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Brindavaneswari Sri Radha Sri Radha Sudha Nidhi    Sakhi Forum

Raseswari Sri Radha

 Welcome to Rasa Nidhi
1The Ancient State of Jeeva (Being) - Powers it possessed
 1.1Maharshi Bharadwaj
 1.2Kanva Mahamuni
2How the Powerful Jeevathma (Soul) deteriorated?
 2.1Jaya and Vijaya
 2.2Jada Bharatha
 2.3Brahma Deva
 2.4Soubhari Maharshi
3Sarweswari Sri Radha
 3.1Who is Sri Radha?
 3.2Hladini Skhathi
 3.3Madan Mohini Leela
 3.5Vithal Dasji Maharaj
 3.6Sriji's Jaipur Leela
4How to attain grace of Sri Radha Parameswari
 4.1What is real sadhana (Spiritual Practice)?
 4.2Radhaji's Grace and Devotees
  4.2.1 Boy Rehman
  4.2.2 Shyamananda
  4.2.3 Gulab baba
  4.2.4 King Kulachnadra
5Divine message to readers
How the powerful jeevathma (soul) deteriorated

Jada Bharatha

Jada Bharatha was a prosperous king and used to live in Higher state of mind. This prosperous king later became a Rajarshi (King tumed a sage).

One day a pregnant antelope having been chased by a lion swam across the Ganges and entered the ashram of Rajarshi, situated on the other side of the river. Perturbed antelope gave birth to its sibling and died in the premises of the ashram.

The kind sage, carefully reared the baby antelope. His affection for it grew further and further. He showed intense love on the animal and the animal reciprocated. In the meantime the last days of the sage arrived. He used to keep the small antelope in his lap and utter 'My dear, I feel I won't live long in this world. With my passing away all the inmates here will leave the Ashram. You will be left alone. Then who will take care of you, my dear. You may even die starving for food". Lamenting this way Jada Bharatha even implored his neighbours to look after the animal after his death.

The sage who maintained pious and detached living for a long time thus entangled in deep sorrow for a tiny animal.

Ultimately the sage had to depart while engrossed in the thinking of the animal. The thought and reminiscence at the time of death would pave the way for the next birth. According to this irreversible law of nature, the Rajarshi was born as an antelope in his next birth.

Though moving as a deer, Bharatha was in human consciouness. He used to tread around temples and listen to Nam Sankirthan (Chating the name) of the Lord shedding tears.

In his next birth the Rajarshi regained human form. In this birth he always used to remain still having engrossed in the devotion of the Lord. He was called Jada Bharatha (motionless Bharatha).

Thus, two lives passed away in vain, in the Divine 'sadhana' of Rishi Bharatha. Outwardness of the mind is the reason behind this tragic happening.

Owing to his outwardness the Jeeva continuously prolongs his births and deaths. Amidst these cycles of birth and death he remains stagnated in the Prakrithi of 'Three Gunas'. Unless he maintains witness consciousness with the objects of Nature (Prakrithi) and deep involvement with the Divine, he cannot redeem himself. The path leading to God is not a bed of roses. 'Sadhaka' would invariably face many obstructions. Consciousness of the body, gender differentiation are some of the obstacles. Unless he transcends these obstructions he cannot elevate himself. The ignorant 'Jeeva' forgets his soul (Atma) and thinks he is only a limited feeble body and hankers after outward pleasures. (of nature)

The body of human being is replete with three gumnas (traits) 1. Satva 2. Rajo 3. Thamo.

'Satva Guna' reflects as knowledge of the real and happiness, Rajoguna as desirliness and Tamoguna as sleep and perverted understanding.


Kama Esha Krodha Esha Rajo Guna samudhbhavaha

Rajoguna gets unfolded as desirliness and anger. (Kama and Krotha)


-The Geetha (3-37)





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