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Brindavaneswari Sri Radha - Vol 3

 Brindavaneswari Sri Radha - Vol 3
A Divine Message
1Sri Radha in Vedas
2Sri Radha in the Purana and the Itihasa
3The realms of Rasa of Radhaji’s Companions
 3.1Sri Sri Haridasji Maharaj
 3.2Sri Hitaharivamsaji
  3.2.1 Incarnation
  3.2.2 Preachings
  3.2.3 Worldly living and Rasopasana
  3.2.4 Grace on Ganga and Yamuna
  3.2.5 Manthra Deeksha
 3.3Paramountcy of Sri Radhaji's lotus feet
 3.4Why Radhaji alone should be worshipped
 3.5One Pointedness
 3.6Serving the Yugal in Sakhi Bhav
 3.7Other Principles of Serving
 3.8Sri Vithal Dasji Maharaj
 3.9Raja Naravahan
 3.10Sri Sevakji Maharaj
4Sri Syamananda
5The Eternal Graciousness of Sri Radhaji
 5.1The magnificence of Sri Radhaji in several continents
 5.2Sri Radhaji's endless graciousness
 5.3Why Should we woship only Sri Radha
 5.4Sri Radhaji's Avowal to Devotees
6The Hurdles
7The Goal of Devotees in this Tradition
 7.1The Seven Steps to reach the Lord
 7.2A Few Guidelines to Sadhakas

Sri Hita Harivamsa


Harivamsaji's grace on ganga and yamuna

During that period Muslim kings used to rule over Mathura region as representatives of Delhi Emperor. The ruler of the time was very cruel and used to buy young girls for his service. One day he agreed to buy two young girls by name Ganga and Yamuna who were living under the guardianship of a fake Vaishnava Saint. This saint after making a deal with local king returned to Mathura. But shortly after his return he suddenly died due to strange illness. Thus, those two young girls became orphans. By that time itself Ganga and the Yamuna were popular in the region due to their devotional singing and dancing. Raja Paramanandadasji who is an ardent devotee of Harivamsaji after hearing their bereavement advised them to go to Vrindavan and to take 'deeksha' (solemn vow) from Harivamsaji. The two girls followed the advice and met Harivamsaji. Hitaji gave 'deeksha' to them and they stayed in Madanter serving Radhavallabha with music and dance.

One day a year after the demise of their foster parent, Ganga and Yamuna told Harivamsaji that they would go to Mathura to leave obeisance for him (guardian). They went there and completed necessary ritual on the banks of the Yamuna. Suddenly soldiers of local Muslim King saw them and when they were about to abduct them they prayed loudly, "Hita Harivamsa Prabho! Oh! Gurudeva, protect us". In this way they prayed Harivamsaji who was nearly 10 miles away from them. But the same moment the grace of the Guru was felt. The soldiers suddenly heard a frightening roar of a ferocious lion and the perturbed soldiers ran away in no time. Then Ganga and Yamuna ran towards Brindavan thinking that the lion's roar is surely due to the grace of Gurudev and reached Madanter.

One single Nada (primal sound) is heard in myriad ways according to the spiritual status (samskar) of the Jeeva. Thus, without moving from his Ashram Harivamsaji sent his grace to protect his devotees.

Every Rasopasaka (devotee of Rasa) gets the grace of Radhaji and as a result, Hladini Shakthi protects him from every difficulty.


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