervading. She is present everywhere. Do dhyana yoga with the realisation that Mother is everywhere. "

" 'Mother is with me. She is watching me every moment. I am in Her presence. I am giving this speech while She is with me. She is listening to me. She is watching every thought that comes in my mind. She is listening to each and every word uttered by me.' These are real truths. Believe them. Be aware that 'I am in Mother's presence. I am speaking in Her presence' and feel Her presence continuously. This is the first principle in dhyana yoga. The continuous awareness that Mother is with me every moment. "

" If nobody is with me, how this room changed into Air conditioned? Why should a stranger spend so much money for me? He is a businessman; he is not a fool. When I asked him why he spent so much money for me, he replied 'What could I do? An intense inspiration came within me. Due to that inspiration, I got this room converted to Air conditioned. ' That is how She speaks! Don't think that She is not present in Her physical form. If She is really not present, how did he get that inspiration? Why did he spend so much money? So you must agree that he did get the inspiration from Mother. "

" So the first point you must believe in dhyana yoga is that 'Mother is with me, whether I sit or stand, She is with me during all situations, sharing secrets, watching me every moment.' Remain in this feeling throughout. When you are in office, be with the feeling that Mother is with you as you speak or write. Now I am giving this speech while Mother is watching and listening to me. In this way associate every thought, every word with Mother. Don't talk anything without feeling the presence of Mother. Don't think of anything without feeling the presence of Mother. Then you will not have any bad thoughts. You will focus all your thoughts only on Mother and do only what will please Her. In this way associate all your thoughts with Mother. Associate with Mother while you talk. Feel that she is listening to whatever you speak. "

" It is not difficult. You will get it with practice! How could I do it? The two devotees told that they are doing dhyana for 16 hours a day. How could they achieve it? They came here at 3 a.m. and told that they are feeling Mother's presence. "

" If you practice meditation properly, within three months you would feel the presence of Mother. She will give you some experience. Do meditation with intense concentration; don't leave Mother even for a split second. Wherever you go whatever you do, She is with you. 'I am travelling, Mother is with me. I am speaking to him; She is listening. I cannot utter lies while She is listening. I should not be a false fellow. I must not lie; I must not take bribes. Mother will not like that. She will not appreciate such acts of mine. She is with me all the time. "

" A villager gave loan to my grandfather and a legal document was made. It so happened that the validity of the legal document expired. One day that man came rushing to our home when my grandfather was taking lunch. He wept that he lost his money because the document became invalid. My grandfather said 'why do you worry? That got expired and became invalid. But my word still remains.' He stopped eating, made afresh legal note and sent that man away. Truth existed in those days. They believed that the Divine is always with them. We also must accept this. Who cares if you are wealthy? Who cares if you are a Collector? The people in those times never cared for money or status. "

" I am repeating-Always maintain the thought that you are not alone. Mother is always with you. You cannot see Her. Yet She is with you. The Bhagawata, Bhagawad Gita, Vedas and Mahatmas do not lie. Take a firm decision. 'From this very second, I will maintain the total belief that Mother is with me.' What is there to reaffirm here? Mother's presence is not a lie; it is the real truth. "

" This is the first point. Other points will follow. This is the message given by Sage Narada to Prahlada when he was still in his mother's womb. Narada was teaching from outside and the foetus was responding from inside. 'My son, there is one power which rules all the worlds. The scriptures define Her as Parasakthi. Always believe that this power is with you. Whether you sit, stand, walk or talk, believe that you are not alone. Mother is with you. Mother and you are moving together. You are speaking. She is listening. You must feel the thought which comes from within you. Mother is listening to you, watching you. Conduct your life in this way.' 'I vow by the Sovereign all-pervading Mother that I shall live accordingly from this very moment.' "

" This is the first point. Other points will follow. This is the message given by Sage Narada to Prahlada when he was still in his mother's womb. Narada was teaching from outside and the foetus was responding from inside. 'My son, there is one power which rules all the worlds. The scriptures define Her as Parasakthi. Always believe that this power is with you. Whether you sit, stand, walk or talk, believe that you are not alone. Mother is with you. Mother and you are moving together. You are speaking. She is listening. You must feel the thought which comes from within you. Mother is listening to you, watching you. Conduct your life in this way.' 'I vow by the Sovereign all-pervading Mother that I shall live accordingly from this very moment.' "

Nanna began to weep as he spoke. Who is preaching to Prahlada? Narada or Nanna? Speaking about Mother's all-pervading nature, nanna became Narada and preached not to Prahlada but to the whole world! What a teaching! He teaches us Radha dhyana yoga like a mother lovingly teaching her little child. His logical style with relevant evidences is seen in every word of his speech. 'Mother is with me. She is not away from me even for a single moment. She is watching me all the time.' Nanna repeated this first point in dhyana yoga atleast 4-5 times. Each time he spoke with complete bhava such that it enters straight into our heart. Each time he sheds tears of bhava. Finally he became Narada and his devotees became Prahlada while he preached Her all-pervading tattwa. Each and every time the first point is always new and full of love because his love flows through his words.

Our Nanna is Radhasakhi. What can we give him except try to receive the rasa that he is granting to us? Only because he is the leader of rasa he could say who cares even if you have millions of rupees?

Our Nanna is Radhasakhi. What can we give him except try to receive the rasa that he is granting to us? Only because he is the leader of rasa he could say who cares even if you have millions of rupees?

'Mother! You are the Sovereign of all worlds. Your grace are supreme and incomparable. Sri Radha, You are everything, You are everyone. All forms are yours only; Murali Mohini is you only.'


Radhika tapanyupanishad vakya .. Roopu

The Radhika tapa Upanishad says that Radha and Krishna are one. Krishna is the ocean of rasa while Radha is the sovereign of rasa. Their form is one ocean of rasa



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