1. Padma Purana
This Holy Scripture vividly revealed Sri Radha Thatva to the world. A few slokas jeer are mentioned along with the 'Bhavardha' (Purport).Sri Krishna graced Lord Shiva with His rare dual armed (dual Swaroop) appearance on the banks of the river Yamuna and said:
Viharamya Naya Nitya Masya Prema Vasi Krutha
Imanthu Mathpriyam Vidhi Radhikam Paradevatham
Captivated by Her Love I always roam with Her. Know Her as the Supreme Goddess Radha - the embodiment of Supreme Love.
Yo mameva prapannascha matpriyam na Maheswara
Na kadapi sa apnoti mamevam tenu moditam ||
Tasmat sarvaprayatnena matpriyam saranam vrajet
Asritya matpriyam radham mam vasikartumarhasi ||
Oh Maheswara, that Jeeva who is devoted to me without having devotional bhav upon Radhaji cannot attain me.So with all the effort surrender unto Sri Radha worship Her (Sri Radha) and It will captivate me.
Idam rahasyam paramam mayate parikeertitam
Tvayapyevam Mahadeva! Gopaneeyam prayatnatah ||
Oh! Mahadeva:I gave you a great Divine secret. You should conceal it consciously.
Tvamapyetam samasritya Radhikam mamavallabham
japanme yugalam mantra sadatishta..
Taking shelter at the Lotus feet of Sri Rahda, meditate on my 'Yugal manthra! (The 'Manthra' of Radha Krishna) Then Sri Krishna gave the maha mantra to Shiva.
Tasam tu madhye ya devi tapta chameekara prabha
dyotamana dishah sarva kuryati vidyudujjvala ||
Resplendent in pure golden colour she lights up all directions with Her lightning like luminescence.
Pradhanam ya Bhagawati yaya sarvamidam tatam
srushti sthityanta roopa ya vidya vidya trayee para ||
She is pradhana (the prakrithi or Nature). She is pervasive throughout it. She is its creator, sustainer and the destroyer. She is 'Vidya'. She is Veda Vidya as well.
Svaroopa sakthi roopacha maya roopacha chinmayee
Brahma Vishnum Sivadeenam deha karana karanam ||
She is Chinmaya Roopini (embodiment of ChitShakthi). She is Yoga Shakthi and Maya Roopini aswell. She is the cause of existence of Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva.
Characharam jagatsarvam yanmaya parirambhiram
Brindavaneswari namna Radha dhatranu karanat ||
She is Chinmaya Roopini (embodiment of ChitShakthi). She is Yoga Shakthi and Maya Roopini aswell. She is the cause of existence of Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva.
Tamalingyam vasantam tam muda Brindavaneswaram.
I embrace Her in ecstasy, know that I am Brindavaneswar.
The Janma Leela of Sri Radhaji has been majestically depicted in Padma Purana. The details as enshrined in the 'Purana' are given here in this book.
King Vrishabhanu was a great devotee. Radhaji one day graced him with Her transcendental Sakshatkar (appearance) and told him that she would descend to the Earth near village "Ravali'. Replete with Divine ecstasy the king, his wife and other companions reached the village from Vrishbhanupur (Barsana). On the Seventh day before full moon of the month 'Bhadrapada', at 5.00 in the early hours Golden all around Sri Radha parameswari descended the Earth as a two year girl child.
At that time dried-up trees turned green, stones started singing melodious notes, dumb began to talk and the lame climbed hills, entire nature thus grew escstatic by the enrich of Hladini Shakthi. Ladli has grows up for ten years in Barsana. She remained as a girl of twelve years even after. This is the super nature Janma Leela of Sri Radhaji.
Knowing the descent of Sri Radhaji, Sage Narada come up Barsana and requested Vrishabhanu to give him an opportunity to see Laadli Radha. The king prostrated before the sage and said "Maharshi, due to my Sukrutha (good deeds of the past), I am blessed with the presence of Ladli Radharani in my House."
Narada saw the Divine child and prostrated before Her golden swing. By the Grace of Sri Radhaji Narada has immersed in Bhava Samadhi (ecstatic state of Bhav) The great sage returned to consciousness and extolled Sri Radhaji in a majestic verse.
Oh! Parameswari! You are the 'Sandhini Shakthi' Latent in the 'Sachidananda Swaroop' (Lord Krishna).
Oh! The enchantress of Krishna.
Oh! The Lover of Vrindavan.
Oh! Rasa Swaroopini, you are the embodiment of Yoga Shakthi. You are the controller of 'Maya' You are an ocean of 'Rasa'. Your vision always remains inward. From your majestic tranquil face, inexplicable light of divine ecstasy is emerging.
Oh! Mother! Brahma, Rudra and the like are cannot comprehend your Tatva (Divine philosophy). You do not appear even in the meditation of great yogis. You are the origin of Icha(desire), Gnana(Knowledge) and Kriya (Action) Shakthis. Mother! All Divine incarnations arise only from you. Oh! Janani! I desire to behold that beautiful Divine phenomenon which is worshipped by Lord Sri Krishna." At that very moment a most enchanting and resplendent form of 'Kishori' appeared before Naradaji around beholding the Divine effulgence Radhaji, the Maharshi became unconscious.
Radhaji's Sakhis awoke him by giving the 'Charanamrutha' (water used for feet-washing) of Radhaji and they said "Oh! Narada what you have seen is the unique and rare form of Sriji that is worshipped by Sri Krishna." Narada your fortune has no parallel. Even Gods like Brahma, Rudra, did not have the darshan of this form Sri Kishori", "She is going to disappear soon. Prostrate before Her immediately, "advised the Sakhis, Narada did the same. The Mother of universes disappeared a few moments later.
Mahamaya divides and distances the Jeeva from God and Yogamaya bring him close to the Lord and unite with Him. Maya is one of the Shakthis of Radhaji.
2. Brahma Vaivartha Mahapurana
Avayorbheda budhincha yah karothi Naradhama,
Thasya vasah kalasuthra yavat Chandra divakaro ||
That jeeva who thinks that we are different from each other will suffer in the Hell- 'kalasuthra', as long as the sun and the moon exist.
Yadha samasta brahmande sri krishnamsa Jeevinaha |
tadha sakti swaroope tvam tesh sarveshu samsthita ||
As the jeevas are the amsa(parts) of the supreme lord Krishna, so also you are the all pervading sakthi(energy,power) swaroopini.
Tvam krishnangardha sambhoota tulyakrishnena
sri krishnasthva mayam Radha tvam Radha vaa
Hariswayam,Nahivedeshu me drushta ithikena niroopitham |
These words uttered by Brahma Deva praising the Divine Glory of Sri Radhaji at Bhandira Van.
Oh! Devi! You have born out of the body of Krishna. In all respects you are equal to Krishna. Sri Radhe! you appear as Krishna, and Sri Hari assumes your form. This unique truth is not elucidated in the Vedas.
The inseparability and oneness of Radha Krishna should be understood as a great truth that is beyond the reach of the Vedas. When this is revealed by a God like Brahma it is surely an authoritative saying.
Adau Radham samchardha paschatkrishnam paratparam |
sa eva panditho yogi golokam yathi Lilaya ||
These are the words of Ganeshji in Sri Krishna Janma Khanda. Radhaji's name should be remembered first prior to that of paratpara Krishna. One who abides by this instruction is a Scholar, yogi and enters into Divine play of Goloka.
Krishnam vadanti mam lokasthvavaiva rahitham yadha | Sri krishnamcha sada te api tvayaiva sahitam param ||
I am Krishna. Accompanied with you I am Srikrishna. You are 'Sri' form (swaroopini). You are the prosperity and sustenance of the universes. You are the almighty.
Pura brindavane ramye goloke rasamandale |
Ratna simhasane ramye tasya tatra jagatpatihi ||
Sveschamayascha bhagawan vabhoovo ramanotsukaha |
Ramaneem kartumichhacha tadvabhoova sureswari ||
Etasminnantare durge dvidha roopova bhoovasaha |
Dakshinangascha sri krishno vamangam sacha radhika ||
Tasyaschamsamsa kalaya vabhoovardeva yoshitaha |
Vabhoova gopee sanghascha radhaya roma koopataha ||
This is the occasion of descent of Radhaji. Within the precincts of Raas (Ras Mandal) that is resplendent in the middle of majestic Vrindavan of Goloka, the Lord is ensconced in a jewel studded throne. The Lord who is the lover of freedom and sport became two - as Krishna on the right and as Radhika on the left. Out of Her majestic form all other Goddesses born. So also innumerable Gopis born out of Her transcendental Body (Sri Vapu) and from Her left side Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared.
Sri Radha is the consort of Krishna and resides in His chest portion (vaksha sthala). She is the life-breath of Krishna.
Tvam me pranadhika Radha preyasee preyaseepara |
Yatha tvamcha tadhaham cha bhedohi navayoh dhruva ||
Yadha kheerecha dhavalyam yadhagni dahaka sati |
Yadha prudhi vyam gandhascha tadhaham tvayi santata ||
Vina mruda ghatam karta vina svarnena kundalam |
Kulalah svarna karascha nahi sakthaha kadachana ||
Tadhatvaya vina srushtim nachakartumaham kshamah |
Srushte radharabhoota tvam beejaroopo ahamachyuta ||
The above are out of verse no. 5 to 60 from the 15th Chapter of the Canto 'Sri Krishna Janma Khanda' of 'Brahmavaivata Mahapurana'.
Radha! You are my sweetheart, more lovable than my own life. I am like what you are. Like whiteness in the milk, inflammability in the fire, aroma in the Earth you are inseparably present within me. A blacksmith cannot produce pots without earth and goldsmith cannot make ornaments without gold. Likewise without you I am not capable of performing the creation of universes. For the entire creation I am the seed and you are the source of sustenance.
Tatkalakoti kotyamsa durgadya trigunatmika |
Tasyanghri rajasaha sparsat koti Vishnu prajayate ||
From the billionth part of your opulence Goddess Durga and others who consist of Tri Gunas have born. By the touch of the dust particle of your Lotus Feet crores of Vishnus have born.
3. Devi Bhagavatam
Radhnoti sakalan Kaman tasmat Radheti keertita
She is extolled as Radha as she fulfills all desires.
Krishnarchanaya nadhikaromato radharchanam vina |
Vaishnavaih sakalaismat kartavyam radhikarchanam ||
Krishna pranadhika devee tadadheeno vibhuryatah |
Raseswari tasya nityam taya heenona tishtati. ||
One who doesn't worship Radha has no eligibility to worship Krishna. The duty of every Vaishnava is to worship Radhaji. She is the life-breath of Krishna and is controller of Raas played by Krishna. There is no Krishna without Radha. Thus the Vedic literature announced that Sri Radha is Raseswari (the master of Raas)
4. Brahmanda purana
Radha krishnatmika nityam krishno radhatmika dhruvam |
The soul of Radha is Krishna and the soul of Krishna is Radha. This is a certain truth
5. Narada pancharatra
Yah Krishna saapi Radha ya Radha Krishna eva saha |
That transcendental form who is Krishna is certainly Radha. That who is Radha is certainly Krishna. Both are one and the same.
Satyam satyam punassatyam satyameva punah punah |
Radha namnavina loke matprasado na vidyate ||
This is Truth and Truth. Once again this is Truth I am telling. I will not shower my grace on that Jeeva who does not worship Sri Radha.
6. Aadi Varaha purana
Ghataetva tatastha sminnarishtam vrisharoopinam |
Kopena parshighatena mahatirtham prakalpitam ||
Sri Krishna killed a demon by name Arishtasura who assumed cow-form. Knowing the incident Radhaji said, "Eventhough he is a demon he is in the cow-form. Killing a cow is indeed a great sin." Krishna prayed for atonement. Then Radhaji said, " Take bathe in the Holy waters of seven rivers." Krishna immediately created a tank that is replete with the Holy waters of sacred rivers. The tank is called Radhakund as it was created at the instance of Radhaji.
Taking bath in the Kund removes even great sins like 'killing a cow', killing a Brahmin and bestows a result equivalent to performance of Rajasuya yaga or asvamedha yaga. ( The village where Radha kund is situated is still called Arishta Gram)
7. Vraja Purana
Chitra Devi is one of the Eight Sakhis of Radhaji. Sri Radha Krishna revealed innumerable divine plays in Vraj Dham (Abode). Some of these 'plays' are displayed in the form of music and dance drama called as 'Raas'. Here is an incident in the life of Chitra Devi.
King Vrishabhanu's son Sridama is an intimate friend of Bala Gopal (Boy Krishna). Sridama one day requested Gopal to give him his ( Gopal's ) portrait so that he continue to see him at home during night after returning from grassfields alongwith cows and calves. Everyday when he meets Gopal in the grass fields he repeated the request. One day Bala Gopal sat near his mother Yasoda and sweetly asked Her, "I want my picture immediately. Sridama is asking me for it everyday" Yasodaji said, "Kaanha, when you are very much here before us why does he need your picture? "Amma, he wants to keep it with him during night. He said it gives him the feeling that I am with him during nights also. He wants to be with me night time also" said Kaanha. Sreedama's tender feelings towards Bala Gopal moved Yasodaji. Next day she met the famous artist of Vraj-Chitra Devi. She wants to give the job of drawing the Kaanha's picture to her. But Chitraji who is spinster and a yogini declined see a male person. Yasoda said that her son is small kid and is very innocent. Chitraji agreed to see the boy at Yasoda's House. Chitraji is an artist of rare ingenuity and she is also a devotee of Goddess Saraswati. Merely by watching a person she can draw his picture immaculately. Her genius is well-known in the Vraj.
She gazed at Bala Gopal few moments and went back to her house. The versatile artist Chitraji could not capture the image of boy Krishna within her sharp mind. Any number of attempts became futile. Chitraji meditated on her Deity Goddess Saraswathi. When she appeared before Chitraji prayed for energy (Shakthi) to draw the Boy's picture. Mother Saraswati replied ' Chitra, it is beyond my shakthi to bless you what you want. You do not know who this boy is. He is none other than Paratpara Purushothama (Supreme Lord) who is not accessible even to Gods like Brahma, Rudra and the like. With Grace of Sri Radhaji alone you would be able to visualize the image of the Boy Krishna-the most charming boy in the Vrindavan. Goddess Saraswati disappeared.
Later Chitraji meditated on Sri Radhaji. Her penance culminated with the transcendental appearance of Radhaji. With Her blessings Chitraji drew the image of the most charming boy of the universes and gave it Yasodaji.
But the Chitraji's mind was captivated by the Supernatural Divine Form of Sriji. Her life is filled with Divine Bhav (feeling of separation and love) of Radhaji. Chitraji's devotional love and intense feeling of separation ( viraha bhav) attracted Radhaji. Radhaji told her, " I am pleased by your love and feeling of separation. You will be my companion(Sakhi) henceforth". Thus Chitra Devi has reached the abode of Radhaji (Rasa Brindavan) as one of the eight Sakhis (maid companions)
The coronation of Radhaji is the majestic transcendental leela of Radhagovind. It is detailed the texts of Vraj.
Prominent disciple of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Sri Raghunadh das Goswami quoted this Divine Play of Radhakrishna in his famous book 'Vilapa kusumanjali'
Preetya mangala geetha nritya vilasadvinadi vadyotsavaih |
Suddhanam payasam ghatairbahu vidhaih samvasitanam bhrusam ||
Vrindaranya mahadhipatya vidhaye vidhaye yah pournamasyasvayam |
Dheere samvahitah sa kim tava mahaseko maya drakshyate ||
( Sloka-87 )
While melodious sacred lyrics are sung around, while majestic dance is spread all around in tune with musical notes of Veena (musical instrument) and other instruments, Pournamsi Devi (a companion) has arranged for your ceremony of coronation as the Supreme Authority of Vrindavan with sacred waters. Can I behold such majestic arrangements for the coronation of Radhaji? Thus sang the Goswamiji in Vilapa kusumanjali filled with Divine Bhav of a Manjari.
The coronation of Radhaji was not a secret happening. The celebration reached its culmination with quintessential dancing and music all around the Vraj Mandal. The Mahabhisheka (ceremony with sacred waters) has been performed on the banks of the Yamuna in the presence of multitudes of of Gods and Goddesses of universes, king Nanda , king Vrishabhanu and queen Kirtikumari many other Go, Gopa and Gopi ( the cows, cow-herds and vraj maidens).
Swamini of Goddess Tulasi Devi-Sri Radha Rani is bold in Her disposition. Sri Krishna who is fond of such ceremonies always wanted to behold enthronement (Pattabhisheka) celebration of Radhaji. He ordered Brindadevi to arrange for a grand celebration. Addressing Pournamasi Devi, Brindadevi loudly announced the commencement of Coronation Celebrations. All the residents of Vraj could clearly hear the announcement..
On the day of Mahabhisheka watching the effulgent and charming elegance of enthroned Radhamahadevi the very companions of Sriji were bespelled, others present there immersed in inexplicable currents of joy. The ecstasy of Krishna knew no bounds. Beholding the coronation of His Swamini, Yamunaji and Goddesses like Rudrani, Indrani and their companions mingled in the celebrations as Gopikas to immerse in the great happiness. Melodious musical magnificence enveloped entire Raasmandali. The slogans 'Jaya jaya Vrindavanadhikarini, Jaya Jaya Raseswari' reverberated in the entire precincts of Raas. Later, the Sakhis of the Ruler of Vraja Mandal Sri Radha Rani had distributed different portfolios of Service among themselves whereas the moon of Vraj (Vraja Chandra) Sri Krishna immersed in viewing the glorious festivities.
The coronation ceremony of Radhaji was amply detailed in 1. Kartika Mahatmaya.2. Ras keli kaumudi and Sthava Mala of Rupa Goswamiji. 3. Madhava Mohotsav of Jeeva Goswami.
The Coronation Celebration is also a part of Divine Play of Sri Radhakrishna. It is impossible to detail the many and varied streams of Divine Plays naturally emanated from the Grand Celebration of Coronation of Sri Radha Rani.
The whole universe which is called as Brahmanda is like a prison. Jeevas enchained to karma remain here. The movements of the inmates of this prison are closely watched by a great power, it prevents escaping from the prison. The sacred Texts(Puranas) described the great power as Maha Durga. Whereas in the Maharaas the Lord protects the devotees from the effects of demonic forces which try to debase them. The Lord also direct the minds certain deserving Siddhas who attained some powers due to the influence of Maha Maya to Vrindavana Dham to enable them receive the Grace of Radhaji.
Yatpadamburuhaika renu kanikam moordhna nidhatum nahi |
Prapurbrahma sivada yopyadhi kritim gopyaika bhavasraya ||
( Radhasudhanidhi )
Gods like Brahma, Rudra could not get the touch of the feet dust of Radhaji. She is the ocean of Divine Love i.e.Rasa. With the feeling of Gopi (Gopi Bhav) Krishna can be attained but to reach the Lotus Feet of Radhaji the devotee should possess Sakhi Bhav (an intense flow of devotional feeling of a maid companion)
8. Sri Chaitanya Charitamrut
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrut me Sri Krishadas Kaviraj Goswami padji varnan karte hai: (Adileela Parichched 239-242) ----
1. Ama Ehathe Anandith hai thribhuvan
Amake Anand Dithe Sadhe Kaun Jan.
2. Ama Haithe Yar Hai sath Sath Gun
Sei Jan Ahladithe Par Mor Man.
3. Ama Haithe Gunee bada Jagathe Asambhav
Sakali Radhi the thaha kari Anubhav.
4. Koti Kamajin Roop Yoyaapi Amar,
Asamordhya Madhurya Samya Nahi Yar.
5. Mor roope Akarshith Hai Tribhuvan,
Radhar darshan Mor Judai Nayan.
6. Mor Vamsee geethe Akarshiye Thribhuvan
Radhar Vachan hamar Shravan
7. Yoyapi Amar Gandhe Jagath Sugandh
Mor Chit Pran hare Radha Ang Gandh.
8. Ydyapi Amar Rase Jagath Saras
Radhar Adhar Ras Ama Kare Vas.
9. Ydyapi Amar Sparsh Koti Indu seethal,
Radhikar Sparsh Ama Karu Suseetal.
Krishna with a heavy heart is contemplating within himself in this way.
" Eswarah paramaha Krishnaha " Oh! Govinda You are the Foremost Lord and embodiment of Sachchdananda( you are the cause of the causation". Thus the scriptures acclaim my blissful form. Because wthin my Transcendental Form all the Universes are sustained. All humans, angels and all beings derive pleasure from the waves of Divine Happiness emanating from me. But no being can ever give happiness to me. Only Sri Radhaji can bestow profound pleasure to me. Her gracious glances would immerse me into intense Divine ecstasy.
"Who can possess great virtues than me in the whole universe? Only Sri Radha who is the treasure of virtues ( Divya Guna ) is resplendent with greater virtues than me". Even Brahmadeva said that his longevity is insufficient to describe the higher virtues of Radhaji.
My Flute attracts thousands of Gopis along with all universes. But its music is not giving me any pleasure. If Radhaji comes near and touches me saying ' Kanhaiya' I forget all Universes and immerse in extreme joy and happiness.