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An Endless Divine Continuity - Part 9

Our Association With Nanna - Part 9
*Nanna's words
*Amma's words
*Foreword by Author
1The All Pervading Sovereign
2Attachment and Renunciation
3Where words retreated
4Diversity in Oneness
5Devotion – Meditation – Grace
6 Incredibly rare are the Realized Saints
7 My Heart is a Shrine
8 Sakhi’s Innerness
9 Rasikacharya’s Message
10 Sri Radha Sakhi Rasavani

24.02.2003, Guntur Ashram.

Nanna was dictating the matter of 'Raseswari Sri Radha.' He was explaining Radhaji's divine tattwa-synchronization of the form and formlessness. He knows how difficult it is to do dhyana on the formless. That is why he mercifully gave up the support of 'Radha'-Paradwayakshara as the two syllables Ra-dha will gradually evolve into bhava. This is what he practiced himself and preached to us!

" Does the 80th verse in Radhasudhanidhi 'Kaisoradhbhuta .....'which talks of incessant dhyana mean that this dhyana has no name and form? "

'It is incessant dhyana...'

" Does it have name and form or not? "

'It appears that it is nameless and formless. The verse describes about the all pervading nature of Mother...'

" Niravadhika dhyana means dhyana without any gap. Then why not have a form? Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe - this is also incessant; there is no gap. I am repeating her name without any gap. That is what Mother also said. She told me about the form only, not formless. Silence is also important. Mother said that uninterrupted chanting of name is greater than silence. Whose name did Krishna chant? "

'Radha's name.'

" Did Krishna repeat Her name with or without gap? "

'He was weeping and incessantly taking Her name.'

" So, it is incessant! "


" There is a name in that dhyana!! "

'Yes, Radhe, Radhe...'

" That means there is a form in this incessant dhyana. That is what we follow. You must explain the underlying point. "

'Nanna, is it bhava?'

" Yes. We must explain to the reader about bhava. Gita mentions about 'Tattwataha'. That is only bhava. "

" Radhaji is a brilliant radiant aura that has filled all the worlds. Whoever repeats her name without a second's gap like the continuous river flow-Radhe Radhe Radhe-she will be present there. This is promise to us. 'Bahunam....sudurlabhaha.' --Whoever chants Radhe Radhe without any gap, I will not leave them even for a single minute. I will be along with them all the time. This is my oath.' "

" This rasa, this flow was not present in my earlier text. This thought came now only. You can mention these points in the book. "

A lady came to meet Nanna. He spoke to her about his true self.

" I have the fortune which nobody else could obtain. I received the grace which nobody else did.....This is my physical form. It is visible. I have another invisible form. I will attain that form and this physical form will disappear. This body will not be seen again for several ages. I will live for a short period only. I constructed a building costing Rs.67 lakhs without asking anybody for money. I propose to arrange week long dhyana sessions every month as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. I wish to begin them very soon. I took a vow that I will not ask anybody for money to arrange them. Mother will provide everything. Even Rama and Krishna could not arrange anything like this. Mother's name shall be chanted in our organization (ashram) as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. Mother gave me this opportunity. Mother provided sufficient money for this purpose. Mother's name will be chanted incessantly. She said 'whoever chants my name incessantly without any gap, their karmas will be shed without their notice. The life of the person will run smoothly. That is when the human being is truly uplifted. Though it is said that Rama and Krishna uplifted mankind, it is not true. Everybody who died here are moving spirits in the upper worlds. In Radhaji's path, there is no death. They transform in their mind, become enriched by penance and go to the higher worlds. There is no death here. "

" I have no death. I will attain bhava deha. Bhava deha has no death. I will live for millions of years. Now, I am 103 years old. Bhava deha is a divine body. I showed to one disciple (Anjani amma) how my bhava deha would be even after million years. That was in 1999. She is a devout Brahmacharini. She is not concerned with any worldly pleasures. Only Mother's penance; nothing else. "

Nanna explained the verse from Sri Radha Sudhanidhi and said that chanting Radhe Radhe Radhe incessantly is also dhyana on the form. He never insisted that your dhyana should be formless only. It appears surprising that Mother also gave him form only. Knowing how difficult formless dhyana is, he granted us Radha name. Though Radha seems to be a name, being associated with Para, it gradually evolves into bhava. He reminded us that Krishna is constantly worshipping her name. In higher meditation, Ra-dha becomes cosmic and touches a bhava. Nanna is the proof for this fact!

In his talk, Nanna revealed the truth about his bhavadeha. 'Bhavadeha has no death. I will live for another million years.' In 1999, he showed Anjani amma his sakhi form. She had a vision during dhyana in Ravali village. Radhaji was sitting on a throne and Nanna was applying sandal wood paste to her in sakhi form.' Saying that 'I showed how my bhava deha would look even after million years.' Nanna clearly stated who he is!

" I shall buy a car to travel across the country, tell everybody about Radhaji's glory and invite them to do dhyana in Brindavan, in our ashram. Some persons will be identified for this job. They must move across the world. Mother's name must be continuously recited. Rama's or Krishna's names may not be chanted, but Radhaji's name must be chanted as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. One dhyana saptaha every month! We will provide food for the devotees doing dhyana for the whole week. We shall accommodate 16 persons in each batch. This process shall continue forever. This is my desire! Nobody on earth has created such an organization so far. This did not happen during Rama's or Krishna's regime. It happened during Radhaji's incarnation. She came down on earth as a three year old girl. Her idol as Chinnari is ready, full adorned! "

" This huge hall costed Rs.2.5 lakhs. I did not plan anything. Mother gave me everything. "

" The little devotee, Rehman was chanting Shyama Shyama. Shyama or Krishna are one and the same.....I am writing a book now. We will print 4000 copies and distribute in whole of India. Do you want to listen to the last few lines? "

'Yes, Nanna.'

That lady is indeed fortunate to hear such important words spoken by Nanna in total bhava.

" We wanted to write 'Maha Brindavan'. When we wrote a little, Mother instructed me to stop. What can I do?... You must not curse or question her... "

'Nanna, Nanna.....'

" I speak whatever I feel. She must take care of right or wrong. We simply follow whatever She says. Rehman did what She instructed. "

'Yes, Nanna. There is no human effort. Only Mother.....'.

'Then She must be present all the time...'

" Yes, She is somewhere inside, not in this body. Don't try to define features..... "

'Nanna, actually, I could not understand.....'

" Sakhi is different, this body is different. This is linked to the three gunas. "

'At one time, not now. At this stage, even your body is not linked to any gunas.'

" Last night you read the episode where the girl left the body and went away. What does it mean? What did she leave?.......Not the form. The external body remains like that only; the sakhi body goes away. Without Mother.... (Nanna was weeping). They exist together. Don't compare them. Did you understand? "

Nanna said ....

" this body is still present. It did not become Sakhi. Sakhi is inside. "

Nanna said ....

His words about the sakhi form within him are difficult to understand. When I asked to explain in detail, he gave the example of caterpillar and butterfly. The external cover is caterpillar' butterfly comes out from inside. The butterfly sheds its covering and flies away. In the same way, the inner sakhi leaves this body associated with the gunas and goes near Mother. I asked him the previous night 'Nanna, you said that nobody can go near Mother with this body. Then how did Shyamanandji go there? His body could not be traced after his death.' Nanna replied 'As he left this body, the organs would have merged with the five elements and he would have gone to her as a sakhi. When the butterfly is formed, the caterpillar does not exist anymore!'

" This sakhi moves about. Mother and Radha sakhi dance together. Where is Sakhi at that time? She is definitely not in this body. "

Though Radha Devi came down to earth, she is shining in Her Rasa dham. In the same way, though Radha sakhi is present in Nanna's divine body, she is also shining in her original abode, Rasa dham. She is simultaneously present in both places. The sakhi in the form of a little girl within Nanna moves in all the worlds and participates as a partner is Radhaji's rasa. It is not possible to define sakhi in one particular way. That is why he told me not to search for any resemblances. On 11.9.2002, Anajani Amma had a vision of Nanna in his sakhi form, dancing with Radhaji.' This divine incident indicated who Nanna is!

" Sakhi is somewhere inside; not in this body. "

That means there is a body related to gunas, Sakhi being formed inside and a sakhi somewhere inside.....This is what his words imply! Radhasakhi tattwa is also as infinite and deep as Radha tattwa.

Nanna constantly moved in the blissful world of rasa. We would speak worldly matters with him. How much that sensitive sakhi would have been hurt by our words!

" We must mention that Mother came down to earth only for upliftment of human beings. It appears that the incarnation of Radhika Prasad Maharaj is only to show Mother's grace to the world. He is the one who gave her through these books. "

" The devotees from S.Kota composed a song. It conveys that I came here because Radhaji sent me. There is nothing wrong in mentioning that she sent me for the welfare of mankind. Our books should aim at propaganda of her glory for all time. The books should be printed in English and other regional languages also. "

'Nanna, what is the message conveyed by him?'

" Mother wants service more than anything else. "

We recollected a song composed by Nanna on seva soon after he read this story.


Varamicchi brovanga vedukondunu Thalli
Hey hurudayavasi Sri Radharo
Arthitho nee seva cheyajali jeevi
Thapamulu cheyu sarthakamu ledaya

Mother, you are residing in my heart. I pray to you to grant me a boon and bless me. Without doing your seva (service) with utmost devotion, penance has no value



" Seva is so important. Mother is very fond of her service, more than chanting her name or anything else. This is her message. "

Anjani amma recalled another song composed by Nanna.


Paramadhbhutame kada shyamananduni leela
Brinda kishori Hridyavihari
Leela sindhu needu roopam
Rasamaya Chandra kishori karunarasa sindho.

Mother, you are filled with rasa and shower your mercy. Your form is your leela! Shymanandaji's leela is indeed supremely wonderful!



" More than Prasad, more than pilgrimages, the Rasika devotee wants.....What is the message conveyed by Mother through Gulab Baba's leela? We must surrender our lives in her seva for her idol installation, for spreading her name, for propagating her divine principles....... "

" She is 'Bhaktanugrahakatara'. She is always eager to bless her devotees. This is the main goal in her life. So, the term Bhaktanugrahakatara' is born from her life! Man's life is not for his family pleasures but for God's service only. This is the secret of Gulab Baba's life. Radhika Prasad's life also moves in the same direction of seva. He offers different kinds of seva to 60-70 persons each day..... "

" Mother Seva is of two kinds-direct and indirect. The highest of all sevas is self surrender to her. You must have devotion with surrender on the basis of Tatsukhena sukhitwan. You must love all living being in this way. You ego will disappear. This bhava will give you immense peace. "

" Kulachandra is a Mahatma among Mahatmas, Yogi among Yogis. Rasika Mahatma among rasika devotees. Mother has so much love towards him. Such leelas of rasa are indeed the divine fruits from the tree of Sri Radha bhava. She came down as a three year old girl to distribute the juice (Rasa) of these fruits to the human beings. Every step, every word, ever glance of Radhaji is only for welfare of the world. "

" Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe. "

Nanna sang so melodiously. Nanna was speaking in a continuous flow. When I tried to interrupt him to eat something and continue, he refused. 'Sentence after sentence is flowing within me and I am dictating the same. If you disturb or change it, it amounts to defying devotion.

" When the reader reads your book, bhava will awaken in him. Indirect seva is not ordinary seva. It is not visible. We need to do indirect seva. The world does not need keys, there are enough. Why did Harirama Vyasaji throw all the books in Yamuna River? "

'His life taught him more than the books.'

" He simply said 'Your words have more value; these books are useless.' You must understand that books have no value. That is not done by him but by Mother. Everybody does not have bhava; that is why they hold on to these objects. You cannot obtain divine nectar easily. We have only jaggery syrup in this world, not divine nectar. We will drink that syrup only. "

" I will speak about superimposition of Radha bhava very soon. "

Every word he uttered declares who Nanna is. He told the purpose of his life. 'It appears that Radhika Prasad Maharaj's incarnation is only to show the world about Mother's grace.' 'There is nothing wrong in writing like this.' With these words, he clarified that he came down only for the welfare of the world.

Nanna spoke about Kulachandra in a peculiar state of bhava. Sentence after sentence is flowing within me. He let us know the flow of that bhava. Since this is Mother's Prasad, he cautioned that changing any word would amount to defying devotion.

'Raseswari Sri Radha' which Nanna wrote during his last days is not an ordinary book. He had visions of the leelas of Rehman, Shyamanandaji and Kulachandra and dictated in that bhava. That is why as he spoke about Kulachandra he began to sing Radhe Radhe Radhe in a blissful state of rasa. Worshipping Sri Radha rasa is the divine fruit which cannot be attained so easily. Only by his grace, we are able to utter Radhe Radhe. We should not limit ourselves to little Gods and be satisfied with the syrup here. We need the divine nectar. Sri Radha rasa! Nanna provided us this boon without our asking!

" Kulachandra learnt only one philosophical lesson - superimposition. Many people are not aware of this. In such a state, I actually held a huge snake in my arms in S.Kota. "

" Nobody in any temple adorned Mother with a crown. Nobody on earth started an organization to chant Mother's name as long as the Sun and the Moon exist. "

" I am linked to Mother permanently, throughout my life due to dhyana. I shall invite Mother for the idol installation ceremony. Mother within...She must be present in the position of President, well adorned and draped in silk saree. I must see all the three... "

While speaking about idol installation ceremony, Nanna told that Anjani amma would perform the function. He decided in advent that the ceremony would be held after he went near Radhaji. He indicated that Anjani amma should perform the ceremony as the President (of ashram) well adorned in a silk saree. Well, we saw what Nanna envisioned in future that day really came true!

Nanna spoke about Sri Radha Mahalakshmi amma (popularly known as photo amma)

" There is a lake in Himalayas, Manasa Sarovar. She took a dip in that holy water and returned one evening, while we were in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. She was so cold that we could not even touch her. Water was dripping from her hair. Another time, she publicly showed us golden dust falling down from her hand. We preserved that dust even till date. Her leelas are not ordinary ones. 'I can give you gold like this. Why should you beg anybody for money? Don't ask anything.' Mother made me construct a building in Brindavan worth Rs. 50 lakhs without asking a single penny. Mother gave me everything. We are holding smaller gods. Do you now understand how the smaller Gods are? "

'Yes, Nanna.'

One devotee requested Nanna to speak about sakshi bhava (detachment).

" Nobody could practice detachment. Even Shiva and Brahma failed. Our religious scripture are a testimony for this fact. Sakshi bhava is very difficult. Arjuna asked Krishna 'You told Bhagawad Gita. I listened. Now tell me whether I should fight in this battle or not?' 'Yathecchasi tatha kuru - do whatever you feel.' That is Krishna's sense of detachment. It is not possible to explain this bhava. That is why he left that place. Krishna could not describe Sakshi bhava to Arjuna. He gave Bhagawad Gita to him but not sakshi bhava. When Arjuna cried for his dead son, he failed. It means that he did not understand the Gita. When my six year old son died, I personally took him to the burial ground, buried him and covered him with is very difficult. "

Nanna told about the miracles performed by Hanumayamma amma garu. Though she was sitting here with everybody physically, she would spiritually go till Manas sarovar, take a dip in the holy Ganges and return back. Everybody was surprised to see her in wet clothes and water dripping from her hair. If Radhaskahi declared that 'her leelas are not ordinary ones', what a great person she must be!

Nanna told how Brahma, Shiva and Arjuna failed because they could not adopt sakshi bhava. They could not practice passivity. Nanna is a live example of Sakshi bhava. He proved this by remaining passive even when his son died. Such a Mahatma, the Radha sakhi came near us as Nanna and took us into his hear.


Adidevatha niin siddhi mukthulu nenu koranu
Needu sevaye nakosangi adukonave nannu devi
Nannubrovave thalli na hrudayavasini
Nee dhyana sukhame ne moru bhagyambu.

Hey Devi ! I don't desire siddihis or mukthi. Please grant me the opportunity to serve you. You are always in my heart. I desire only the pleasure of your dhyana.



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