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Brindavaneswari Sri Radha - Vol 3

 Brindavaneswari Sri Radha - Vol 3
A Divine Message
1Sri Radha in Vedas
2Sri Radha in the Purana and the Itihasa
3The realms of Rasa of Radhaji’s Companions
 3.1Sri Sri Haridasji Maharaj
 3.2Sri Hitaharivamsaji
  3.2.1 Incarnation
  3.2.2 Preachings
  3.2.3 Worldly living and Rasopasana
  3.2.4 Grace on Ganga and Yamuna
  3.2.5 Manthra Deeksha
 3.3Paramountcy of Sri Radhaji's lotus feet
 3.4Why Radhaji alone should be worshipped
 3.5One Pointedness
 3.6Serving the Yugal in Sakhi Bhav
 3.7Other Principles of Serving
 3.8Sri Vithal Dasji Maharaj
 3.9Raja Naravahan
 3.10Sri Sevakji Maharaj
4Sri Syamananda
5The Eternal Graciousness of Sri Radhaji
 5.1The magnificence of Sri Radhaji in several continents
 5.2Sri Radhaji's endless graciousness
 5.3Why Should we woship only Sri Radha
 5.4Sri Radhaji's Avowal to Devotees
6The Hurdles
7The Goal of Devotees in this Tradition
 7.1The Seven Steps to reach the Lord
 7.2A Few Guidelines to Sadhakas

Sri Hitaharivamsa Hamaraj



In the spiritual sky of Vrindavan many an effulgent stars have emerged. Each one of them replete with sacrifice and divine love has established their pillars of spiritual fame. To realize their ishta (Deity of worship) some embraced vairagya (stoicism) forsaking all mundane attachments. Many such devotees adopted Vaishnava order. Is it a sudden coincidence to have such luminaries of Sacrifice and Love at the same time in Vrindavan? Not at all. The Supreme Lord's will which is the expression of His mercy upon hapless Jeevas (beings) is shining behind this unparalleled event. To expand and disseminate the radiant path of Vraj Rasa(ecstasy of Vraj ) for the redemption of the fallen Jeeva thereby to immerse him in the ecstasies of Rasa(Supreme Ecstatic features of Divine) and ultimately to establish the worship of Rasa or Radha through the example of such devotional luminaries, is the principle aim of the Lord.

In a unique work VRAJ KI RASOPASANA written by Sri Avadh Bihari Lalji it is mentioned "vraj ki upasana ras ki upasana hai. Is ka kamya bhagawan nahi, bhagawan ka prem hai. Prem pancham purusharth hai". ( The worship (upasana) of Vraj is of Rasa. Its goal is not the Lord but His Love. Love is the fifth and the supreme objective (purushartha).

The Rasopasana (worship of Rasa) cannot be attained with mere wearing of robes of vairagya (stoicism). Outer appearance need not match with inner state. If vairagya is awakened within heart, one need not appear in an outfit of a sanyasi( sage). The feeling of sacrifice should arise from heart. Showiness should be absent. Even a householder having these qualities of a Sage within heart can tread along the path of Rasopasana. There is no doubt at all. Through the life of Sri Hita Harivamsaji Brindavaneswari Sri Radhaji proved this fact to one and all beyond any doubt.

In the history of religions only Sri Radhaji is shining with Mahabhava Swaroop (unique transcendental magnificence). All Her Divine Plays are extra ordinary and unparalleled. One such Divine Play of Sriji originally written in Vraj is translated here.

Once in Sri Nikunja( abode of Radha Krishna ) Radha and Krishna are engaged in a pleasant conversation. Sage Narada with the grace of Radhasakhi entered the Nikunja and prostrated before Radhaji. Looking at him Sriji asked "My dear, I want to listen about the happenings on the Earth".

My dear, I want to listen about the happenings on the Earth.

Naradji: Amma, Worship and meditation of the Lord are becoming rare things among the beings of the Earth. When you both have descended, great ecstasies flooded there. Now, even in your Vraj there is no trace of sacred atmosphere of Divine Love, Amma.

Sri Krishna: This is Kali Yuga. Falsehood and deception are but natural.

Naradji: Oh Lord! You have incarnated many times to eliminate one demon. But now many demons at once creating disturbance and making the life of residents of Vraj ( vraj vasis) miserable.

Sri Krishna: Maharshi, each Yuga has its own Dharma (order). What have you told is very natural in Kali yuga.

Radhaji: The Vraj Vasis are my life. I cannot listen their miserable state. Alas! What a grave situation they are facing. (becomes unconscious while tears streaming out from Her eyes)

Sri Krishna: Very tender is the feeling of Radhaji towards Vraj vasis.

Sri Radhaji: Dear, I cannot bear the sorry state of my Vraj Vasis.

Sri Krishna: Sri Devi, I am ready to obey your order.

Radhaji: My dear, can't I give peace and happiness to them with the ecstasies of our Nikunja? I cannot remain indifferent any longer.

Krishna: If you wish, I am ready to descend to the Earth once again and it doesn't take much time to eliminate these demons with Sudarsana (wheel shaped weapon of the Lord)

Radhaji: Dear, you would only kill the outer bodies of the demons. But I don't want that. The demonic tendency of the demons should be eliminated and the light of devotional love should shine in their hearts. This is my wish. Who else can accomplish this task except our Vamsi (the Flute).

Krishna: Alright. (He gave the Vamsi to Radhaji. While parting with his dearest Vamsi He felt very painful).

Radhaji: My dear, did you forget that Vamsi is dearer one to me as it is for you. Saying so, she took the Vamsi-Her dearest Sakhi, into Her hands. Then Vamsi disappeared and in its place a small girl appeared and with a heavy heart she fell on the feet of Radhaji and wept with deep feeling of separation.

Till then the Vamsi has been singing melodiously, drinking the divine nectar emanated from Radha and Krishna and thus pleasing them immensely. Vamsi is the inner confidential Sakhi (companion) of Radhaji. She is Hita Sakhi in the Yugal Leela (pastime of Radha and Krishna) and is aware of the confidential secrecies of the plays of Radha Krishna. For all the pastimes of the Yugal (Radha Krishna) she is the sure witness.

Hita Sakhi: Priyaji Radhe!, I can't bear your separation even for a moment. But at your behest I will go to the Earth. He Radhe, there also I should have your blissful presence.

Radhaji: Sakhi, I don't part with you even for a moment. I always remain in your heart and become your life. There on the earth you should distribute my Nikunja Rasa (transcendental ecstasies of abode of Radhaji) among my hapless Rasic devotees facing the ordeals of Kali Yuga.

Hita Sakhi: If so, I will happily leave for the Earth Amma. If you remain with me even the Hell will immerse in Rasa. "Oh! The embodiment of extreme mercy, I surrender unto your Lotus Feet." Saying so, Hita Sakhi left for the Earth assuming male-form.


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