Sri Krishna declares in his divine Gita, that none should neglect
sastras and spiritual guidance, which sastras give us. He also warns
that whoever wontedly neglects sastras and tries to follow his own likes
in spiritual matters will not only failed to march on the spiritual
path, but must face unhappiness and disappointments in his spiritual
The Sastras declared that Satsanga itself very greatly helps the jeeva
in his spiritual march. Founder of this ashram has taken great pains for
a number of years in collecting the divine experiences of several
spiritual erupts. When once Sri Vivekananda went to Jerusalem, he could
learn from a sage there a secret spiritual sadhana followed by Jesus
Christ. Many sadhakas forget this fact that their own lower self which
impedes their progress at every step, acts as his enemy. The GITA also
warns that the man is his own friend and savior and that man is his own
enemy. Another famous saint from south India, by name ?Tayumanavar Swamy?
narrates to us how the nameless and formless sadhana of divine silence
or mouna can lead us to very great spiritual heights. Almost all the
great sages of India have laid great stress on the absolute necessity of
study and sadhana of great messages of Vedas. Therefore several
declarations of Vedas are to be seen in this website.
We believe that this knowledge is not the absolute property of any
religion. We should develop our spiritual sadhana on a scientific basis
without yielding to any religious bias. We want to warn the readers to
avoid all bias of certain black spots in religious practices of certain
religions. We believe that God is truth and truth is not confined to any
particular religion or religious bias. India was onetime the world?s
head of spiritual wisdom. Vivenkananda also frequently was declaring in
America, that India is a great mine of spiritual wisdom, and that he has
come to America to reveal the beauties of this wealth. It is really
unfortunate that the great Indian philosophy is slowly being forgotten
and thrown to backbenches in the modern universities.
Our motto is to have great respect for al spiritual seers of this world.
We believe that the earnest seekers of truth, living in different
corners of the world will study this book in an unbiased mood and as a
scientific research scholar. I thank all friends and disciples for their
anxiety to spread this divine wisdom throughout this world. Before
closing this introduction let me offer my hearty devotional prayers to
Sri Radhaji who is the spiritual guide and light and love for millions
of souls in India and abroad.
- Sri Radhika Prasad Maharaj