At the outset of his spiritual life Harivamsaji was initiated in Goudiya tradition along with customary rituals and was leading a life of devotional service of the Yugal. One day while giving his obeisance on Ekadasi day (11 day after new moon) in the Yamunaji suddenly a pan (a betel leaf preparation) fell into his hands from higher planes. Hitaji understood that the pan had been blessed by Radhaji.
"Amma, Radhaji your Rasadham (Abode of Radhaji) doesn't have any kind of Karmic attachment. Sacred days like Ekadasi also do not exist in your abode. Every moment and every day is sacred there. And I regard this Prasad (offering) fell in my hands as the result of your grace." He partook it immediately.
A Goudiya math sanyasi saw him taking the pan Prasad and questioned, "Harivamsa did you forget that today is Ekadasi day?" "No Sir, but this is the Prasad graced by Radhaji. My every thing is this Prasad. The goal of Sadhaka is the grace of Radhaji. For this grace alone every Jeeva is waiting and imploring from innumerable births. The goal all religions, all paths of worship is the grace of Radhaji. Keeping this fact in view many centres of worship (pithas) were formed. As a result of our spiritual practice we get the grace of Sriji and consequently we become eligible to enter the eternal Ras. Any worship or meditation devoid of this goal is futile. The target of every spiritual practice is only one thing and that is the grace of the Lord." Harivamsaji replied. But the Goudiya swami said, "Don't you have to follow the regulations of the Math? It is after all the order of Mahaprabhu". Hitaji said, "When Radhaji showered Her Grace, would any devotee of the Universe ignore it." Thus Harivamsaji exhorted the paramountcy of accepting the Prasad. On the very day left the Goudiya Math and ascended to Rasika Bhakthi (worship of Rasa) and entered the devotion of Sri Radh Rani's Nikunja. In the spiritual sky of Vrindavan another star glowed with majestic effulgence.
1. The Supremacy of Lotus Feet of Radhaji
2. Ananyata (Single minded undivided devotion)
3. Serving the Yugal with Sakhi Bhav in Nitya Vihar (Eternal Roaming)
4. Absence of Vidhi and Nishedh ( Rule and Regulation )
5. Absolute faith in receiving Maha Prasad.