Seven Steps Of 'Dhyana Yoga' Divine Union thru Meditation
Starting from Step 1 as the start of spiritual journey to the Divinisation (Spiritual fulfillment) of the being at Step 7
1. Awareness
2. Effortless Awareness
3. Yearning
4. Divine Grace
5. 'Viveka' - Divine Knowledge
6. Splitting of the ego
7. Pure soul in 'bhava deha' Divine Conscious becomes 'Sakthi' Divine Power
Important Points
1. Mind must be purely alone in silence for receiving the divine light
2. You cannot discover reality, as you are an extrovert
3. Reality must be sought out by each one in the stillness of his mind in the inner depth of silence
4. When we worship the all pervading, our minds become thoughtless (free from all thoughts, forms and images) thus a thoughtless mind easily reflects the Divine light , love and power.